> if I use some of my code from another project in QHexView will always be MIT licensed. Much appreciated! The bugs of search dialog so far: 1) Text search...
> ...still WIP That's okay, I could test immediately or wait for the new batch of changes, either way just let me know when you think it is more convenient...
> Fixed, there is still one issue when the selection length is 1, but it's a renderer issue, I will check that Everything appears to work correctly, except for the...
The text and hexadecimal searches seem to be completed, but the integer and float ones need more work, and also the replacing functionality: 1. A crash still occurs when trying...
1. Bug: vertical scrollbar does not appear during a certain circumstance. Take a look at the first screenshot, notice the last line full of `FF` bytes:  Now look...
> ... can it be implemented with `QVariant`? Yea, and almost identically in fact: the pattern becomes a simple `QVariant` sequence, then just replace `std::holds_alternative` checks with `QVariant::canConvert` and `std::get`...