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Datastream Designer

Use D3 for calculations. Redux is used as default state manager, still underlying pure component has been exposed to be used in a non-opiniated maner.

Designed inside dataflow webapp but meant to be used as a module.

How to use it

Use the rendering component

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import configureStore from './store/configureStore';

import { DatastreamDesigner } from './datastream_designer/';

const store = configureStore();

	<Provider store={store}>
		<DatastreamDesigner />

integrate the reducer into your redux data store

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { routerReducer } from 'react-router-redux';

import { datastreamDesignerReducer } from '../datastream_designer/';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
	routing: routerReducer,
	datastream: datastreamDesignerReducer,

export default rootReducer;

the datastream_designer module expose its components, reducers, and action type constants.

Action type constants are exposed for the sake of listening to them and add new feature to your application arround the datastream designer.

Exemple a reducer listening for 'DATASTREAM_DESIGNER_NODE_SELECTED' could trigger a form so you can edit the node data.

Redux API

the idea is to reduce the surface api of the redux action, encouraging batching multiple transformation in a transaction


  • Graph
    • transaction [List<Action<Node|Link|Port>>]
  • Node
    • add NodeRecord
    • update NodeRecord
    • delete NodeRecord
    • moveStart nodeId Position
    • move nodeId Vector
    • moveEnd nodeId Position
  • Link
    • add LinkRecord
    • update LinkRecord
    • delete LinkRecord
  • Port
    • add PortRecord
    • update PortRecord
    • delete PortRecord

each of those action are intended to be used with the apply function

Each of those action are backed by the graph API wich check graph integrity, if one action fail to apply the whole transaction is void and the original graph is returned, one or many errors are logged.

special action for movement are kept for optimisation purpose, nothing prevent the user to update position via the update action


removeNode removeNodeData setNodeData removeNodeGraphicalAttribute setNodeGraphicalAttributes setNodeType setNodeSize moveNodeToEnd applyMovementTo moveNodeTo startMoveNodeTo

Element API








Versioning and publication

The package is automatically published on npm as soon as a pull request is merged on the master with a different version.

DISCLAIMER: We don't control the version, you have to ensure you don't have an old version compared to the master, and you need to follow semantic versioning to upgrade the version when needed.