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Chat Removal

Open CommanderStorm opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments


removed most of the chat and its dependencys

This fixes the following issue(s):

  • Resolves: #1455
  • Resolves: #1277



Why this is useful for all students

The chat is partially buggy, not state of the art and the general usefullness for studnents is at question

CommanderStorm avatar Jul 28 '22 15:07 CommanderStorm

@Bentipa @joschahenningsen Bumping this, since this is the last major pice we need for a release 😉

CommanderStorm avatar Sep 15 '22 18:09 CommanderStorm

@CommanderStorm do you need a code review or just an approve that this removal makes sense? Regarding a code review, I do not know if there is more stuff that could be removed as I was not involved in the initial chat integration, apart from that you can merge it from my side. Regarding if removal makes sense, fine for me, I think it's not needed anymore :D

Bentipa avatar Sep 17 '22 14:09 Bentipa

Most of the changes are probably not critical, but I have noted a few places where I was unsure how to proceed. (See my review above) If we have an answer to the questions from my review, this should be ready to ship. If we are still unsure after you looking at these points, we can keep those points.

CommanderStorm avatar Sep 17 '22 18:09 CommanderStorm