@hkirat can u review this
on it
> https://github.com/snapview/tokio-tungstenite this might be helpful im assuming yoo @Bot-Rakshit @hkirat can u check the pr #202 i arldy did
yo added docker file and readme
@hkirat can u check now
@siinghd have a look brother
@devsargam yoo learning docker pls check this nah #205
> Hey @TanmayDhobale , have you tested this? yep bro
> Isn't this sidetracked from the initial motive for which this project was made using simpler things for beginner to intermediate-level? nope
In your regular browsing session, there might be cached data or cookies from a previous incorrect OAuth flow that is causing the ``` redirect_uri_mismatch ``` error.