expected icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
expected copied to clipboard

C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions

Results 64 expected issues
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Not sure who should fix it - author of tl::expected or Conan Center. (maybe it should be reported here: https://github.com/conan-io/conan-center-index/issues/new/choose) On Conan Center (https://conan.io/center/recipes?value=tl-expected) there are three versions of tl::expected:...

I would like to inherit from `tl::expected` and add some custom functionality for my use case. However, I have noticed issues with copy/move construction in the derived class (i.e. the...

Proposed fix for https://github.com/TartanLlama/expected/issues/157 Removes general templated constructor overloads from candidate list if constructor arguments are of type `tl::expected` or classes derived from it.

- Fix unequal operator (!=) for comparing two tl::expected values with void as expected value.

This is an update to the more recent NodeJS toolchain within GitHub Actions.

When using tag v1.1.0 and package from pacman, cmake complains that version is 1.0.0 even though version is 1.1.0. Reproduction steps (on arch linux): ```cmake find_package(tl-expected "1.1.0") ``` result: ```...

Hi! More as a nice thing to have than anything, would it be possible somehow to write : ``` tl::optional opt = my_function(...).value_or(tl::nullopt); ``` assuming `my_function` returns a `tl::expected`? I...

How amenable would people be to some kind of "try" functionality? It's described more fully here: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2017/p0779r0.pdf I'm not sure about the status of that paper, but coming from Rust...

``` enum class unexpected_error_find_in_map { NotFound, ShitHappened }; void a_foo(...) { ... } tl::expected function(...) { ... return a_foo(...); } ``` error: could not convert ...(function place and name )...