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[ Heroku Alternatives ] Heroku is planning to start shutting down free dynos and data services
Starting November 28, 2022, we plan to stop offering free product plans and plan to start shutting down free dynos and data services. We will be sending out a series of email communications to affected users.
Heroku is planning to stop the free-tier service. Most of our workers and website are running on Heroku free-tier service. If you have any other platform in mind, please share it here.
Read more about it here: https://blog.heroku.com/next-chapter.
Checkout render.com
Thank you @shadyy41, for the suggestion. I tried deploying a web app for lcpredictor on this platform and could do it quickly. Here is the URL for the same: https://lcpredictor.onrender.com We need Redis to run the background workers. Need to figure out a way to use redis on render.com.
Hey @SysSn13, Redis has a free cloud plan that you can probably use. Check this out: https://redis.com/redis-enterprise-cloud/pricing/
Hi @kevinjoshi46b, thanks for sharing this. Btw I tried using render.com's free-tier redis service, and it's working fine.
Hi @kevinjoshi46b, thanks for sharing this. Btw I tried using render.com's free-tier redis service, and it's working fine.
Ohhh nice, I thought render doesn't provide free redis service.
@SysSn13 , application is not working. Ratings are not fetched by the application , can you please resolve this issue ? Thank You !
I've deployed the worker on a dedicated server now. It should work from now on. Thanks!