adsbdec icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
adsbdec copied to clipboard

An ADSB open source decoder for the airspy


An ADSB open source decoder for the airspy R2 and RTLSDR


adsbdec [-a] [-b] [-e] [-m] [-g gain] [-f filename] [-s addr[:port]]

By default receive samples from airspy and output adsb frames (DF11/DF14/17/18/20/21) in raw avr format on stdout


-a : output short frames too
-e : use 1 bit error correction
-m : output avrmlat format (ie : with 12Mhz timestamp)
-b : output binary beast format
-g 0-21 : set linearity gain (for rtlsdr -g in tenth of db (ie : -g 450))
-f : input from filename instead of airspy (raw signed 16 bits real format)
-s addr[:port] : send ouput via TCP to server at address addr:port (default port : 30001)
-l addr[:port] : listen to addr:port (default port : 30002) and accept a TCP connection where to send output 

Man could use adsbdec to send data to any other avr format compatible server (VRS, feeders for main adsb web site, etc )


For VRS select "Push receiver" , "AVR format", and :

adsbdec -e -s

If you need that adsbdec act as server (like dump1090) :

adsbdec -e -l


Need libusb and libairspy or librtlsdr

Just do

mkdir build ; cd build cmake -Dairspy=ON OR -Drtl=ON .. make