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Integrate extra information from the physics roomfinder

Open CommanderStorm opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

as mentioned in we still need to tap into the potential datasources of the physics roomfinder

CommanderStorm avatar Feb 06 '22 22:02 CommanderStorm

The NAT wants to shut down their Roomfinder by the end of March and institute a redirect to

Given that

  • I currently am in my exam phase for the next few weeks and
  • will be working on map overlays afterwards (Bachlor Thesis 😉),

I am unsure if I can get this done in this time frame.

Do you (@octycs) have the resources to take over the work on this issue?

CommanderStorm avatar Feb 10 '23 23:02 CommanderStorm

Yes, since I have finished my exams recently, I can take it over

octycs avatar Feb 12 '23 09:02 octycs