WaterDropListView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WaterDropListView copied to clipboard

WaterDropListView,just like the iOS

#WaterDropListView A powerful ListView with awesome pull-refresh and pull-on-loadmore function! ##PreView demo ##Usage 1.download the project
2.import it into your project as a lib.
3.use the “WaterDropListView” in your code,just like the normal ListView.

  1. Replace standard ListView with medusa.theone.waterdroplistview.view.WaterDropListView in your layout.xml file.

2.implements the WaterDropListView.IWaterDropListViewListener in your Activity or Fragment.

Public class MainActivity extends Activity implements WaterDropListView.IWaterDropListViewListener

When pulling to refresh,the ``` public void onRefresh()

When pulling to load moer,the ```
public void onLoadMore()
```will be called    
3.Then you can use it just like the ListView.    
If you have any problem ,please let me know! Hope you like it!   
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