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WWW'2019: Modeling Item-Specific Temporal Dynamics of Repeat Consumption for Recommender Systems


Short-term and Life-time Repeat Consumption (SLRC)

Model repeat consuming behavior with combination of Collaborative Filtering (CF) and Hawkes Process.

This is our implementation for the paper:

Chenyang Wang, Min Zhang, Weizhi Ma, Yiqun Liu, and Shaoping Ma. 2019. Modeling Item-Specific Temporal Dynamics of Repeat Consumption for Recommender Systems. In WWW'19.

Three models are implemented when integrating different CF methods:

Please cite our paper if you use our codes. Thanks!

  title={Modeling Item-Specific Temporal Dynamics of Repeat Consumption for Recommender Systems},
  author={Wang, Chenyang and Zhang, Min and Ma, Weizhi and Liu, Yiqun and Ma, Shaoping},
  booktitle={The World Wide Web Conference},

Author: Chenyang Wang ([email protected])


python 3.5.2
tensorflow 1.2.0
pandas 0.23.4
numpy 1.16.0
sklearn 0.20.2
tqdm 4.29.1

If you want to train with GPU, tensorflow-gpu==1.2.0 is required.


  • Baby: Online purchasing information within baby category from an e-commerce retailer. Not publicly available.
  • Order: Mobile payment records in supermarkets and convenient stores. Not publicly available. But we have release anonymized data online.
  • Recsys2017: Click log of job posting. The original data and description is avaliable here.
  • BrightKite: User check-in data to physical locations. The original data and description is avaliable here.

The format description of origin data and dataset after preprocessing can be found in ./data/


Download original data and put it into ./data/ (or other data in the same format)

> cd SLRC/src
# make sure can find necessary modules
> export PYTHONPATH=../

# generate dataset
> python --dataset order

# SLRC_BPR in Order dataset
> python --cf BPR --dataset order --gpu '' --K 100 --batch_size 256 --l2 1e-4 --lr 1e-4

According to our experiences, SLRC_BPR generally works well and takes less time to train, which is the most robust. SLRC_NCF relies on fine-tuned parameters to get good results (sometimes still worse than SLRC_BPR). Therefore, we recommend to use BPR as the Collaborative filtering (CF) method to calculate base intensity.

Example training log in Order dataset can be found in ./log/.

Last Update Date: Oct. 18, 2019