It seems that the MNIST images are tiled so they have three (identical) color channels, matching the CIFAR-10 format (data_loaders/get_mnist_cifar, lines 43-44:) `x_train = np.tile(np.reshape(x_train, (-1, 32, 32, 1)), (1,...
This is most probably my own misunderstanding, but I'm wondering whether bootstrap CIs are correctly implemented. Two questions: 1. In line 1584 of mediate.py, z_0 is calculated by compare theta...
Addressing [issue 214](https://github.com/nipy/PySurfer/issues/214#issue-262540068), I added flat-map rendering functionality. This was done by creating a Patch, a child object of Surface, that deals with storing the relevant meta-data (which patch vertices...