no activity for a long time. closing
do you mean this [`CubeChatConnection.instance.connectionStateStream`](https://developers.connectycube.com/flutter/messaging?id=connect-to-chat) listener? could you please provide the log with the 'timeout' issue you say? can you reproduce the same issue in our [Chat Sample](https://github.com/ConnectyCube/connectycube-flutter-samples/tree/master/chat_sample)?
the reconnection manager will try to reconnect after losing the connection (the state changes to the `ForceClosed`), does the reconnection manager try to reconnect? do you receive the updated state...
could you please provide the full log that contains the described issue?
Could you please describe the feature you need this functionality for?
@behzodfaiziev unfortunately we already used this parameter in our project and the issue still reproduces. check one more time on your side the starting the call from the killed app...
@behzodfaiziev understood, no problem)))
Looks like we found the solution for our plugin. We take a peek at the solution from the [flutter_callkit_incoming](https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_callkit_incoming). That is this part of the [code](https://github.com/hiennguyen92/flutter_callkit_incoming/blob/master/ios/Classes/SwiftFlutterCallkitIncomingPlugin.swift#L288-L294): ```dart var userInfo :...
@1cue-jrupp this solution already implemented in flutter_callkit_incoming, we have applyed it in our plugin and the problem stopped reproducing
we need logs as much as possible to better understand what happens in your app. > Tried this: https://developers.connectycube.com/flutter/messaging?id=reconnection. This is not working. what it means? do you try `CubeChatConnection.instance.relogin();`...