Paul "TBBle" Hampson

Results 225 comments of Paul "TBBle" Hampson touches upon the overlap in tag propagation between ASGs and Launch Templates.

There's a related discussion about tagging ASGs and LTs for non-managed Nodegroups at My understanding from there is that tagging LTs and enabling propagation would be sufficient, but there...

To be clear, the problem AFAIR is not Docker at all, it's when you are running under WSL and polling a Windows drive mounted via the cross-mount support in WSL...

Yeah, as long as there's a way to override that detection when it's known to not be monitoring a 9p filesystem, then it's a fail-safe default since inotify doesn't _fail_...

This is different from #374, as I would not expect the NodeGroup's 'Name' tag to propagate down to each EC2 instance, but a unique Name to be generated for each...

How does a tag on the ASG put a name on the EC2 instances? Is there a special tag that will propagate and have some kind of template operation done?

Won't that propagate the _same_ name to each instance though? Simply adding _a_ tag to the nodes in an instance group is already supported, see and [the docs](, so...

I know eksctl uses CloudFormation and Launch Templates to apply tags to managed node group nodes, so it might be worth a trawl through their implementation if you're looking for...

See [`nodeGroups.tags`]( in the schema: > Applied to the Autoscaling Group and to the EC2 instances (unmanaged), Applied to the EKS Nodegroup resource and to the EC2 instances (managed) It's...

If you just want to set constant tags per-nodegroup on the EC2 instances, you can set them now in the Launch Template, e.g. if using eksctl, see the links in...