Takis Tsoutsanis
Takis Tsoutsanis
This is intended for smooth flow problems where the error calculation is linked to the L2, and Linfinity norms typically used for Euler test problems and linear advection equation. You...
I have just tried them now without any issues. Please make sure that the directory that you run the code, contains only the newly compiled for your system ucn3d_p, UCNS3D.DAT...
I have rerun both DDES and ONERA test problem with the provided DAT files, without any issues. So it is not clear what could be the root of your problem
You are better off exporting the mesh in ugrid format (binary, swap bytes) where you can prescribe the periodic boundary conditions correctly and then use the UGRID translator available. The...
The tecio library needs to be compiled from source for your system and then use that libtecio.a
the velocity at the wall is zero, however in the surface output the volume averaged values at the first cell off the wall are written at the surface. Hope this...
For iLES you need to ensure that for the code profile you specify option 0, and that you do not specify any explicit turbulence model. Then it is down to...
I'd like to ask how to add velocity-inlet, pressure-outlet, wall,etc, boundary condition to the code
You have to specify those at the boundarys subroutine in the flow operations module.
I suggest that you download parmetis from http://glaros.dtc.umn.edu/gkhome/metis/parmetis/download and install on your computer since the static library of parmetis and Metis (libparmetis and libmetis respectively) have been probably compiled with...
For intel compiler 2013 you will probably need to refer to the MKL link advisor since the -qopenmp-link-static will not work. Now regarding the Parmetis, it is highly likely that...