BizHawk icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BizHawk copied to clipboard

[🐧] GNU+Linux compatibility progress

Open YoshiRulz opened this issue 5 years ago • 243 comments

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  • Nothing on this page applies to the (discontinued) macOS port.
    • Also, EmuHawk is only for x86-64 machines for the time being. If you have an x86 or AArch64 machine, you should have no trouble installing the rundeps, but EmuHawk will crash on start; see #3687. Contributions welcome.
  • Build instructions are in the readme. tl;dr: run Dist/
  • "Installation" instructions are also in the readme. tl;dr: run output/
    • No WINE required! If you get it working in WINE, good for you, but I'm going to ignore you and hide any counter-productive comments.
  • 35-ish of 40-ish systems can be emulated, with the notable exception of N64 (Mupen64Plus isn't available, and the experimental Ares64 core is too slow).
  • For casual players, most things work as they would on Windows.
  • For TASers, most things work as they would on Windows.
  • For glitch hunters and romhackers, everything sucks and I'm sorry. But if a core is available on Linux, and the core implements the necessary services for a tool, then it should be at least functional.
  • Before 2.9.2:
    • Command-line flags to are passed through as expected. The single exception is if you pass --mono-no-redirect as the first flag, which disables redirecting stdout/stderr to EmuHawkMono_last*.txt (the default behaviour is to write to disk instead of the terminal).
    • When it inevitably crashes, some errors go to the terminal/EmuHawkMono_last*.txt, some appear in dialog boxes, some both. Most of these error dialogs will either have a "Copy" button, or will allow Ctrl+C.

As of 2.9.1, the following systems can be emulated:

  • [x] Apple II with Virtu
  • [x] Arcades with MAME
  • [x] Atari 2600 with Atari2600Hawk
  • [x] Atari 7800 with A7800Hawk
  • [x] Atari Jaguar with VirtualJaguar
  • [x] Atari Lynx with Handy
  • [x] ColecoVision with ColecoHawk
  • [x] Commodore 64 with C64Hawk (loads to BASIC prompt, at least --yoshi)
  • [x] Game Boy and GBC with Gambatte, GBHawk, or SameBoy
  • [x] GBA with mGBA
  • [x] Intellivision with IntelliHawk
  • [x] Magnavox Odyssey² with O2Hawk
  • [x] MSX with MSXHawk
  • [x] N64 with Ares64
  • [x] Neo Geo Pocket / Color with NeoPop
  • [x] NES/Famicom plus FDS with NesHawk or QuickNes
  • [x] Nintendo DS with melonDS
  • [x] Nintendo Virtual Boy with Virtual Boyee
  • [x] PC Engine / TG-16 and SuperGrafx plus CD with HyperNyma, PCEHawk, or TurboNyma
  • [x] PC-FX with T.S.T.
  • [x] PSX with Nymashock
  • [x] Sega 32X with PicoDrive
  • [x] Sega CD with Genplus-gx
  • [x] Sega Game Gear with SMSHawk
  • [x] Sega Genesis / Mega Drive with Genplus-gx
  • [x] Sega Master System with SMSHawk
  • [x] Sega Saturn with Saturnus (see "Issues with Saturnus" below)
  • [x] Sega SG-1000 SMSHawk
  • [x] SNES/SFC with BSNES, Faust, or Snes9x
  • [x] Super Game Boy with Gambatte or BSNES
  • [x] TI-83 with Emu83 or TI83Hawk
  • [x] TIC-80 fantasy console with TIC-80 reference implementation
  • [x] Uzebox fantasy console with Uzem
  • [x] Vectrex with VectrexHawk
  • [x] WonderSwan / Color with Cygne
  • [x] ZX Spectrum with ZXHawk
  • [x] Anything else via Libretro cores (provided they don't crash)

These systems haven't been tested or aren't finished:

  • [ ] 3DS with Encore (I don't have roms --yoshi)
  • [ ] Amstrad CPC with CPCHawk (unreleased core)
  • [ ] Channel F with ChannelFHawk (unreleased core)
  • [ ] N64DD with Ares64 (I don't have roms --yoshi)
  • [ ] Sega Pico with Genplus-gx (I don't have roms --yoshi)

These features/subsystems work:

