invasion copied to clipboard
Various Custom Models
[ ] Human Recon
[ ] Alien Recon
[ ] Alien Defender -
[ ] Alien Medic
[ ] Human Escort
[ ] Alien Escort - Art: Piece 1
[ ] Human Support
[ ] Alien Support
[ ] Human Sapper
[ ] Alien Sapper
[ ] Human Sniper
[ ] Alien Sniper
[ ] Human Pyro - Art: Piece 1
[ ] Alien Pyro
[ ] Human Resupply Station (Ground & Wall) - Art: - Piece 1 (wall)
[ ] Alien Resupply Station (Ground & Wall)
[ ] Human EMP Generator
[ ] Alien EMP Generator
[ ] Human Manned Plasma Gun
[ ] Alien Manned Plasma Gun
[ ] Human Manned Missile Launcher
[ ] Alien Manned Missile Launcher
[ ] Human Manned Shield
[ ] Alien Manned Shield
[ ] Human Shieldwall
[ ] Alien Shieldwall
[ ] Human Resource Pump - Art: Piece 1; Various
[ ] Alien Resource Pump
[ ] Human Respawn Station
[ ] Alien Respawn Station
[ ] Human Tower
[ ] Human Bunker
[ ] Human Sandbag Bunker
[ ] Human Buff Station - Art: Piece 1 | Piece 2 | Piece 4; Screenshot Overlay
[ ] Alien Buff Station
[ ] Human Plasma Sentry Gun
[ ] Alien Plasma Sentry Gun
[ ] Human Rocket Sentry Gun
[ ] Alien Rocket Sentry Gun
[ ] Human Rallyflag
[ ] Alien Rallyflag
[ ] Human Dragon's Teeth
[ ] Human Explosives
[ ] Alien Explosives
[ ] Human Vehicle Gun
[ ] PowerPack
[ ] Human Vehicle Boost
[ ] Alien Vehicle Boost
[ ] Human Auto-repair
[ ] Alien Auto-repair
[ ] Human Wagon
[ ] Alien Wagon
[ ] Human Mortar
[ ] Human Motorcycle
[ ] Walker-Strider
[ ] Skirmisher (Mini-Strider) - Art: Piece 1
[ ] Human Battering Ram
[ ] Alien Battering Ram
[ ] Alien Teleport Station
[ ] Human Siege Tower
[ ] Alien Tank - Art: Piece 1
[ ] Human Flatbed
[x] Human Burst Rifle - Art: Piece 1; Viewmodel Fire | Piece 2; Viewmodel Reload | Piece 3; Various Concepts | Piece 4; Ditto | Piece 5; Ditto
[ ] Alien Burst Rifle
[ ] Human Plasma Rifle
[ ] Alien Plasma Rifle
[ ] Human Combat Shield - Art: Piece 1; Viewmodel | Piece 2; Physical Shield
[ ] Alien Combat Shield
[ ] Human 'Assassination' Weapon
[ ] Alien 'Assassination' Weapon
[ ] Human Limpet Mine - Art: Piece 1; Various
[ ] Alien Limpet Mine
[ ] Human Laser Designator
[ ] Alien Laser Designator
[x] Human Laser Rifle
[ ] Alien Laser Rifle
[ ] Human Plasma Grenade Launcher
[ ] Alien Plasma Grenade Launcher
[x] Human Harpoon
[ ] Alien Harpoon
[ ] Human Drainbeam
[ ] Alien Drainbeam
[ ] Human Repair Gun - Art: Piece 1; Repair Gun | Piece 2; Medikit
[ ] Alien Repair Gun
[ ] Human Flame Thrower
[ ] Alien Flame Thrower
[ ] Human Gas Can
[ ] Alien Gas Can
[x] Human Dual Pistols
[ ] Alien Dual Pistols
[ ] Human Anti-Personnel Grenade
[ ] Alien Anti-Personnel Grenade
[ ] Human EMP Grenade
[ ] Alien EMP Grenade
[ ] Human Stickybomb
[ ] Alien Stickybomb
[ ] Projected Shield (Escort Shield)
[ ] Human Minigun
[ ] Alien Minigun
[ ] Human Shield Grenade
[ ] Alien Shield Grenade
[ ] Human Rocket Launcher
[ ] Alien Rocket Launcher
[ ] Human Arc-Welder - Art: Piece 1
[ ] Alien Arc-Welder
[ ] Alien PDA
[ ] Bug Hole
[ ] Bug Warrior
(TODO: Decide if we are going to keep the Builder Bug, it doesn't do anything and the code that spawns it in the Bug Hole is commented out. Should we leave this idea on the cutting room floor or try and make something out of it?)
@c-marti please update this ticket to provide links to any existing art, e.g.
- [ ] Some model - [Artwork A](yourlinkhere) | [Artwork B](someotherlink)
Yup, done. @hogsy