Tim Deagan
Tim Deagan
Whew. You are a coding _machine_! Gotta say thanks again for your work!
In case my concept wasn't clear, I'm not considering mute groups that cross screen boundaries. In other words, a mute group (in the model I'm proposing,) would only consist of...
Thanks, no hurries on my part to get stuff merged. I'm just trying to knock out as much as I can while I have some free time on vacation. It's...
Very sadly I abandoned this effort. I was using sequencer64 with a touchscreen raspberry pi, but after the third time that the rpi decided to corrupt the SD card, for...
Anyone had any luck with this? I'd dearly love to control the BPM via an external MIDI clock source. I can't get seq24 or seq64 to pay any attention to...
Cool! Thanks! I've started looking at it and around line 5190: ``` else if (ev.get_status() == EVENT_MIDI_CLOCK) { if (m_midiclockrunning) m_midiclocktick += SEQ64_MIDI_CLOCK_INCREMENT; // 8 } ``` It looks like...
I'm kinda kludgy with gdb, but it looks like the lines in perform::input_func that set m_midiclockrunning to TRUE (perform.cpp:5167 or perform.cpp:5172) don't get executed at any point. Apparently, nothing I'm...
< less important than enjoying wine> I'm generating my midiclock signal from a KORG KAOSS Pad KP3. It's handy because I'm already using it in my setup, has a nice...
After much legacy grief with the KP3 (darn thing won't read SDHC cards,) I got it producing START and STOP messages. Seq64 now responds and uses the MIDI clock the...
Sigh. It's always something. Apparently, the 'External Control' mode I have to put the KP3 into to get it to send START and STOP turns off its effects (it becomes...