  • The core lifecycle i.e. loading roms (for the systems noted above)
  • Savestates
  • Virtual Pad
  • Tool Box
  • Lua Console (scripts can load, YMMV)
  • Config > Controllers... and Config > Hotkeys...
    • Keyboard, mouse, and gamepad inputs, and from 2.9.2, haptic feedback
  • Config > Display...
  • Config > Sound...
  • Config > Paths...
  • Config > Firmwares...
  • Config > Autofire...
  • Config > Customize...
  • Config > Profiles...
  • Core selector (Config > Cores)
  • View > Window Size
  • Misc. OSD layers under View
  • Lua (from 2.9, same as Windows, before 2.9 see #2951)
  • External tools (ApiHawk)
  • Movie playback, "traditional" movie recording
  • TAStudio (basic functionality is good)
  • Tools > RAM Watch
  • Hex Editor (works as of
  • RAM Search
  • Tools > Cheats (does not crash)
  • Basic Bot (opens as of
  • RetroAchievements

YoshiRulz avatar Jan 07 '19 11:01 YoshiRulz

Issues with EmuHawk

Misc. issues:

  • Mono seemingly ignores the GTK theme... on my machine >:( ~~Meaning everything is ugly and there's nothing we can do about it. TBH it's kinda ugly on Win10 too.~~ ~~band-aid applied 62f90f11f~~
    • ~~...though with Nix you can see Gtk not found (missing LD_LIBRARY_PATH to, using built-in colorscheme in stderr which implies it's looking for a GTK theme??? And several users have complained about their system-wide dark theme being partially applied, to bad results, so it's at least sometimes finding one. (Bad results because my band-aid fix is light theme. Without that, EmuHawk would be mostly dark theme, but still ugly, and it may have a lot of unreadable text.)~~
    • with b967e6028, either all or none of the menubar colours come from the GTK theme, so if you're lucky enough to have your dark theme detected, it doesn't have ugly gradients! Some of our icons have white crusts on them, but oh well. Eventually, they'll all be replaced. If you're lucky enough to have your dark theme applied, and you notice one of the menubars or one specific UI element is light theme, please report it as I'm now classing that as a bug. --yoshi
    • As a result, some icons in e.g. open file dialogs are missing. Hope you remember which is the parent directory button!
  • ~~I think file extensions are case-sensitive on Mono. The rom loader dialog doesn't recognise my .32X file as a rom.~~ fixed in f8a688d47
  • ~~(unthrottled) FPS triples when window unfocused. Is input slowing it down? who knows~~ --yoshi
    • ~~actually I can't repro this~~ --yoshi at 25a5449a4
    • dwango repro'd this on stream. still no idea why it happens. --yoshi
    • Still can't repro, no change when swapping out OpenTKInputAdapter for a DummyInputAdapter --yoshi at 24f69eb5a
    • Repro'd on NixOS, both on 2.9.1 and at, though it's a very small difference in Release config. --yoshi
  • ~~Keyboard shortcuts in RAM Watch don't work.~~ ToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys isn't working at all.
    • Just looked into this again with TAStudo and ProcessCmdKey isn't even being called. --yoshi at 681ef72cd
  • ~~Menubar mnemonics are disabled.~~ Past me did it to prevent a crash, needs retesting. --yoshi at 03d10cebb
    • enabled on MainForm as of 28d62e69d
    • not working on other Forms --yoshi at 28d62e69d
    • probably same cause as ShortcutKeys --yoshi at 681ef72cd
  • Some file open dialogs cause a ArgumentOutOfRangeException in System.DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(long). --yoshi at 03d10cebb
    • tracked as mono/mono#21213
    • note Paths config uses FolderBrowserDialog which seems to crash regardless of the timestamps' validity
  • ~~In IToolFormAutoConfigs, Settings > Stay on Top correctly writes Window.KeepAbove = !item.Checked, but does not read the actual value i.e. toggling keep-above via the WM does not change the checkbox's state. I suggest this menu item be disabled on Linux (and macOS?).~~ --yoshi at 03d10cebb
    • Fixed in 329a7de8b (by hiding the menu item).
  • Defaults for Config > Paths... could be changed to standards like $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. Making this change to system-global dirs would break from the "portable app" precedent. --yoshi
    • Sorta done in NixHawk
  • Users with only an Intel iGPU (i.e. no discrete GPU) may get i965: Failed to submit batchbuffer: Invalid argument. Try LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 ./ or otherwise setting that environment variable. (workaround found by @InfamousKnight)
  • Dialogs which pause emulation should cause the current frame to be redrawn to MainForm, but instead drawing stops and you get the solitaire effect. --yoshi at 268ab96ae
  • Possibly related, under Plasma Wayland on NixOS: "open file" dialogs sometimes result in empty black windows, which then become "infectious" and result in even the main window only showing black, which persists until user logout / compositor shutdown. --bugQ
  • Dropdowns not closing: mono/mono#12644 --yoshi at 42fc895e1
    • workaround added in (sorry I didn't do that sooner --yoshi)
  • ~~Controls in RecordMovie (dialog asking for filename and author for new movie) are misplaced, making keyboard navigation a requirement for recording movies (without TAStudio)~~ --yoshi at 9e609271b
    • Fixed in d32f7344a.
  • If you get an error like "GDI+ status: InvalidParameter" at System.Drawing.Image.get_FrameDimensionsList, try updating libgdiplus.
  • Hard crash when clicking+dragging scrollbar in OpenFileDialog. Nothing in stdout or stderr. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    • Similarly, random hard crashes when clicking+dragging scrollbar in core settings dialogs, then moving cursor over the button of a dropdown menu without releasing the mouse button.
  • In Hex Editor, opening context menu causes scroll wheel and arrow keys to have no effect until the window is unfocused and refocused.
  • Log Window threading is fragile, see #2741.
  • Starting Mono while the solution is being rebuild will, rather than hitting the version check in EmuHawk.Program, cause Mono to segfault. (Not before init'ing GTK, though. I swear it's taunting me.)
  • May be NixOS-specific, but it seems idling with Lua scripts running+drawing but emulation paused causes the Lua Console (possible all WinForms UI?) to freeze, and unpausing emulation fixes it immediately...
    • It also seems to unpause for no reason? Does it think I closed a menu and it was only temp. paused?
  • RetroAchievements dialogs aren't great, but they are technically usable
  • From 2.9.2, SDL2 handles sleep prevention, but while it's implemented for Linux (X11), it's not working in practice. See


