Tao Klerks
Tao Klerks
Timothy Kim asks whether there is a Sublime Text plugin. While there isn't, there is a command-line formatter (for windows by default - compiling in linux/mono may be not-entirely trivial,...
Gerald Guido suggests, on Twitter, that an Eclipse plugin would be nice: https://twitter.com/CozmoTrouble/status/616370842700677121
In a tweet, Brent Ozar notes that there's no option to standardize variable names in a script, eg take the first instance (/declaration) of @Id and change any subsequent references...
A user accidentally ended up in a weird/unintuitive situation on PoorSql.com, when they deleted the value in the "Max Width (chars)" setting. The JS engine interprets this as a target...
Stack Overflow user Steve Chambers has a fascinating use-case for a "add column names to entries in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement" (presumably when the number of insert...
Marvin Eads suggests: Tab joins over 1 from the FROM clause: ``` FROM table JOIN tbl2 ON ....... LEFT JOIN tbl3 ON ...... ```
MySQL supports a (purportedly SQL-standard?) `USING` clause in the `CONVERT` function: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-convert.html Example: ``` sql SELECT convert(`somewhere`.`overtherainbow` using utf8) FROM MyTable ``` Poor man's T-SQL formatter doesn't understand this, and...
The license used (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) is not considered an "Open Source (software) License" by... anyone. It restricts users' ability to distribute "derivative works", and restricts the type of users...
Hi, I added an options page to enable/disable each of the links available. The whole extension is about four times as much code now, but I couldn't really see a...
It would make sense to add a link from this project to the actual chrome extension page you have set up (and vice-versa?): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kdhjgkkaacdhdioocfbpmhjidbinfajj