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plots.py and names of metrics files
The documentations states that The plots shown below can be generated using plots.py file in the repo root. I don't appear to be able to locate this file though.
Also a statistical files metrics to leaf/models/metrics/stat_metrics.csv and leaf/models/metrics/sys_metrics.csv, they appear to be called metrics_stat.csv metrics_sys.csv.
Can you clarify the correct file names please.
I have the same problem...
Have you guys solved this problem?
With a little tweak to the visualization_utils.py I am able to plot some of the figures, though I still think that a critical file is missing.
I am also looking for the plotting script. Has anyone got the script? @PeteBai with visualization_utils.py, are you able to plot the exact figures mentioned in the paper?
I got the same problem...
I got the same problem
you should read the code and change the error. in the main.py file, I believe the following is the right.
you guys please correct the code, I just don't know how to paste the code correctly.
def get_stat_writer_function(ids, groups, num_samples, args):
def writer_fn(num_round, metrics, partition):
num_round, ids, metrics, groups, num_samples, partition, args.metrics_dir, '{}_{}'.format( 'stat',args.metrics_name))
#num_round, ids, metrics, groups, num_samples, partition, args.metrics_dir, '{}_{}'.format(args.metrics_name, 'stat'))
return writer_fn
def get_sys_writer_function(args):
def writer_fn(num_round, ids, metrics, groups, num_samples):
num_round, ids, metrics, groups, num_samples, 'train', args.metrics_dir, '{}_{}'.format('sys',args.metrics_name))
#num_round, ids, metrics, groups, num_samples, 'train', args.metrics_dir, '{}_{}'.format(args.metrics_name, 'sys'))
return writer_fn