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Moved Lectures show up as canceled

Open kordianbruck opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

"Gelöschte Veranstaltungstermine innerhalb der TUM Campus App noch angezeigt werden. Ein konkretes Beispiel: Wenn die Lehrveranstaltung bspw. über TUMOnline verschoben wird, bleibt der ursprüngliche Termin weiterhin sichtbar und überlagert sich mit dem verschobenen Termin. Das führt an der einen oder anderen Stelle zu Verwirrungen bei den Studierenden."

This seems not to be the best UX. Anyone has time for a quick bugfix?

kordianbruck avatar Oct 22 '19 18:10 kordianbruck

How should a fix look like? Should we just remove all calendar items which contain "verschoben" in the description? Or should moved lectures still appear but not be merged with not moved lectures?

max-schroeder avatar Oct 31 '19 16:10 max-schroeder

In my oppinion the duplicate (the one with the wrong Room) schould not be displayed at all. We obviously should still be cautious to not accidentaly remove the new lecture in the process, but I think your first proposal should work out better for the user.

When the Room has changed it would be good to notify the User, but such a Notification is probably pretty difficult.

CommanderStorm avatar Oct 31 '19 17:10 CommanderStorm

On the Other Hand, that solution (even though I think it is vastly superior) would contradict our current desighn language (i.e. when lectures are temporaly moved, not just into another room, they show up as the red Boxes, we all know)

CommanderStorm avatar Oct 31 '19 17:10 CommanderStorm

What is our plan here? Do we want to somehow mark moved lectures or do we keep it as it is? @kordianbruck @CommanderStorm

Bentipa avatar Jul 19 '22 15:07 Bentipa