Joan Gibert
Joan Gibert
I see in the docs that you can use `$perf` to recreate a ROC curve but I was wondering if there is a way to include the CI in the...
Since it seems that `Mish` activation works nicely in Segmentation tasks. I would like to add it to the learner as performed [here]( I will take a look how this...
Hi! First, thanks for the great resource. I was wondering how difficult would be to implement the attention results they show in the Fig. 6 and Fig 13 of the...
Thanks for the great tool. I am getting problems for running the different version of the model. If I do: `python --which_splits 5foldcv --split_dir SCLC --mode pathomic --reg_type pathomic...
Hi, I am generating binary masks for .svs files. I see in your code that you could use them in .jpg or .dcm files to tile for ROI. Is there...
Thanks for the great tool. I was wondering if there is a way to add timeline data (like lab_test) in the "Compare groups" analysis of clinical data. By default, the...
I was wondering which kind of files do you used in this colon cancer implementation. I see the `` so I guess do you somehow transform the images? Did yo...