tasker_config_utils copied to clipboard
Utils to extract information and modify Tasker App XML files.
This is a project that provides bash util script(s) to extract information and modify Tasker App XML files. Check Tasker XML Info for more info on how Tasker App XML files work.
- Compatibility
- Dependencies
- Downloads
- Install Instructions For Termux In Android
- tasker_config_utils Script Usage
- Current Features
- Planned Features
- Issues
- Worthy Of Note
- FAQs And FUQs
- Changelog
- Contributions
- Android using Termux App.
- Linux distros.
- Windows using cygwin.
- Android users should install Termux App.
- Windows users should install cygwin and use cygwin shell to run scripts.
variant ofsed
should be installed in your system.- Termux (non-root shell):
apt install sed
- Linux distros:
sudo apt install sed
- Windows: It should ideally be installed by default with cygwin. If not, then run cygwin installer and search package and install.
- Termux (non-root shell):
Latest version is v0.5.0
Install Instructions For Termux In Android
The tasker_config_utils
file should be placed in termux bin
directory /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin
It should have termux
ownership and have executable 700
permission before it can be run directly without bash
Download the
Download to termux bin directory directly from github using
using a non-root termux shell.-
Latest release:
curl -L 'https://github.com/Taskomater/tasker_config_utils/releases/latest/download/tasker_config_utils' -o "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/tasker_config_utils"
Specific release:
curl -L 'https://github.com/Taskomater/tasker_config_utils/releases/download/v0.1.0/tasker_config_utils' -o "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/tasker_config_utils"
Master Branch may be unstable:
curl -L 'https://github.com/Taskomater/tasker_config_utils/raw/master/tasker_config_utils' -o "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/tasker_config_utils"
file manually from github to the android download directory and then copy it to termux bin directory.You can download the
file from a github release from theAssets
dropdown menu.You can also download it from a specific github branch/tag by opening the
file from theCode
Right-click or hold theRaw
button at the top and selectDownload/Save link
.Then copy the file to termux bin directory using
command below or use a root file browser to manually place it.cat "/storage/emulated/0/Download/tasker_config_utils" > "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/tasker_config_utils"
ownership executable permissions.-
If you used a
to copy the file, then use a non-root termux shell to set ownership and permissions withchown
commands respectively:export termux_bin_path="/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin"; export owner="$(stat -c "%u" "$termux_bin_path")"; chown "$owner:$owner" "$termux_bin_path/tasker_config_utils" && chmod 700 "$termux_bin_path/tasker_config_utils";
If you used a root file browser to copy the file, then use
to start a root shell to set ownership and permissions withchown
commands respectively:export termux_bin_path="/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin"; export owner="$(stat -c "%u" "$termux_bin_path")"; su -c "chown \"$owner:$owner\" \"$termux_bin_path/tasker_config_utils\" && chmod 700 \"$termux_bin_path/tasker_config_utils\"";
Or manually set them with your root file browser. You can find
by running the commandid -u
in a non-root termux shell or by checking the properties of the termuxbin
directory from your root file browser.
tasker_config_utils Script Usage
You may optionally run the script placed in the current directory without setting the ownership and permission by running the command bash tasker_config_utils
If you are not running the script in termux, set the shebang of the script correctly (the first line of the script).
Any full exported tasker config passed to the script must have been generated using the Data->Backup
Tasker menu option or the Data Backup
action. The script will not work with autobackups
since those contain XML nodes that are collapsed to a single line with no indentations. If you have an autobackup
, then import that into Tasker and export a backup manually again with one of the ways mentioned earlier. This does not apply for exported project, task, profile or scene files.
