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HMVC Rails provides a top-tier model for Rails' MVC design



  • hmvc-rails is the high-level model of MVC (MVC high-level structure)

  • hmvc-rails makes it easy to manage source code and develop projects


  • Generate controller file
  • Generate operations file
  • Generate forms file
  • Generate views file
  • Add file creator and creation date


Add this line to your application's Gemfile

group :development do
  gem 'hmvc-rails'

Then execute

bundle install

And run

rails g hmvc_rails:install
create  config/initializers/hmvc.rb
create  app/operations/application_operation.rb
create  app/forms/application_form.rb
create  app/validators/uniqueness_validator.rb
create  app/validators/email_validator.rb

If it's an API project then you can run

rails g hmvc_rails:install --api
create  config/initializers/hmvc_rails.rb
create  app/operations/application_operation.rb
create  app/forms/application_form.rb
create  app/validators/uniqueness_validator.rb
create  app/validators/email_validator.rb
create  lib/hmvc_rails/extras/exception.rb
create  lib/hmvc_rails/extras/error_resource.rb
create  lib/hmvc_rails/extras/error_response.rb
insert  config/application.rb
insert  app/controllers/application_controller.rb


Default generator

rails g hmvc_rails controller_name

Short command

hmvc controller_name


rails g hmvc_rails admin



hmvc admin
create  app/controllers/admin_controller.rb
create  app/operations/admin/index_operation.rb
create  app/operations/admin/show_operation.rb
create  app/operations/admin/new_operation.rb
create  app/operations/admin/create_operation.rb
create  app/operations/admin/edit_operation.rb
create  app/operations/admin/update_operation.rb
create  app/operations/admin/destroy_operation.rb
create  app/forms/admin/new_form.rb
create  app/forms/admin/create_form.rb
create  app/forms/admin/edit_form.rb
create  app/forms/admin/update_form.rb
create  app/views/admin/index.html.erb
create  app/views/admin/show.html.erb
create  app/views/admin/new.html.erb
create  app/views/admin/edit.html.erb

Options (You can also use short command too)

1. If you want to create with action other than default. You can use option --action
rails g hmvc_rails admin --action index show list detail selection
2. If you want to create with form action other than default. You can use option --form
rails g hmvc_rails admin --action index show list detail selection --form index show list
3. If you want to create with parent controller other than default. You can use option --parent-controller
rails g hmvc_rails admin --parent-controller PersonController
4. If you want to skip creating the forms file when generate. You can use option --skip-form
rails g hmvc_rails admin --skip-form

Or change configuration config.form = %w[]

5. If you want to skip creating the views file when generate. You can use option --skip-view
rails g hmvc_rails admin --skip-view

Or change configuration config.view = %w[]


If you want to change the default value when creating the file, please uncomment and update


# frozen_string_literal: true

# Created at: 2023-02-18 22:30 +0700
# Creator: [email protected]

if Rails.env.development?
  Hmvc::Rails.configure do |config|
    # The controller files's parent class of controller. Default is ApplicationController
    # config.parent_controller = "ApplicationController"

    # Method when creating the controller files. Default is %w[index show new create edit update destroy]
    # config.action = %w[index show new create edit update destroy]

    # Method when creating the view files. Default is %w[index show new edit]
    # config.view = %w[index show new edit]

    # The form files's parent class. Default is ApplicationForm
    # config.parent_form = "ApplicationForm"

    # Method when creating the form files. Default is %w[new create edit update]
    # config.form = %w[new create edit update]

    # The operation files's parent class. Default is ApplicationOperation
    # config.parent_operation = "ApplicationOperation"

    # Save author name and timestamp to file. Default is true
    # config.file_traces = true

Rollback generator

If you want to rollback the hmvc-rails generator. You can run command

rails d hmvc_rails controller_name

Test and debug gem on development environment

  • Add gem and run bundle (link to gem hmvc-rails project)
group :development do
  gem 'hmvc-rails', path: '../../Projects/hmvc-rails'
  gem 'pry'
  • Add binding.pry to the line you want to test
require 'pry'
def create_controller
  template "controller.rb", File.join("app/controllers", class_path.join("/"), "#{file_name}_controller.rb")
  • Run command generator at Rails project terminal
rails g hmvc_rails admin
   37: def create_controller
=> 38:   binding.pry
   39:   template "controllers/controller.rb",
   40:            File.join("app/controllers", class_path.join("/"), "#{file_name}_controller.rb")
   41: end

[1] pry(#<HmvcRailsGenerator>)> options[:action]
=> ["index", "show", "new", "create", "edit", "update", "destroy"]
[2] pry(#<HmvcRailsGenerator>)>
  • Code convention check
➜  hmvc-rails git:(main) rubocop
Inspecting 14 files

14 files inspected, no offenses detected
  • Run unit test
➜  hmvc-rails git:(main) ✗ rake test
Run options: --seed 9122

# Running:


Finished in 0.721364s, 18.0214 runs/s, 166.3515 assertions/s.
13 runs, 120 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Configure rubocop

If your project used rubocop for code convention. You can add the below configuration for some conventional hmvc-rails


require: rubocop/cop/hmvc_rails_cops

  Enabled: true
    - app/operations/**/*.rb

  Enabled: true
    - app/forms/**/*.rb

Example hmvc-rails offenses

➜  demo git:(master) ✗ rubocop
Inspecting 48 files


app/forms/admin/new_form.rb:6:1: C: HmvcRails/FormalStyle: The form filename does not match the desired format
class Admin::NewFormm < ApplicationForm ...
app/operations/admin/new_operation.rb:6:1: C: HmvcRails/OperatingStyle: The operation filename does not match the desired format
class Admin::NewOperationn < ApplicationOperation ...
app/operations/admin/new_operation.rb:7:3: C: HmvcRails/OperatingStyle: Method works in "call" without prefix "step_"
  def call ...

48 files inspected, 3 offenses detected


The gem hmvc-rails is copyright TOMOSIA VIET NAM CO., LTD



A company that creates new value together with customers and lights the light of happiness

