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Java Property file parser and writer for Python

jProperties for Python |pypi-badge|

jProperties is a Java Property file parser and writer for Python. It aims to provide the same functionality as Java's Properties class <>_, although currently the XML property format is not supported.

.. sectnum:: .. contents:: Table of Contents


You can install jProperties using pip <>_::

pip install jproperties


Objects of the type Properties can be used like a Python dictionary (but see Caveats_ below). The load() method populates the object by parsing input in the Java Property file format; the store() method writes the key-value pairs stored in the object to a stream in the same format.

The load() and store() methods both take an encoding parameter. By default this is set to iso-8859-1, but it can be set to any encoding supported by Python, including e. g. the widely used utf-8.

Parsing a property file +++++++++++++++++++++++

.. code:: python

from jproperties import Properties

p = Properties()
with open("", "rb") as f:
    p.load(f, "utf-8")

That's it, p now can be used like a dictionary containing properties from

Writing a property file +++++++++++++++++++++++

.. code:: python

from jproperties import Properties

p = Properties()
p["foobar"] = "A very important message from our sponsors: Python is great!"

with open("", "wb") as f:, encoding="utf-8")

Reading from and writing to the same file-like object +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

.. code:: python

from jproperties import Properties

with open("", "r+b") as f:
    p = Properties()
    p.load(f, "utf-8")

    # Do stuff with the p object...
    f.truncate(0), encoding="utf-8")

Special features

Metadata ++++++++

The property file parser supports including programmatically readable and settable metadata in property files. Metadata for a key is represented as a Python dictionary; the keys and values of this dictionary should be strings, although when the property file is written, all non-string objects will be converted to strings. This is a one-way conversion; when the metadata is read back again during a load(), all keys and values will be treated as simple strings.

By default, the store() method does not write out the metadata. To enable that feature, set the keyword argument strip_meta=False when calling the method.

Note that metadata support is always enabled. The only thing that is optional is actually writing out the metadata.

Metadata keys beginning with two underscores (__) are not written to the output stream by the store() method. Thus, they can be used to attach "runtime-only" metadata to properties. Currently, however, metadata with such keys is still read from the input stream by load(); this should probably be considered erroneous behaviour.

Documenting Properties ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The comments after a property definition can be added to the metadata with the key _doc if the metadoc=True optional argument is given to the load method. This allows properties to be documented in the properties file. For example, the properties file::

#: _severity=fatal
10001=Fatal internal error: %s
# A fatal internal error occurred.  Please re-run the command
# with the -D option to generate additional debug information.

The following example code shows how this documentation can be accessed.

.. code:: python

from jproperties import Properties

p = Properties()
with open("", "rb") as f:
    p.load(f, "utf-8", metadoc=True)
# Print the explicitly defined '_severity' metadata
print("Severity: ", p.getmeta("10001")['_severity'])
# Print the implicitly defined '_doc' metadata
print("Explanation: ", p.getmeta("10001")['_doc'])

The documentation can be extracted from properties files and used to generate pages in the overall system documentation or can be accessed via options for command line utilities.

Caveats ^^^^^^^

Metadata support influences how Properties objects are used as dictionary objects:

  • To set a value for a key, do prop_object[key] = value or prop_object[key] = value, metadata. The first form will leave the key's metadata unchanged. You can also use the setmeta() method to set a key's metadata.
  • To get the value of a key, do value, metadata = prop_object[key]. If there is no metadata for a key, metadata will be an empty dictionary. To retrieve only the metadata for a key, the getmeta() method can be used.
  • When used as an iterator, Properties objects will simply return all keys in an unspecified order. No metadata is returned (but can be retrieved using getmeta()).

Setting defaults ++++++++++++++++

The internal dictionary holding the key-value pairs can be accessed using the properties property. Deleting that property deletes all key-value pairs from the object.

However, modifying properties using this special property will not modify metadata in any way. That means that deleting properties by doing del[key] will not remove the associated metadata from the object. Instead, do del prop_obj[key].

The properties property is nevertheless useful to set many default values before parsing a property file:

.. code:: python

from jproperties import Properties

prop_obj = Properties() = a_big_dictionary_with_defaults
file_obj ="", "rb", "iso-8859-1")
prop_obj.load(file_obj, encoding=None)

Development ++++++++++++++++

If you want to help development, there is overview documentation <./DEVELOPMENT.rst>_

Version history

Version 2.1.1 +++++++++++++

  • Compatibility with Python 3.10. (#10_)
  • Documentation improvements. (#13_)
  • Support decoding surrogate pairs on narrow Python builds (such as Python 2.7 on Mac OS X). (#14_)

Version 2.1.0 +++++++++++++

  • Add support for optional documentation comments (see Documenting Properties). Thanks to @mkrohan! (#5)

Version 2.0.0 +++++++++++++

  • Python 3 support! Thanks to @tboz203, who did a lot of the work. (#1_)
  • Drop support for Python 2.6.

Version 1.0.1 +++++++++++++

  • This is the first "proper" PyPI release, with proper PyPI metadata and proper PyPI distributions. Nothing else has changed.

Version 1.0 +++++++++++

  • Initial release

.. _#5: .. _#1: .. _#10: .. _#13: .. _#14:

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