Dual-MPU6050-Motion-Sync icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Dual-MPU6050-Motion-Sync copied to clipboard

Motion Sync


Requires I2CDev Library for reading MPU6050 on Arduino.


  1. Connect hardware. The wiring diagram is documented inside Arduino script. Should be straghtforward, just an Arduino controller + two MPU6050s connected with I2C wires. The wires cannot be too long (I'm using a total length of ~600mm).

  2. Upload Arduino code to MCU.

  3. Open Blender and change the MCU_COM_PORT value to what Arduino is currently using (can be checked in Device Manager, or just Arduino IDE).

  4. Run the script. The MPU6050 needs ~8 seconds to initialize before start transmitting data, so initially the armature won't move, and the script will prompt something like 2023-01-25 18:01:28 WARNING [BPY]: Invalid joint data

  5. Press ESC at the main Blender window to stop the script.

Packet Format

Data is streamed from the sensor to the host computer in JSON key-value pair encoding format.

Joint Data Message

{"key": "/joint/joint_name", "value": [0, 0, 0, 0]}\n

where pos is in format [x, y, z], and rot is in format [w, x, y, z].

System Log Message

{"key": "/log", "value": "INFO: log message"}\n

Note: all the newline character in the data should be escaped with NLSM encoding.





Code in this repository is under MIT License and GPLv3 License.

Model in Blender file is under Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) License.