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Show simplified page module view
As an editor, I want to see a simplified page module view, so that I see page content important informations faster.
- Before the simplification
- After the simplification
- After the simplification hover
- After the simplification empty colPos
Acceptance criteria
- [ ] I see the page module as a unique area
- [ ] I find easily any action button to edit the page
- [ ] I find easily any action button to edit an existing content
- [ ] I find easily any specific area
- [ ] I find and use easily any existing content
- [ ] I find and use easily any action button to create a new content
- [ ] I access all the page module areas with the keyboard only
Acceptance tests
I see the page module as a unique area
- [ ] the module docheader area and the module body area are visually unified
I find easily any action button to edit the page
- [ ] I see the header informations in the good order : the module docheader-bar-buttons comes before the module docheader-bar-navigation
- [ ] buttons have a simplified visual representation in their normal hover and focus states
- [ ] I don't see any colPos edit button anymore
I find easily any action button to edit an existing content
- [ ] In the content header right position, I see a new "context menu" action button (even if the icon still act as a context menu button).
- [ ] this new context menu buttonhas the same behaviour than the icon's context menu
I find easily any specific area
- [ ] the colpos area are visually simplified
- [ ] the not assigned colPos area have still a different background
- [ ] I can easily read the title of a assigned or not assigned colPos area
I find and use easily any existing content
- [ ] the existing content block are visually simplified in its normal and hover state
- [ ] I see that the title of the unused elements area is now "Unused elements"
- [ ] I can easily copy or cut and paste existing content
I find and use easily any action button to create a new content
- [ ] I don't see all the "create new content" buttons in each possible colPos targets anymore but only in empty colPos
- [ ] On an empty colPos area, I see the "add new content" position available (in the center middle of the colPos area) with a "+" icon with neutral color, on colPos hover, with a warning background color.
- [ ] In colPos with existing content, on a content hover, I see the "add new content" positions available with a "+" icon with a warning color
- [ ] On a touch screen, if I click somewhere (tbd) on a content, I get the same behaviours than on a content hover
- [ ] On a "add new content" area hover, it change in a "V" icon with a success color
- [ ] On a "add new content" area click, the usual new content wizard is opened
I access all the page module areas with the keyboard only
- [ ] I can use a skiplinks menu to access the "page action buttons", "module action buttons", "page path information", and "page columns positions" areas
- [ ] When I access the page columns area, I can navigate from one column to another and select a colPos via keyboard
- [ ] When I am in an empty colPos the focus is drectly in the add new content area and I can add a new content pressing enter
- [ ] When I am in a colPos with existing contents I can navigate from one content to another and select a content via keyboard
- [ ] When I am in a content, I can access the "content action buttons", "new content target positions" via a skiplink menu
- [ ] When I access the new content target positions, I can navigate from one to another and select a target via keyboard
Preconditions / boundary conditions
- [ ] I have editor's permissions
- [ ] I have permission to access the (new?) page module
Technical remarks
- This step is about page module simplification only. It's necessary to finish this step before coding the next step : "new content wizard". That's the reason why in this step, we still have the "old" wizard.
- The new context menu action button icon is
- The "add new content" area "+" icon is
- The "add new content" area "v" icon is