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No text in civ menu. Crashes when starting game.

Open Jon0 opened this issue 7 years ago • 13 comments

WK.exe crashes after starting a game. The single player menu and multiplayer lobbies will run until a game is started, but the list of civs has no text.

I am running the game in wine, but someone appears to have the same issue on windows here: https://www.aoczone.net/viewtopic.php?p=534829#p534829

Crash occurs running from voobly and in single player. Base game installed using aoc cd.

output from wine:

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000018 in 32-bit code (0x0055380f). Register dump: CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b EIP:0055380f ESP:00333f78 EBP:0b19af78 EFLAGS:00010246( R- -- I Z- -P- ) EAX:0098b430 EBX:00000000 ECX:00000004 EDX:0b19b058 ESI:00000001 EDI:00000000 Stack dump: 0x00333f78: 0098b430 0b19af78 0098b430 00000000 0x00333f88: 0b19af78 00333fc8 006256f9 00000001 0x00333f98: 004547b3 0098b430 00000000 00000001 0x00333fa8: 0033becc 0000001c 00000000 0098b430 0x00333fb8: 00000001 0033becc 0033becc 0b19af78 0x00333fc8: 00334014 00621d6c ffffffff 004273d3 Backtrace: =>0 0x0055380f in wk (+0x15380f) (0x0b19af78) 1 0x00000000 (0x0064252c) 2 0x00553d60 in wk (+0x153d5f) (0x00553610) 3 0x00000578 (0xe8f18b56) 0x0055380f: movswl 0x18(%edi),%eax

Jon0 avatar Oct 13 '17 12:10 Jon0

Just to confirm, since you posted this on Tails' github page, which has an older version of the installer: You did download WololoKingdoms 2.5 from my github page to install this?

Jineapple avatar Oct 14 '17 05:10 Jineapple

I have 2.5 downloaded from here: https://github.com/Jineapple/WololoKingdoms/releases

Jon0 avatar Oct 14 '17 06:10 Jon0

Okay thanks. Did you have any troubles getting the installer itself to work with Wine? I just tried myself, but it didn't find the windows platform for qt. I don't use Linux/Wine much myself, so I only have limited experience with that.

Jineapple avatar Oct 15 '17 09:10 Jineapple

Installer never had any problems running for me. Which distro are you running?

Jon0 avatar Oct 15 '17 09:10 Jon0

Ubuntu 16 LTS - I think it's probably Wine though that's not properly configured. I know a similar error happens on Vista and lower. Wine is set to Windows 7, but maybe I'm missing something else.

Jineapple avatar Oct 15 '17 10:10 Jineapple

I use wine staging, it fixed some issues running 1.4/1.5 patches. I tried the following from a clean 17.04 ubuntu install:

Get wine staging, currently version 2.18 sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 wget -nc https://repos.wine-staging.com/wine/Release.key sudo apt-key add Release.key sudo apt-add-repository 'https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/' sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-staging

Creates wine prefix, allow installer for mono and gecko to run, the gecko install seems to run twice. Close wine configuration when completed winecfg

Install steam, and install Aoe2HD cd ~/.wine/drive_c wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/SteamSetup.exe wine SteamSetup.exe

Install CD version (change file names to your iso files) First change directory to where iso files are. mkdir iso sudo mount -o loop AOE2.iso iso cd iso wine aoesetup.exe cd .. sudo umount iso sudo mount -o loop AGE2_X1.iso iso cd iso wine aocsetup.exe cd .. sudo umount iso

Download and run wololo kingdoms cd ~/.wine/drive_c wget https://github.com/Jineapple/WololoKingdoms/releases/download/2.5/WololoKingdoms.zip unzip WololoKingdoms.zip cd WololoKingdoms wine WololoKingdoms.exe

Should be enough to get it running

Jon0 avatar Oct 15 '17 10:10 Jon0

Thanks! Unfortunately I have to wait a few days until I get Internet at my new apartment to install new packages, but I'll get back to you after that :)

Jineapple avatar Oct 15 '17 11:10 Jineapple

Okay, I've had time to look at this now and found the issue - To save space and to share stuff like maps etc. between the different variations of the mod, the installer uses symlinks - those don't work as intended with wine. I will look into a fix for this.

Jineapple avatar Oct 26 '17 18:10 Jineapple

Ok, I can test when ready

Jon0 avatar Oct 28 '17 03:10 Jon0

I made a shell script that should create the missing symlinks: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ark-SUz3-qr5qUcUahqd95ULA_sa

Put this into your aoc folder (so next to the Voobly Mods directory) and run it.

Note that I've still had a crash when spamming h-c for villagers during the loading screen, but that also happened playing regular aoc. Just a heads up in case it's not just an issue with my installation.

Also, the offline installation WK.exe crashes for me at startup at the moment.

Jineapple avatar Oct 30 '17 14:10 Jineapple

Offline install requires window mode support to be unticked when installing.

I'm now getting some issue with gstreamer: fixme:gstreamer:unknown_type Could not find a filter for caps: application/x-id3 fixme:gstreamer:watch_bus decodebin0: Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.

If your version worked, there must be some lib I'm missing.

Jon0 avatar Nov 04 '17 00:11 Jon0

Now working on ubuntu, one of the 32-bit gstreamer libs fixed it.

Jon0 avatar Nov 04 '17 07:11 Jon0

Ok, good to hear and ty for testing :)

Jineapple avatar Nov 05 '17 07:11 Jineapple