tasker_config_utils [ -h | --help ]
tasker_config_utils [ --version ]
tasker_config_utils command [command_options]
Available commands:
extract_tag extract tags from tasker config XML file
convert_project convert project into a non-standalone project
generate_config_info generate a markdown config info file for a
given tasker config XML file
Use "tasker_config_utils command [ -h | --help ]" for more help about
a command.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag
tasker_config_utils extract_tag
command is used to extract tags of nodes from a tasker config file.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag command is used to extract tags of
nodes from a tasker config XML file.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag [command_options] tasker_config
Available command_options:
[ -h | --help ] display this help screen
[ -v | -vv ] set verbose level to 1 or 2
[ -a ] extract Project node tag
[ -e ] extract tags from entire node
[ -n ] print entire extracted nodes
[ -p ] extract Profile node tag
[ -s ] extract Task node tag
[ -t ] extract Scene node tag
[ --nodes_print_command=<command> ]
extracted nodes print sed command to
be used with '-n' option
[ --node=<node> ]
node to extract
[ --tag=<tag> ]
tag to extract
[ --pre_tag=<regex> ]
pre tag sed regex to match while
extracting tag
[ --post_tag=<regex> ]
post tag sed regex to match while
extracting tag
tasker_config should be the path to a Tasker "Data Backup" XML
file. It must be an exported "Data Backup" and not an auto backup.
The options '-a', '-p', '-s', '-t' and '--node' set the
extraction_node of the extract_tag command. One of them must
be passed.
For the option '-a', the default tag is 'name'. For all others,
the default tag is 'nme'.
By default tags will only be extracted from the node itself and not
any of its sub nodes. Multi-line tags can be extracted. However,
this only allows the first tag of the same type to be extracted
from each node.
The '-e' option can be passed to extract tags from the node and its
sub nodes. Only single line tags can be extracted. However, this
allows multiple tags of the same type to be extracted from each node.
The '-n' option will print the entire extracted nodes instead of just
printing the tag. The print mode used by sed can be set using
'--nodes_print_command', it defaults to "p".
If you are passing '--tag', '--pre_tag' or '--post_tag' options with
the '-e' option, it might be helpful to pass '-vv' for verbose mode
so that the matching nodes can also be printed on the console in
addition to the extracted tag values or use the '-n' option to just
print entire nodes instead of just tags.
Set verbose level to 1 or 2 to get more info when running
tasker_config_utils extract_tag command.
Extract all profile names.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -p "config.xml"
Extract all scene names.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -s "config.xml"
Extract all task names.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -t "config.xml"
Extract all project names.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -a "config.xml"
Extract all task names with "Run Both Together" collision handling.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -t --post_tag='<rty>2<\/rty>' "config.xml"
Extract all scene names from the project "Base".
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -a --pre_tag='<name>Base<\/name>' --tag=scenes "config.xml"
Extract all profile, scene and task names from tasker_config.
tasker_config="config.xml"; echo -e "Profiles:"; tasker_config_utils extract_tag -p "$tasker_config"; echo -e "\nScenes:"; tasker_config_utils extract_tag -s "$tasker_config"; echo -e "\nTasks:"; tasker_config_utils extract_tag -t "$tasker_config";
Extract all task labels, then pipe output to sed to convert XML special characters to ascii.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag --node='Action' --tag='label' "config.xml" | sed -e 's/&/\&/g' -e 's/</</g' -e 's/>/>/g'
Extract all task "Anchor" action labels, then pipe output to sed to convert XML special characters to ascii.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag --node='Action' --pre_tag='<code>300<\/code>' --tag='label' "config.xml" | sed -e 's/&/\&/g' -e 's/</</g' -e 's/>/>/g'
Extract all task "Anchor" action labels that are first action (act0) of tasks, then pipe output to sed to convert XML special characters to ascii.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag --node='Action' --pre_tag='sr="act0".*<code>300<\/code>' --tag='label' "config.xml" | sed -e 's/&/\&/g' -e 's/</</g' -e 's/>/>/g'
Extract all scene tap events anonymous task ids.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -s -e --tag='itemclickTask' "config.xml"
Extract all scene anonymous task ids.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -s -e --tag='[a-zA-Z0-9]+Task' "config.xml"
Extract profile id of profile using entry task with task id 666 and also print the matching profile nodes.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -p -e --tag="id" --post_tag='<mid0>666<\/mid0>' -vv "config.xml"
Extract all "Java Function" action nodes.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -en --node="Action" --tag="-" --post_tag='<code>664<\/code>' "config.xml"
Extract all "Java Function" action nodes and print ending line number.
tasker_config_utils extract_tag -en --node="Action" --tag="-" --post_tag='<code>664<\/code>' --nodes_print_command='{s/(.*)/\1\n\n/;{=;p;}}' "config.xml"
tasker_config_utils convert_project
tasker_config_utils convert_project
command is used to convert a project into a non-standalone project so that it does not have profiles, scenes and tasks that were originally not in the project in the tasker config. The details on how this works is in the function header of the script.
