Daijishou copied to clipboard
Suggestion : Python Script to Import from Batocera to Anbernic
Hi !
Recently got an Anbernic 405M and i'm quite familiar with scrapping and stuff
The idea came to migrate a sample of my collection to Anbernic, I saw in the options to read xml from emulation station (I still didn't get how it read but stil...)
As you know, it's quite a pain to take and rename file one by one to get the cover.
So what I made on my side :
- Step 1: fill a ROMS folder with
like emulation station - Step 2 : Choose and copy the roms in them
- Step 3 : Created a AnbernicImages (which have the same structure than roms, but only for images used)
- Step 4 : run that script I made , be sure to edit the 3 variables at the beginning
import os
import shutil
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
ROMSBatocera = r"D:\batocera\roms"
DossierImagesFinal = r"E:\RETROARCH\AnbernicImages"
image_extensions = ['.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp']
video_extensions = ['.mp4', '.avi', '.mkv']
# Ask the user which images to copy
print("1/3 : Select the ImageType to Copy")
image_types = {
'i': 'image',
'b': 'boxart',
's': 'screenshot',
'c': 'cartridge',
'm': 'mix',
image_choices = input("? ").strip().lower()
# Ask the user if they want the fan art for Wallpaper Purposes?
print("2/3 : Do you want fanarts?")
fanart_choice = input("? ").strip().lower()
# Ask the user if they want to copy videos
print("3/3 : Do you want to copy videos?")
video_choice = input("? ").strip().lower()
# Create a folder for fanart if the user wants it
if fanart_choice == 'y':
fanart_folder = os.path.join(DossierImagesFinal, "FANART")
os.makedirs(fanart_folder, exist_ok=True)
# Loop through the directories in ROMSAnbernic
for folder in os.listdir(ROMSAnbernic):
folder_path = os.path.join(ROMSAnbernic, folder)
counterimage = 0
counterfan = 0
countervid = 0
# Find the corresponding gamelist.xml in ROMSBatocera
gamelist_path = os.path.join(ROMSBatocera, folder, 'gamelist.xml')
if not os.path.exists(gamelist_path):
# Parse the gamelist.xml
tree = ET.parse(gamelist_path)
root = tree.getroot()
# Loop through the files in the folder
for item in os.listdir(folder_path):
item_path = os.path.join(folder_path, item)
# Extract the filename from the item path
item_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(item_path))[0].lower()
# Loop through the game nodes and find the one with a matching path
for game_node in root.findall(".//game"):
game_path = game_node.find("path").text.lower()
game_path_normal = game_node.find("path").text
if item_filename in game_path:
rom_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(game_path))[0]
rom_filename_original = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(game_path_normal))[0]
# Loop through the image choices and copy the images if they exist
for choice in image_choices:
image_type = image_types.get(choice)
if image_type:
imagenode = game_node.find(image_type)
if imagenode is not None:
ext = os.path.splitext(imagenode.text)[1]
source_image = os.path.join(ROMSBatocera, folder, imagenode.text.lstrip('./'))
source_image = source_image.replace("/", "\\")
destination_image = os.path.join(DossierImagesFinal, folder, rom_filename_original + ext)
if os.path.exists(source_image):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(destination_image)):
# Create the destination directory if it doesn't exist
if os.path.exists(destination_image):
# Compare the size
imageSizeSource = os.path.getsize(source_image)
imageSizeDestination = os.path.getsize(destination_image)
if imageSizeSource != imageSizeDestination:
shutil.copy(source_image, destination_image)
counterimage = counterimage + 1
# Destination doesn't exist, so copy the file
shutil.copy(source_image, destination_image)
counterimage = counterimage + 1
print(f"Source image does not exist: {source_image}")
# Copy fanart if it exists
if fanart_choice == 'y':
fanart_node = game_node.find("fanart")
if fanart_node is not None:
ext = os.path.splitext(fanart_node.text)[1]
source_fanart = os.path.join(ROMSBatocera, folder, fanart_node.text.lstrip('./'))
source_fanart = source_fanart.replace("/", "\\")
destination_fanart = os.path.join(fanart_folder, rom_filename_original + ext)
if os.path.exists(source_fanart) and not os.path.exists(destination_fanart):
shutil.copy(source_fanart, destination_fanart)
counterfan += 1
# Copy Video if it exists
if video_choice == 'y':
for ext in video_extensions:
video_node = game_node.find("video")
if video_node is not None and video_node.text.lower().endswith(ext):
source_video = os.path.join(ROMSBatocera, folder, video_node.text.lstrip('./'))
source_video = source_video.replace("/", "\\")
destination_video = os.path.join(DossierImagesFinal, folder, rom_filename_original + ext)
if os.path.exists(source_video) and (not os.path.exists(destination_video) or
os.path.getsize(source_video) != os.path.getsize(destination_video)):
shutil.copy(source_video, destination_video)
countervid += 1
print(f"{folder}: {counterimage} images copied, {counterfan} fanart copied, {countervid} videos")
print("Copying Complete Finished")
step5 - it will actually loop over all the roms you had copied, opened the gamelist and look for the imagetype you wanted and copied it with the name of the rom Step 6 - configure Daijishou to sync your roms/read the xml and the image to the folder created
As you notice is tedious to do so
Suggestion :
Make it reliable to understand the actual structure from batocera/emulation station like
./media/image/Wario Land The Shake Dimension-mix.png should be readable by Daijishou ! with that, I shouldn't had to make this script because it appears it didn't worked to get the image. It should be the same name as the rom. -
Use the possibility to load video instead of the youtube in the background
it is a pain to : Sync Folder/Sync XML/Sync Images, A one click solution with the XML should be done and sufficient
- Later on maybe I will do the cleanup job to only rely on the rom you have and dont pollute with unecesserary file
- Also, I wanted to have some fanarts to be able to choose the background with them
- and anticipate the video feature as well :)
I hope you will read and learn from this suggestion