Tim Ysewyn
Tim Ysewyn
AFAIS this isn't a service discovery issue but a peer replication/update issue. And if I'm not mistaken there is no way to bypass SSL verification between peers during replication.
Can you provide a [complete, minimal, verifiable sample](https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve) that reproduces the problem? It should be available as a GitHub (or similar) project or attached to this issue as a zip...
It looks like your fork is some commits behind our master. Can you please merge our changes into your feature branch and try again?
As per our (@marcingrzejszczak and I) discussion yesterday: > Tim: I’d suggest to start with a custom matcher based on SPeL, and make a separate one for groovy? Like you...
Hi @hgarus! We'd love to see improvements in the Kotlin DSL! The current implementation of the Kotlin DSL was a first approach to have the same feature set like the...
@hgarus How's it going? Please let us know if you need any help with this issue.
Unfortunately that's correct because SCC is only able to generate the tests in either Groovy or Java. Luckily there is already a PR (https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-contract/pull/1169) in progress, but I don't think...
To add to this issue from our conversation on Gitter: > @TYsewyn: we're making plans to work on something that will enable you to specify your contract using a browser-based...
@ryandegruyter can you give us an update on the tool you were working on?
Why not both for exposing the contracts/stubs? We could have an actuator endpoint that exposes the contracts/stubs based on a at-build-time statically generated file that will be packaged with the...