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Simple Python Chess Program
Introducing "JeffProd Simple Python Chess Program" running in command line. You can play a full game versus it. Run it with the command : ./
It supports actually :
- promote
- under-promote
- capture "en passant"
Commands are :
- new to start a new game
- e2e4 or e7e8q for example to move a piece. Promotes are q,r,n,b for queen, rook, knight, bishop
- undomove to cancel the last move
- legalmoves to show legal moves for side to move
- go requests the engine to play now
- setboard fen to set the board as the FEN position given
- getboard to export the current FEN position
- sd x to set the depth search
- perft x to test the move generator (x = search depth)
- quit... to quit
Things to do :
- move ordering
- quiescent search
- 50 moves rule
- 3 repetitions rule
- time settings
- opening book
Requirements :
- Python 3
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