NetBarcode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
NetBarcode copied to clipboard

Barcode generation library written in C# and .NET Standard 2

Results 13 NetBarcode issues
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Hi @Tagliatti, first of all, thank you for your library! I have been using the library for some time, namely for Code128C. I encountered a problem with versions 1.5+, which...

In this version it was Replaced System.Drawing by ImageSharp, comment if you find any problems. Thanks

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at NetBarcode.Types.EAN13.GetEncoding()} | System.NullReferenceException CODE: var barcode = new Barcode(newStringValue, TypeNet.EAN13, true);

Is there any way to diagnose Unmanaged memory leak ? I am using .NET 5.0 Console App with NetCode. The program it self is simple it calls barcode library &...

Hi, I've tried to encode "10500400412728169" using 128 and 128C. They are the same. I've tried to decode using an online tool and it decodes as "010500400412728169". This is the...

The lib was completely remodeled for version 2. It is fully functional, I left it in beta to gather feedbacks. I invite you to test it and send your feedback...

Good morning, please I would like to note that I can't find a way to generate a check digit to add it to the database and the label. I tried...

Hi, Due to IronPDF version 2023.10.3 is using SixLabors version 1.0.0 and above, caused conflict with NetBarcode version and throwed exception of Method missing. 1. Update Target Framework to .net6....

I did a complete test battery. Using only 2 methods, sending a complex type. Testing is important for future updates I also updated to netstandard2.1

I am trying to generate an image using the NetBarcode library. However I get a ArgumentNullException. My code looks like this: var bc = new NetBarcode.Barcode(code, NetBarcode.Type.EAN13, true); var b64...