The reason why this is needed is because of some issues in the export Project
XML design. The problem is that say you have 3 projects. project 1 and 2 use common helper profiles, tasks and scenes which are all defined in project 3. Now if you export project 1 and 2 and share it with someone. They will only be able to import project 1 and importing project 2 will fail because when they imported project 1 some or all the helper tasks from project 3 were also imported, now they can't import project 2 because Tasker config already contains tasks with the same name.
Moreover when project 1 is imported, the tasks from project 1 and 3 are mixed inside the same project. This creates a mess and destroys the purpose of separate projects.
There should be a way to export projects with only tasks, scenes and profiles referenced inside the same project only. This way each project 1, 2 and 3 can be exported separately and imported separately so that there aren't any conflicts when importing. The temporary missing references would not be that big of a problem as long as the projects containing the missing tasks, scenes and profiles are also imported next.
Moreover, the order of the profiles and tasks in their respective tabs is not saved when sharing projects, at least currently. The order and id of profiles and tasks belonging to a project is saved in its Project
node of the Tasker config file in the <pids>
and <tids>
tags respectively. When you export a Project
XML file, the order is the same as the one in the Tasker config file. But when you import the XML file into a different device, the ids are changed for all profiles and tasks so that there is not any conflict with the ids already existing in the Tasker config of the device. Ideally new ids should be assigned in the same order as they exist in the Project
XML file but there are not currently resulting in loss of sort order.
It might be helpful if you upvoted the Tasker Feature Request for these issues if you think this is something you would like to have so that support for this can be added directly in Tasker and this potentially unsafe XML modification is not needed. João is already aware of this but its not a high priority feature for him currently.
tasker_config_utils convert_project command is used to convert a
project into a non-standalone project so that it does not have
profiles, scenes and tasks that were originally not in the project
in the tasker_config. tasker_config must be an exported data backup
and not an auto backup.
tasker_config_utils convert_project [command_options] tasker_config \
current_exported_tasker_project new_exported_tasker_project \
Available command_options:
[ -h | --help ] display this help screen
[ -v | -vv ] set verbose level to 1 or 2
tasker_config should be the path to a Tasker "Data Backup" XML
file. It must be an exported "Data Backup" and not an auto backup.
current_exported_tasker_project should be the path to a Tasker
exported "Project" XML file that needs to be converted. It must
have been exported from Tasker with a config that is the same as
the tasker_config file.
new_exported_tasker_project should be the path to the output
"Project" XML file.
project_name should be the Tasker project name which was exported
to current_exported_tasker_project. Its project node must exist
inside both the tasker_config and current_exported_tasker_project
files. Its Project node in the current_exported_tasker_project
should also have a 'sr' value of 'proj0'.
Set verbose level to 1 or 2 to get more info when running
tasker_config_utils convert_project command.
Usage Flow:
Create a Tasker "Data Backup". Example: "config.xml".
Export Tasker "Foo Bar" Project. It should by default be exported to
Place both files in same directory and run following command:
`tasker_config_utils convert_project -v "config.xml" \
"Foo_Bar.prf.xml" "Foo_Bar-out.prf.xml" "Foo Bar"`
Optionally use the "Convert Tasker Project File To Non-Standalone
Project File" task from the "TR_Tasker_Config_Utils" project to
convert a project file or use the
"Export Tasker Project XML Files To Android Storage?" task to
automatically export non-standalone projects.
- Convert a project file into a non-standalone project file.
tasker_config_utils convert_project -v "config.xml" "Foo_Bar.prf.xml" "Foo_Bar-out.prf.xml" "Foo Bar"
tasker_config_utils generate_config_info
tasker_config_utils generate_config_info
command is used to generate a markdown config info file for a given Tasker XML file.
Generated config info file will contain:
- Export info like tasker version and timestamp.
- Names of all profiles, scenes and tasks in the config or project.
- Profiles info like their settings, entry and exit tasks, etc.
- Tasks info like their settings, the label of the first action of the task if its an anchor action as help, etc.
More info will be added later.
tasker_config_utils generate_config_info command is used to generate
a markdown config info file for a given tasker config XML file.
