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Prototype for a new Scrum Poker


Prototype for a new Scrum Poker


You need a running docker daemon for local development. To test and develop backend and frontend, run

npm start

This will spin up the database via docker and launch the local API gateway.

In parallel, it will use Vite to serve your app on http://localhost:5175. Vite will automatically update the browser via hot module reloading on save while providing extremely fast rebuilds.

Production Build

To generate a production build for the frontend, run

API_URL=wss:// npm run build:frontend

replacing the API gateway with your production gateway. If you do not specify it, the development gateway will be used.

This will generate a folder frontend/dist that contains a directly deployable artifact without external dependencies that can be served as a static website.

To test the production build locally, run

npm run preview

Note that you can also specify an API_URL for npm start and npm run preview.

To build the backend, run

npm run build:backend

which will generate build folders for each backend function that can be deployed as AWS lambda functions.


To run the frontend unit tests via Vitest, run

npm test

To run all E2E tests via Playwright, install playwright first once with npx playwright install, then run

npm run e2e

Note that this will download a docker image on first run, which may lead to a test timeout. Subsequent runs should work without problems though. If the dev environment is already running, then the tests will reuse it. To work on single E2E tests, run

npm run e2e:ui

which will start the Playwright test runner in UI mode. You can then select the tests you want to run and also watch tests.

To debug a test in the browser, run

npx playwright test <test-file-name.spec.ts> --debug


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