Issues with Mupen

~~System.InvalidOperationException: got null pointer from dlopen, error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (or, if standalone Mupen64Plus is installed, System.InvalidOperationException: got null pointer from dlopen, error: /usr/lib/mupen64plus: cannot read file data: Is a directory) from mupen64plusApi ctor --yoshi at 25a5449a4~~ fixed in

Issues with TI83Hawk

  • IndexOutOfRangeException at BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Calculators.TI83.ReadMemory(ushort) --yoshi at 25a5449a4

Building and packaging

Dependencies are being recorded (so build scripts can be made) in the GitLab mirror's snippets. On multi-arch distros, target x86_64/amd64.

For the record I've mostly focused on Manjaro (which I use), Nix/NixOS, Linux Mint, and Ubuntu. --yoshi

Bus error (core dumped) when building may be because you're out of disk space.

libblip_buf works as intended on both OSes, but the Makefile for Linux builds was hacked together (see libblip_buf issue tracker) and using the library in BizHawk was intended to be a temporary hack. The library has been rewritten as noted in #1312. Sappharad has previously attempted moving it to managed C#. ~~It may be possible to use libspeex instead.~~ they serve different purposes according to --yoshi

Don't know where else to leave these:

  • Debug P/Invokes (.dll/.so loading) with MONO_LOG_LEVEL=debug MONO_LOG_MASK=dll ./ --mono-no-redirect.
  • It seems doesn't support whatever the "PNG 256x256" mode of .icos is.

YoshiRulz avatar Jan 07 '19 12:01 YoshiRulz

For Gambatte et al, I do not think it will be that difficult to compile these cores for Bizhawk. The source code for the version that is used in Bizhawk is in the Bizhawk repo, and most/all of them are compiled with mingw right now, so don't have too many MSVCisms in them. You should give one a try.