Generated config info file will contain:
1) Export info like tasker version and timestamp.
2) Names of all profiles, scenes and tasks in the project.
3) Profiles Info like their settings, entry and exit tasks, etc.
4) Tasks Info like their settings, the label of the first action of
the task if its an anchor action as task help, etc.
tasker_config_utils generate_config_info [command_options] -a \
exported_tasker_config exported_tasker_config_info
tasker_config_utils generate_config_info [command_options] -p \
exported_tasker_config exported_tasker_config_info project_name
Available command_options:
[ -h | --help ] display this help screen
[ --help-extra ] display more help about how this command works
[ -v | -vv ] set verbose level to 1 or 2
[ -a ] extract all info
[ -c ] put task help in a code block
[ -m ] create sha256sums file config xml and info files
[ -p ] extract info of a specific project
[ -s ] add script signature at end of config info file
[ --text_description=<description> ]
text description of config
[ --code_description=<description> ]
code description of config
[ --sha256sums_file=<path> ]
path to sha256sums file
The options '-a' and '-p' set the generate_config_info_mode of the
generate_config_info command. One of them must be passed.
The '-a' option sets the generate_config_info_mode to "all"
mode. If this is passed, then exported_tasker_config can be any
type of exported Tasker XML file like a "Data Backup", "Profile",
"Project", "Task" or a "Scene" XML file of which config info needs to
be generated. The info of all profiles, scenes and tasks inside the
file will be generated. This is likely going to take some time
depending on XML file size.
The '-p' option sets the generate_config_info_mode to "project"
mode. If this is passed, then exported_tasker_config should be
the path to a Tasker exported "Project" XML file of which the
config info needs to be generated. You may optionally pass a
Tasker "Data Backup" XML file instead. Only the info of profiles,
scenes and tasks belonging to the project will be generated. The
project_name should be the Tasker project name which was exported to
current_exported_tasker_config. Its project node must exist inside
the exported_tasker_config file.
exported_tasker_config_info should be the path to the output project
info markdown file.
The '-c' option will surround the task help in a code block. By
default the help should be in markdown format.
The '-s' option will add a script signature containing a link to the
script repo at the end.
The string passed with the '--text_description' option will be added
under the 'Description' heading at the start.
The string passed with the '--code_description' option will be added
under the 'Code Description' heading at the end in a markdown code
The '-m' option will create a sha256sum file for exported_tasker_config
and exported_tasker_config_info files. The sha256sum file will by
default be created in same directory as exported_tasker_config_info
and the same basename except with a '.sha256sums' extension but a path can
be passed with '--sha256sums_file' option. If '-m' is not passed, then
the sha256sums of the exported_tasker_config xml file will be added to
the exported_tasker_config_info file instead.
Set verbose level to 1 or 2 to get more info when running
tasker_config_utils generate_config_info command.
Usage Flow 1:
Create a Tasker "Data Backup". Example: "config.xml".
Run following command:
`tasker_config_utils generate_config_info -v -a "config.xml" \
Usage Flow 2:
Export Tasker "Foo Bar" Project. It should by default be exported to
Run following command:
`tasker_config_utils generate_config_info -v -p "Foo_Bar.prf.xml" \
"Foo_Bar-out.prf.md" "Foo Bar"`
Optionally use the
"Export Tasker Project XML Files To Android Storage?" and
"Export Tasker Task XML Files To Android Storage?" tasks from the
"TR_Tasker_Config_Utils" project to automatically create config info
files on export.
Generate a markdown config info file for a given tasker config file.
tasker_config_utils generate_config_info -v -a "config.xml" "config.md"
Generate a markdown config info file of a specific project.
tasker_config_utils generate_config_info -v -p "Foo_Bar.prf.xml" "Foo_Bar-out.prf.md" "Foo Bar"
Current Features
- Extract tags and nodes from tasker config XML files.
- Convert a project into a non-standalone project.
- Generate a markdown config info file for a given tasker config XML file.
Planned Features
- Add more info to the generated markdown config info file.
- Sort profiles, scenes and task nodes.
Worthy Of Note
Check FAQs_And_FUQs.md file for the Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) and Frequently Unasked Questions(FUQs).
Check CHANGELOG.md file for the Changelog.