lexoffice-php-api icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
lexoffice-php-api copied to clipboard

Simple API Integration for lexoffice

Lexoffice PHP API

tests test coverage type coverage Latest Stable Version License


PHP: >= 8.1


composer require sysix/lex-office-api


Search for the official API Documentation.
You need an API Key for that.


// store keys in .env file
$apiKey = getenv('LEXOFFICE_API_KEY'); 

// in this example we are using guzzlehttp/guzzle package, it can be any PSR-18 HTTP Client 
// see: https://packagist.org/providers/psr/http-client-implementation
$httpClient = \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$api = new \Sysix\LexOffice\Api($apiKey, $httpClient);

Optimize your HTTP Client

This library only prepares the \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface for the HTTP Client and returns its Response.
There are almost no error checks, no caching and no rate limiting. Your PSR-18 HTTP Client should come with a way to deal with it.

Here is a example with guzzlehttp/guzzle , kevinrob/guzzle-cache-middleware and spatie/guzzle-rate-limiter-middleware:

$apiKey = getenv('LEXOFFICE_API_KEY'); 

$stack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack();
$stack->push(new \Kevinrob\GuzzleCache\CacheMiddleware\CacheMiddleware(), 'cache');

$httpClient = \GuzzleHttp\Client(['handler' => $stack]);
$api = new \Sysix\LexOffice\Api($apiKey, $httpClient);


Contact Endpoint

/** @var \Sysix\LexOffice\Api $api */
$client = $api->contact();

// filters
$client->size = 100;
$client->email = '[email protected]';
$client->name = 'John Doe';
$client->number = 123456;
$client->customer = true;
$client->vendor = false;

// get a page
$response = $client->getPage(0);    

// other methods
$response = $client->get($entityId);
$response = $client->create($data);
$response = $client->update($entityId, $data);

Country Endpoint

$response = $api->country()->getAll();

Credit Notes Endpoint

$voucherList = $api->creditNote()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->creditNote()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->creditNote()->create($data);
$response = $api->creditNote()->create($data, true); // finalized
$response = $api->creditNote()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data);
$response = $api->creditNote()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data, true); // finalized
$response = $api->creditNote()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->creditNote()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->creditNote()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

Deliverys Notes Endpoint

$voucherList = $api->deliveryNote()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->create($data);
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data);
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

Down Payment Invoices Endpoint

$voucherList = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->create($data);
$response = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

Dunnings Endpoint

$response = $api->dunning()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->dunning()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data);
$response = $api->dunning()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->dunning()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->dunning()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

Event Subscriptions Endpooint

$response = $api->event()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->event()->create($data);
$response = $api->event()->delete($entityId);
$response = $api->event()->getAll();

File Endpoint

$response = $api->file()->upload($filePath, $voucherType);
$response = $api->file()->get($entityId); // accept every file
$response = $api->file()->get($entityId, 'image/*'); // accept only images
$response = $api->file()->get($entityId, 'application/xml'); // get XRechung XML File (if possible)

Invoices Endpoint

$voucherList = $api->invoice()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->invoice()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->invoice()->create($data);
$response = $api->invoice()->create($data, true); // finalized
$response = $api->invoice()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data);
$response = $api->invoice()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data, true); // finalized
$response = $api->invoice()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->invoice()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->invoice()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images
$response = $api->invoice()->document($entityId, true, 'application/xml'); // get XRechung XML File (if possible)

Order Confirmation Endpoint

$voucherList = $api->orderConfirmation()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->create($data);
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data);
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

Payment Endpoint

$response = $api->payment()->get($entityId);

Payment Conditions Endpoint

$response = $api->paymentCondition()->getAll();

Posting Categories Endpoint

$response = $api->postingCategory()->getAll();

Print Layouts Endpoint

$response = $api->printLayout()->getAll();

Profile Endpoint

$response = $api->profile()->get();

Quotation Endpoint

$voucherList = $api->quotation()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->quotation()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->quotation()->create($data);
$response = $api->quotation()->create($data, true); // finalized
$response = $api->quotation()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->quotation()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->quotation()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

Recurring Templates Endpoint

$client = $api->recurringTemplate();

// filters
$client->size = 100;
$client->sortDirection = 'DESC';
$client->sortColumn = 'updatedDate';

// get a page
$response = $client->getPage(0);

// other methods
$response = $api->recurringTemplate()->get($entityId);

Voucher Endpoint

$response = $api->voucher()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->voucher()->create($data);
$response = $api->voucher()->update($entityId, $data);
$response = $api->voucher()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->voucher()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->voucher()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images
$response = $api->voucher()->document($entityId, true, 'application/xml'); // get XRechung XML File (if possible)
$response = $api->voucher()->upload($entitiyId, $filepath);

Voucherlist Endpoint

$client = $api->voucherlist();

$client->size = 100;
$client->sortDirection = 'DESC';
$client->sortColumn = 'voucherNumber';

// filters required
$client->types = [
$client->statuses = [
    //'overdue', overdue can only be fetched alone

// filters optional
$client->archived = true;
$client->contactId = 'some-uuid-string';
$client->voucherDateFrom = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');
$client->voucherDateTo = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');
$client->createdDateFrom = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');;
$client->createdDateTo = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');
$client->updatedDateFrom = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');
$client->updatedDateTo = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');

// get a page
$response = $client->getPage(0);


get JSON from Success and Error Response

// can be possible null because the response body can be empty
$json = \Sysix\LexOffice\Utils::getJsonFromResponse($response); // as object
$json = \Sysix\LexOffice\Utils::getJsonFromResponse($response, true); // as associative array