For the waterbox cores, I think it shouldn't be too hard to write a version of MemoryBlock that works with linux APIs. I'm willing to give it a try if no one else is.

nattthebear avatar Jan 07 '19 21:01 nattthebear

@Sappharad Could you please verify that A7800Hawk, C64Hawk, ColecoHawk, GBHawk, IntelliHawk, NesHawk, PCEHawk, SMSHawk, and ZXHawk work on macOS?

As of the last time I pulled changes from master, (January 1st) A7800, ColecoHawk, GBHawk, Gambatte, NESHawk, QuickNES, PCEHawk & SMS Hawk are currently working on macOS. I have not tested any other cores at this time, some will require preparations for me to use them as I have never used them. If you're asking about the latest code, I'll have to rebase tomorrow. Note that I also have a bunch of changes that differ from yours, but nothing on in the backend should be different so I'm not worried about C# cores not working.

Sappharad avatar Jan 08 '19 01:01 Sappharad

Honestly, I can probably just remove the BG color setting from Atari2600. That BG color is outside of the frame, if anything it should be a global setting. Most other cores just set it to black with no option to change it.

alyosha-tas avatar Jan 08 '19 02:01 alyosha-tas

@Sappharad So you had no issues building libblip_buf? And how did you get Gambatte and QuickNES working? Re: ZX Spectrum Asnivor told me how to use it

YoshiRulz avatar Jan 08 '19 06:01 YoshiRulz

@alyosha-tas Changing background colour to a global setting may be problematic for the cores that do enable the user to set the colour. For example, ZXHawk has the ability to set this colour through it's options (as this was a feature request by someone in the past). However, the reflection related problems are not present as the choice of colours is limited to only the ones that the emulated machine can display (and it makes its journey through Settings as a simple integer lookup into the core's palette array)


Obviously cores that specifically manage this setting will automatically (and invisibly) override any new global background colour implementation. As long everyone is happy with this (somewhat counter-intuitive from a user-perspective) behavior, global should work.

Asnivor avatar Jan 08 '19 09:01 Asnivor

@Asnivor to add to that, I suggested in #1380 to use an integer everywhere except actually drawing the background (which ZXHawk already does?), using Color.FromArgb(int) (MSDN).

YoshiRulz avatar Jan 08 '19 10:01 YoshiRulz

@YoshiRulz yup, that will solve the issues. Unfortunately a lot of the cores use the auto-generated settings menus, so passing a Color reference gives you an easy color picker image

I guess the auto generated settings dialog can be modified to accept int values and then use Color.FromArgb. Thats probably the easiest solution (after removing the setting from problem cores entirely). ZXHawk is slightly different in that the integer it passes is never more than 15 (as this is the max number of colours that computer had and this is used to lookup a colour palette array in-core). But integer representations argb should work if someone wants to make that change.

Asnivor avatar Jan 08 '19 10:01 Asnivor

Has anyone looked into the DefaultValue Color crash in detail? It doesn't seem like something that should be broken, and I've confirmed that [DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "Black")] does work in a basic mono repro.

nattthebear avatar Jan 08 '19 21:01 nattthebear

@Sappharad So you had no issues building libblip_buf? And how did you get Gambatte and QuickNES working? Re: ZX Spectrum Asnivor told me how to use it

I had already ported them a couple years ago in the mono-portable branch. It was just a matter of copying the old Xcode projects from the mono-portable branch and switching them to x64. Anything I've done before I've been slowly grabbing pieces from the branch and re-implementing in my fork. In some cases it differs from your approach and I've just been keeping mine. Keyboard for example, you built a massive mapping between SlimDX and OpenTK, but I don't even reference SlimDX in mine because that reference is conditional to Windows so the mono build acts like it's not even there. Then I just use the OpenTK Keyboard enum directly. (And there's a separate default mappings file for OpenTK where I just did a find/replace on the key names that differ like Keys.Return becomes Keys.Enter instead)

I'll try to rebase later today and test again, but I'd say don't worry about it too much because if it works for you I'm not worried about it working for me.

Oh, actually, there's one thing you need to change once you have a QuickNES build for Linux if you want it to work. You need to conditionally take out the calls for the Windows floating point mode hack. I tested it several years ago, natt or someone explained what bug that was there to fix and I found the bug didn't occur at all macOS. So there wasn't a need to replicate whatever that does. Example is here: Note that this won't work for you as-is, because you've been using runtime checks everywhere for platform while I do it as preprocessor directives, but you can do something similar your way. Note that if you'd rather use the preprocessor directives for this case that some of the projects like BizHawk.Client.Common have a WINDOWS define hard-coded in the project settings instead of being conditionally defined for Windows only. Those are also fixed on my end and I can probably do a diff and tell you which ones are broken.

