structured-content copied to clipboard
Translate a page
As an editor, I want to translate an existing page, to publish it in different languages.
- Default language
- Choose an language
- Secondary language with non translated content
- Secondary language with translated content
Acceptance criteria
- [ ] I can easily translate a page in secondary languages
- [ ] The translator has the same interface than all the editors
Acceptance tests
- [ ] If a page can be tranlated in other language(s) then I see the language select box with all the available languages corresponding to my permissions (even the languages that don't still have a page localisation record)
- [ ] If I select a language that doesn't still have a page localisation record, then the create new page localisation record form appears for the selected language
- [ ] If I select a language that already has a page localisation record, then I switch the page module view to that language
- [ ] If I'm viewing a secondary language that has contents to translate, then I see the translate button in the header page action buttons bar
- [ ] If I'm viewing a secondary language that has contents already translated, then I see translation mode (free, connected or mixt) aside the language selector box, with the same colors and message behavior than today
Optional: Preconditions / boundary conditions
- [ ] I have editor's permissions
- [ ] I have permission to translate the page in the desired language
Optional: Technical remarks
- There is no "languages" module any more but only the "columns" module, the steps to translate a page are exactly the same than today, the two connected and free mode are also exactly the same than today. We just move action buttons and informations from the languages module to the columns module.
- We only see one language at a time, but as today, we can choose the "from>to" languages so that it covers all use cases