Lee Belbin
Lee Belbin
Post Zoom 11/7/2023, I have aligned the Source Authority with the suggested syntax: bdq:sourceAuthority is "DCMI Type Vocabulary" [https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-type-vocabulary/] to bdq:sourceAuthority is "Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)" {[https://www.dublincore.org/]} {DCMI Type...
Splitting bdqffdq:Information Elements into "Information Elements ActedUpon" and "Information Elements Consulted". Also changed "Field" to "TestField", "Output Type" to "TestType" and updated "Specification Last Updated"
Seems ok to me. Changed Source Authority and Expected Response accordingly.
There are anomalies and inconsistencies between this test and #41. My feelings- 1. We don't have a Parameter, thence no bdq:sourceAuthority so reference to that in Expected Response is not...
Notes amended accordingly.
Changed "AMENDED" to "FILLED_IN" in accordance with discussions April 16.
Based on @chicoreus email August 31, then INTERNAL _PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY or dwc:year is EMPTY or is uninterpretable as a valid year; FILLED_IN the value of dwc:eventDate...
Expected Response updated as per above with minor edit- INTERNAL _PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY or dwc:year is EMPTY or is not interpretable as a valid year; FILLED_IN the...
More discussion today on this suggests we can interpret dwc:month from Roman numerals and @ArthurChapman said that using Roman numerals for month is not unusual, so we have amended the...
I've edited the Expected Response according to @tucotuco suggestion: From INTERNAL _PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY or dwc:year is EMPTY or is not interpretable as a valid year; FILLED_IN...