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Moneta - Financial Management for Freelancers
An open source easy to use accounting solution for freelancers, no strings attached.
Moneta is a Windows 10 desktop app :computer: which supports invoicing :page_facing_up:, expenses :money_with_wings:, client management :office: and business reporting :chart_with_upwards_trend:.
App Screenshots
Built With
- Lottie UWP - Lottie Animations for UWP
- iTextSharp-LGPL - Invoice PDF Creation (Temporarily Disabled)
- Microsoft.Data.Sqlite - Local DB
- Windows Community Toolkit - UI Elements
- Newtonsoft.Json - JSON Parsing
- Bogus - Demo Data
- Lottie Files - Lottie Animations
- Chart.js - Dashboard Charts
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 - see the file for details
Initial Scope
- [x] Rewrite core application using UWP to improve overall user experience
- [x] Updates to core UI/UX
- [x] Replace the portable LAMP server needed for MYSQL with SQLite
- [x] Autoupdater - Microsoft Store
- [x] Add support for invoice payment tracking
- [x] Add in-app animations
- [x] Easy invoice searching
- [x] Add business dashboard
- [ ] Increase overall security.
- [ ] Authentication on start
- [ ] Encrypted DB
- [ ] Add non-intrusive, privacy friendly telemetrics to further improve UX
- [ ] High test coverage
- [ ] Print to PDF (
not well supported with UWP, causing following conflict)
Binary analyzer
Error Found: The binary analyzer test detected the following errors:
File iTextSharp.dll has failed the NXCheck check.
Impact if not fixed: If the app doesn’t use the available Windows protections, it can increase the vulnerability of the customer's computer to malware.
How to fix: Apply the required linker options - SAFESEH, DYNAMICBASE, NXCOMPAT, and APPCONTAINER - when you link the app. See links below for more information:
Future Plans
- Private, self-hosted server capabilities
- Native cross platform support a. Android b. iOS / MacOS
Development Notes
Why Decimal
over Double