node-epicgames-client icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
node-epicgames-client copied to clipboard

Unofficial EpicGames Launcher in javascript.

Results 9 node-epicgames-client issues
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I have been trying to figure it out myself but I am having trouble. Currently I am stuck on getting the xal when you need to post to Any...

The example sample with my own credentials returns `` Don't know how to bypass that.

This happens when you try to run git submodule update on this repo - which incidentally is what npm does when you declare `SzymonLisowiec/node-epicgames-client` as a dependency, making the package...

Currently the folder `.egstore` only stores the cookies of the last used account. If you want to support multiple accounts, you could easily do this by using subfolders by login... It returns `token` with `undefined` as value, because the body the request returns is malformed. It contains this error: ![image]( I tried using the webbrowser purchase URL instead (``),...

Is it possible to add @types/epicgames-client for Typescript compatibility ?


Preferably with multi-stream/multi-connection support.


Currently, I have this, ```js async function setPickaxe(member, asset, key, variants) { await member.meta.setCosmeticLoadout({ pickaxeDef: asset, pickaxeEKey: key || '', variants: variants || [] }) } ``` All that does...

I noticed the library sets a default presence that seems to be a bit difficult to override. An option to change the default presence data would be quite helpful, or...