Sappharad avatar Jan 09 '19 01:01 Sappharad


Has anyone looked into the DefaultValue Color crash in detail? It doesn't seem like something that should be broken, and I've confirmed that [DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "Black")] does work in a basic mono repro.

So i've had a rum ol' time time of spinning up a linux vm, installing mono, building bizhawk and attempting to debug in the buggy shitshow that IS MonoDevelop.

The line where it all goes wrong is here:

In Windows, PropertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true) successfully returns the System.Drawing.Color value:


In Mono however, the same PropertyInfo method fails to return the System.Drawing.Color value:


To my untrained eye, both PropertyInfo objects appears to have much of the correct info:



However the locals window in monodevelop doesn't provide a lookup into the CustomAttributes IEnumerable (for whatever IDE-centric reason).

I suspect this is all some issue/edge case with the way Mono handles reflection, but I really don't know enough to go much deeper. .GetCustomAttributes() is working fine in Mono for attribute values that do not involve the possible 'double reflection' that this BackgroundColor property does.

So yeah, not sure what else I can try...

Asnivor avatar Jan 09 '19 19:01 Asnivor

I tried the following small example against mono and .net and it worked against both of them. I wonder what's different in the full case? Not sure what you mean about "double reflection".

class Foo
    [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(typeof(System.Drawing.Color), "Black")]
    public System.Drawing.Color Bar { get; set; }
    static void Main()
        var prop = typeof(Foo).GetProperty("Bar");
        var attr = (System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(true)[0];
        var value = attr.Value;
        if (value == null)
            System.Console.WriteLine("value is null");
        else if (value.GetType() != typeof(System.Drawing.Color))
            System.Console.WriteLine("type is " + value.GetType());    
            System.Console.WriteLine("color is `" + value + "`");

nattthebear avatar Jan 09 '19 22:01 nattthebear



Issue is there for me with your code. Are you running Mono on windows or linux?

If it matters, I am running:

  • Debian Stretch
  • latest stable mono-devel & mono-dbg
  • latest stable monodevelop

IIRC, @YoshiRulz was seeing the same issue on Arch linux

Asnivor avatar Jan 09 '19 23:01 Asnivor

@nattthebear I'm also getting "value is null" on Manjaro w/ Mono, Mono VB.NET: o noes

~$> mono --version
Mono JIT compiler version 5.16.0 (makepkg/bb3ae37d71a Sat Dec  8 13:21:35 CET 2018)
Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors.
        TLS:           __thread
        SIGSEGV:       altstack
        Notifications: epoll
        Architecture:  amd64
        Disabled:      none
        Misc:          softdebug 
        Interpreter:   yes
        LLVM:          supported, not enabled.
        GC:            sgen (concurrent by default)
~$> yay -Qi mono-basic | head -n2
Name            : mono-basic
Version         : 4.7-1
~$> lsb_release -a
LSB Version:    n/a
Distributor ID: ManjaroLinux
Description:    Manjaro Linux
Release:        18.0.2
Codename:       Illyria

YoshiRulz avatar Jan 10 '19 03:01 YoshiRulz

Right @nattthebear is going to check his end again today, but if there is a discrepancy lets maybe lets get some version details in here just in case this is something we think about raising with Mono.

For me:

~$ mono --version
Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Wed Jan  2 21:21:16 UTC 2019)
	TLS:		__thread
	SIGSEGV:	altstack
	Notifications:	epoll
	Architecture:	amd64
	Disabled:	none
	Misc:		softdebug
	Interpreter:	yes
	LLVM:		yes(600)
	Suspend:	preemptive
	GC:		sgen (concurrent by default)
~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available
Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux 9.6 (stretch)
Release:	9.6
Codename:	stretch

Asnivor avatar Jan 10 '19 10:01 Asnivor


nattthebear avatar Jan 10 '19 22:01 nattthebear


nattthebear avatar Jan 10 '19 22:01 nattthebear

Ok. So i guess LVVM could be the difference here. Or the older version of mono. Or both. I'll see whether i can disable lvvm tomorrow and test again.

