args copied to clipboard
add copy constructors and/or move semantics to support modern C++ auto expresions
I'd love to write this:
auto parser = args::ArgumentParser(
"Benchmark a BFS graph search on a knureon complex"
auto help = args::HelpFlag(
"Display this help menu",
{'h', "help"}
auto args::ValueFlag<uint32_t>(
"The seed to initialize the random number generator",
auto scale = args::ValueFlag<uint32_t>(
"The logarithm base two of the number of vertices",
{'s', "scale"}
auto edgefactor = args::ValueFlag<uint32_t>(
"The ratio of the graph’s edge count to its vertex count",
{'e', "edgefactor"}
as I find it easier to read and encourages the use of auto everywhere.
I agree entirely (at the very least, it should be available). This should be doable without breaking BC. I think it probably makes more sense to have the factories live on the parser, though, more like
auto parser = args::ArgumentParser(
"Benchmark a BFS graph search on a knureon complex"
auto help = parser.HelpFlag(
"Display this help menu",
{'h', "help"}
auto seed = parser.ValueFlag<uint32_t>(
"The seed to initialize the random number generator",