ros-gopro-driver copied to clipboard
Is this driver compatible with GoPro 9 or 10 ?
As the title, any answer with relevant experience is highly appreciated.
As stated in KonradIT's work it could work if a yaml
file is created for such camera, but it might be limited.
Haven't tested any of newer cameras than GOPRO7, if you are willing to contribute by testing with your camera this winter holidays, I will highly appreciate it! 🙌🏼
Been using gopro 10, got it working with both wifi and usb; however, feed is latent in rviz which seems to be a theme of these cams used as webcams in general
@gschelske hello! thanks for letting us know, and yes I had to struggle a bit with latency at the moment of writing this repo, I used the official app as a starting point and assumed that would be the best I could get. that's also why I compiled the video retriever using FFMPEG libs and not the program itself.
Hi @gschelske I'm trying to get it to work with a gopro 9 over usb, how'd you accomplish it? I'm just getting "Waiting for a livestream request" perpetually.
@advait-patel-17 my memory is getting kind of hazy. It's been awhile. We ended up outputting micro hdmi to hdmi and using this HDMI video capture adapter that goes from HDMI input to USBA. There was also a go pro case that wrapped around the gopro that was able to take a USBC input from the GoPro and output it to miniHDMI. I believe I also had to run a command to get the camera to stay in livestream mode (can't remember if the command was from this pkg). I think you need to verify the livestream IP as well that it's correct. Unfortuantely, I'm hazy on some of these details. I hope this helps, if not I can try to dig it back up and see how I got it working. The frame rate ended up being pretty good, not amazing, but enough to barely notice a lag. I believe this video had a lot of the steps. The case in the video is what I was referring to This mentions an adapter similar to the one I used Also, may I ask why you want the gopro in ROS? If it's for that 170 degree FOV, I will say that there is one alternative that has a pretty wide FOV (120 deg) with a lot of ROS support. It's called stereolabs. We ended up just using this camera for our needs. The 2i works wonders:
@advait-patel-17 so far, there's not usb support using this driver, only the RTSP stream. To acquire images from the camera you have to send an Empty Msg to 'gp_live' topic, it was placed due for convenience during experiments.