Asnivor avatar Jan 10 '19 22:01 Asnivor

@YoshiRulz had LLVM supported but not enabled and got the same issue; so I'm betting on a classlib regression in the later mono.

nattthebear avatar Jan 11 '19 01:01 nattthebear

@YoshiRulz Hi All. I figure that I owe some form of explanation for the work that I completed about a year ago. My motivation for porting the lua interface to Mono compatible systems was to replicate the MarI/O experiment on my MacBook. The main compatibility issue arose from the use of a Managed C++ (a now-deprecated Embrace Extend Extinguish ploy from Microsoft to provide C# interoperability) DLL that contained the Lua engine.

My solution was to keep the C based lua implementation but switch the Managed C++ interface to the platform agnostic P/INVOKE interface. I automated this process by using SWIG to generate the interface, and modified other portions within bizhawk itself.

As a matter of practice, I don't like to release software without having it adequately tested. All of my manual testing cases succeeded, but I could not find a way to automate the testing in a way that worked with the core software. (Further, I could not resist the scope creep of trying to find a line coverage mechanism, but Microsoft has recently added that capability to DotNet Core).

Ultimately, I found that there were no performant GBA cores available for MacOs at the time. Further I had to abandon the project in lieu of degree/job/etc.

As of now, I cannot reasonably commit to a timeline, but if somebody does have time sensitive needs, I would be willing to sync up with them on how to go forward.

lsthiros avatar Jan 11 '19 20:01 lsthiros

Virtu may or may not work in branch unix_morecompat_temp (= MoreUnixMonoCompatWork) if you know how to use an Apple II (because we don't).

edit: changed branch name

YoshiRulz avatar Jan 14 '19 16:01 YoshiRulz

Edit: had kill $(ps ...) one-liner here, no longer necessary

YoshiRulz avatar Jan 17 '19 15:01 YoshiRulz

I worked out how to kill EmuHawk (and mono) dead from within BizHawk the other day, but this happened before the disposal processes had started/completed. We should be able to track down where exactly to do this (with a bit more work) so that we can kill it if running on linux. I'll keep you updated.

*edit: Yup, seems to be working now as per


Asnivor avatar Jan 17 '19 16:01 Asnivor

@Sappharad Have you had any experience with MoltenVK? If I get Vulkan working it might be easier to start over with that than to continue maintaining OpenGL, which I understand to be hard because of WinForms.

YoshiRulz avatar Jan 27 '19 12:01 YoshiRulz

@Sappharad Have you had any experience with MoltenVK? If I get Vulkan working it might be easier to start over with that than to continue maintaining OpenGL, which I understand to be hard because of WinForms.

I do not, but it's supposed to be easy. OpenGL will still be easier, because with that I already had a reference implementation to borrow code for. With either one I still need to do a custom fork of the OpenTK WinForms control to use it on 64-bit macOS, so Vulkan ends up being more work. Either way, if you support it I'll probably end up trying to do an implementation anyway, since there are supposed to be benefits to Vulkan.

Sappharad avatar Jan 27 '19 16:01 Sappharad


Current progress is in case you missed it. Hopefully you can magic up your custom GLControl and it will just drop in.

Asnivor avatar Jan 27 '19 19:01 Asnivor

In IRC, Sappharad mentioned the refactoring is finally done. edit: as of posting on 2019-04-30

YoshiRulz avatar Apr 30 '19 07:04 YoshiRulz

The DefaultValueAttribute on Color nonsense seems to be resolved, mono --version gives 5.20.1 on my machine (previously broken on 5.16.0).

YoshiRulz avatar Aug 11 '19 15:08 YoshiRulz

Testing on my part, and Record movie crashes when using Gbhawk: url edit: backwards --yoshi

I do like where this is going though!

InfamousKnight avatar Aug 16 '19 02:08 InfamousKnight

That looks like this, which might mean it's unrelated to the input recording feature. Still don't know what the actual problem is though.

Also markdown cheetsheet, I'm guessing you hit the link button in the comment box.

YoshiRulz avatar Aug 16 '19 03:08 YoshiRulz