> I have found an issue similar to this one, check if it's fixed now. I'm afraid not. To reproduce, create an empty `QHexView`, and use mouse wheel to scroll...
Maybe, although I can not say much here because my only interaction with `QHexCursor` was switching its mode. Though what is definitely needed is a clearer idea of what is...
> Got it, fixed. Still acting same unfortunately. > Ok, I will do this improvement (if there aren't any pending issue... That one with this invisible "scrollbar" should be the...
That last bug is gone, everything works like a charm! At least in the subset of `QHexView` features that I am actively using no regressions were spotted. The new API...
Here are a few more things: 1) Resetting data of `QHexDocument` Currently whenever I need to reset the widget with a new `QByteArray` I create a fresh `QHexDocument` with the...
> I have added as QHexView::setData Tested, working well. > I'm thinking to add dataChanged(const QByteArray&, ChangeReason) signal Good idea, not sure if I will find any practical usage for...
Compiled on Windows 7, That's how Qt draws header here: 
Working fine, just a few minor appearance issues: 1) `QHexFlags::StyledAddress` grabs some extra space after separator (see screenshots of my last posts above); 2) `QHexFlags::StyledHeader` on the other hand, stops...
I think the first argument of `QHexView::dataChanged` should be the `QByteArray` one, it is the most important out of them all, and that makes it possible to connect this signal...
Yea, that's option number 2. Number 1 is to highlight the empty characters next to separator lines as well. Hard to tell which one would look better, so this could...