structured-content copied to clipboard
Create content with newContentElementWizard
As an editor, I want to create a new content block in my page with newContentBlockWizard, to add new information.
- video : 3 ways to add a new content
- Wizard bar accordion
- Wizard bar v tabs
- Wizard bar h tabs
- Wizard bar collapsed
- Wizard bar click and click
- Wizard bar drag and drop
- Wizard bar drag and drop ok
- Wizard bar drag and drop forbidden
- Wizard context menu
- Keyboard paths mockups folder
Acceptance criteria
- [ ] I can easily see and use a newContentBlockWizard bar
- [ ] I can easily add a new content with a drag and drop from the newContentBlockWizard bar
- [ ] I can easily add a new content with a click and click with the newContentBlockWizard bar
- [ ] I can easily add a new content with a click and click with the newContentBlockWizard Contextual menu
- [ ] I access all the create new content actions with the keyboard only
Acceptance tests
The newContentBlockWizard bar
- [ ] I can show/hide the newContentBlockWizard bar clicking on the new content bar button
- [ ] If the newContentBlockWizard bar is collapsed, then only the content block icons are visible and only my favorite content blocks are listed
- [ ] If the newContentBlockWizard bar is uncollapsed, then all the content blocks are listed with their icon, title and descriptions, they are grouped by categories like the actual wizard
- [ ] If the newContentBlockWizard bar is uncollapsed, then I can filter the content list with a search input like the actual wizard
Drag and Drop with the newContentBlockWizard bar
- [ ] I can drag a content block from the newContentBlockWizard to a position in the page module
- [ ] If I drag the new content hover an existing content, then I see the "add new content" positions available with a "+" icon with a warning background color
- [ ] If I drag the new content hover a "add new content" area, it change in a "V" icon with a success background color
- [ ] After droping the new content in a "add new content" area, I can see the content block in the new position in the page module
Click and Click with the newContentBlockWizard bar
- [ ] If I click on a content block in the newContentBlockWizard, then an "add this content" overlay-icon (+) appear over the content icon to show it is selected
- [ ] On a content mouse hover, I see the "add new content" positions available (above and below) with a "+" icon with a warning background color
- [ ] On a "add new content" area mouse hover, it change in a "V" icon in a green translucent background
- [ ] After clicking on the "add new content" area, I can see the content block in the new position in the page module
The newContentBlockWizard Contextual menu
- [ ] On a content mouse hover, I see the "add new content" positions available (above and below) with a "+" icon in an orange translucent background
- [ ] On a "add new content" area mouse hover, it change in a "V" icon in a green translucent background
- [ ] After clicking on the "add new content" area, the newContentBlockWizard Contextual menu appears above the mouse
- [ ] In the newContentBlockWizard Contextual menu, I can filter the content list with a search input
- [ ] In the newContentBlockWizard Contextual menu, if I click on a content block, then I can see the new content blocl in the new position in the page module
I access all the create new content actions with the keyboard only
- [ ] I can use a skiplinks menu to access the "add new content bar", "page action buttons", "module action buttons", "page path information", and "page columns positions" areas
- [ ] I can access the newContentBlockWizard bar, it's parts and subparts with the keyboard
- [ ] If I select a content type in the newContentBlockWizard bar with the keyboard first, then the focus is on the page content columns area to directly select a column, then a content, then a target position, to add the new content
- [ ] If I select first a column, then a content, then a target position, with the keyboard, then the newContentBlockWizard Contextual menu appears and the focus is on it
- [ ] I can access the newContentBlockWizard Contextual menu, it's parts and subparts with the keyboard
Preconditions / boundary conditions
- [ ] I have editor's permissions
- [ ] I have permission to create a content block
- [ ] I have permission to create a content block at the desired location
- [ ] Mandatory fields of new content block have default / dummie values for the initial creation state
Technical remarks
- This step is about page "new content wizard" only. The previous step "simplification page module" must be finished before. In this step, two new wizards are implemented : a side bar with drag and drop or click and click method (content first, position second), and a contextual menu with a click and click (position first, content second). The contextual menu alternative may be usefull for reducing the distance between the two clicks and also for a frontend editing alternative.
- All the necessary mockups are here :