Marie-2.0-English icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Marie-2.0-English copied to clipboard


Open iibrahimwt13 opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

import asyncioimport itertoolsimport loggingimport randomfrom collections import defaultdictfrom datetime import datetimefrom urllib.parse import quote, urljoin import aiohttpfrom aiocache import Cachefrom async_lru import alru_cache from i17obot import configfrom i17obot.models import Stringfrom i17obot.utils import seconds_until_tomorrow TRANSIFEX_API = { "python": "", "jupyter": "",} PROJECT_URL = { "python": ( "" "python-doc/python-newest/translate/#{language}/{resource}/1" "?q={query_string}" ), "jupyter": ( "" "project-jupyter/jupyter-meta-documentation/translate/#{language}/{resource}/1" "?q={query_string}" ),} FILTER_RESOURCES_TO_BE_TRANSLATED = { "python": lambda r: r.split("--")[0] in ["bugs", "howto", "library"], "jupyter": None,} WEEK_IN_SECONDS = 604_800 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)logger = logging.getLogger() = Cache.from_url(config.CACHE_URL) STRINGS_CACHE = defaultdict(dict) async def transifex_api(url, project, data=None, retrying=False, ttl=3600): url = urljoin(TRANSIFEX_API[project], url) if not data and (in_cache := await cache.get(url)): return in_cache if retrying: logger.debug("retrying url=%s", url) auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth(login="api", password=config.TRANSIFEX_TOKEN) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(auth=auth) as session: http_method = session.put if data else session.get kwargs = {"json": data} if data else {} try: async with http_method(url, **kwargs) as response: logger.debug("url=%s, status_code=%s", url, response.status) try: response = await response.json() if not data: await cache.set(url, response, ttl=3600) return response except aiohttp.ContentTypeError: response = await response.text() logger.warn("response=%r", response) return response except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorSSLError as e: logger.error("url=%s, error=%s", url, e) if not retrying: await asyncio.sleep(2) return await transifex_api(url, project, retrying=True) raise async def review_string(project, resource, language, translation, string_hash): return await transifex_api( f"resource/{resource}/translation/{language}/string/{string_hash}", project, data={"translation": translation, "reviewed": True}, ) async def random_resource(project): resources = await transifex_api(f"resources/", project, ttl=WEEK_IN_SECONDS) resources = [resource["slug"] for resource in resources] if FILTER_RESOURCES_TO_BE_TRANSLATED[project]: resources = filter(FILTER_RESOURCES_TO_BE_TRANSLATED[project], resources) resource = random.choice(list(resources))"random_resource, resource=%s", resource) return resource async def strings_from_resource(resource, language, project): strings = await transifex_api( f"resource/{resource}/translation/{language}/strings/?details", project, ) "getting strings from resource, resource=%s, strings_found=%s", resource, len(strings), ) return [ String.from_transifex( resource=resource, language=language, project=project, **string ) for string in strings ] async def random_string( language, project, resource=None, translated=None, reviewed=None, max_size=None): if not resource: resource = await random_resource(project) strings = await strings_from_resource(resource, language, project) if translated is not None: strings = filter(lambda s: bool(s.translation) == translated, strings) if reviewed is not None: strings = filter(lambda s: s.reviewed == reviewed, strings) if max_size is not None: strings = filter(lambda s: len(s.source) <= max_size, strings) strings = list(strings) if not strings: if max_size: max_size += 300 resource = None return await random_string( language, project, resource, translated, reviewed, max_size ) string = random.choice(strings) return string def transifex_string_url(resource, key, language, project): return PROJECT_URL[project].format( resource=resource, language=language, query_string=quote(f"text:'{key[:20]}'"), ) async def translate_string(user, string): await transifex_api( f"resource/{string.resource}/translation/{string.language}/string/{string.hash}/", string.project, data={"translation": string.translation, "user": user.transifex_username}, ) async def stats_from_resource(resource, language, project="python"): return await transifex_api(f"resource/{resource}/stats/{language}/", project,) async def download_all_strings(language): """ Download all strings in Transifex to JSON file """ today ="%Y-%m-%d") resources = await transifex_api(f"resources/", "python") resources = [resource["slug"] for resource in resources] print("Resources", len(resources)) sema = asyncio.Semaphore(10) async with sema: strings = await asyncio.gather( *[strings_from_resource(resource, language) for resource in resources] ) strings = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(strings)) print("Strings", len(resources)) return strings async def translation_stats(language): today = key = f"stats-{today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}" if (stats := await cache.get(key)) : return stats print(f"Statistics not cached for {language}") resources = await transifex_api(f"resources/", "python") resources = [resource["slug"] for resource in resources] print("Resources", len(resources)) sema = asyncio.Semaphore(1) async with sema: stats = await asyncio.gather( *[stats_from_resource(resource, language) for resource in resources] ) ttl = seconds_until_tomorrow(today) cache.set(key, stat, ttl=ttl) return stats

iibrahimwt13 avatar Sep 29 '20 00:09 iibrahimwt13