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[SUGGESTION] ✨Cool ideas to make this plugin the BEST report plugin!

Open User4716 opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

I think there are not many report plugins out there that give you enough customizability and features or are even updated to the newest version of Minecraft. And even less, or actually I think that this is the only report plugin that has Velocity support. And that's why I am here to make the only good one that exists, better. If you would make a couple of features I suggest here, this would definitely be the go-to reporting plugin for not only Velocity networks, but any normal Paper server! And did I mention that the Book GUI is very intuitive and user friendly and also unique!😉 ‎ ‎ ‎

🌟Here are some tips to make this plugin more advanced and better:

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  • ❌Ability to punish reporter for false report so then he can't make reports for another 3h, 1d, 7d, etc (Abusive report) Times are configurable in the configuration files. (Also you can specify custom commands to be run when punishing a false reporter for example the first time. And a different command for the second time etc.)


  • 📋Config file to modify every aspect of this plugin, for example, all text and maybe even all the commands to be run in different situations. And definitely all the report reasons too.

  • ⏱️Reporting cooldown, for example 5m. Can be configured through config file and can be bypassed with a permission. There is by default 2 more tiers of reporting cooldown, so that if you have a higher permission, your report cooldown can be for example just 3 minutes. velocityreport.cooldown.default = Default cooldown is 5m velocityreport.cooldown.bypass = Bypass cooldown velocityreport.cooldown.tier1 = Default tier 1 cooldown is 3m velocityreport.cooldown.tier2= Default tier 2 cooldown is 2m You can create infinite cooldown tiers in the config file. ‎ ‎ ‎

  • ⚠️Admins will now get notified when a player gets reported (Requied permission: velocityreport.admin.notify) The notification text will say the reported player's name, the reporter's name, and the reason. Also, if you hover over the reported player's name it will say how many times the player has been reported in the past hour, past week and all time. There are a few other things, you can see them in the pictures. If you could modify everything about the messages and punishments it would be amazing!

Admin notify

Admin notify 2

If you open the Moderation GUI, it would include some of the things you see below. ⬇️ This picture is from a plugin called TigerReports, this picture explains everything. I dont need to tell you what I want, (I was too lazy to type what I wanted so I just put that there) You can just look at that picture. You can implement as many features as you want from the picture below. TigerReports ‎ ‎ ‎

🛠️These things I would love to see in the Moderation GUI:

If you click on a report you will see all the report details below:

  • See reported player and reporter.
  • Report reason and severity
  • Approve report (Gives reward to a reporter if configured, by default it will give him report score. Punishes reported player, punishment commands configurable)
  • Recjet report (Takes away report score from reporter) This should be used when the user's report is not 100% True.
  • False report (Punishes reporter and takes away report points) This should be used when user is clearly spamming reports
  • In-progress report (If you are not 100% sure, and don't want to reject yet)
  • Helpers can vote for reports, they can't reject, or approve reports, they can vote for reports. They can react ⬆️Upvote ⬇️Downvote and 🤷Not sure to reports, admins can also do this. This will significantly help admins resolve reports!
  • Reporter's and Suspect's HP, Gamemode, Is online/offline, Location (XYZ), Server, World, UUID, IP-Adress, Alt accounts, Is flying, active effects, Ability to teleport to both players and also the ability to teleport to the old location of both players when the report was made.
  • And other things if you want. All of course is customizable, so that I can for example put my own placeholders. You can also specify a command to be run when teleporting to the player, such as /vanish
  • When a report is rejected or approved, it will no longer be visible to normal users. It will be archived. You will need to have special permission to see archived reports. You can permanently remove reports too if you want with a permission.
  • You can add notes to a report, so if you plan to set the state to "In progress" there will be notes for other admins to see.
  • Date and Time when report was made

✨Other features:

  • Automatic command execution when a specific report amount is reached for 1 player.

  • Add a new placeholder %velocityreport_report_reason% ‎ ‎

  • /myreports This command will open a Book GUI where you can see 2 options: "My reports" and "Reports to me" If you click "My reports" I can see all reports that I've made. If I click "Reports to me" I can see all the reports that I have gotten. (If you are an admin you will see a third option called "Manage reports" If you click it it will open an inventory GUI where you can manage all reports, more on that later.) VelocityReport_4

My reports: Also, the info box would say the time (Not only date) VelocityReport_5

Reports to me: Also, the info box would say the time (Not only date)

💡You can configure in the config files that will the info box say the reporters name or will it be hidden, or can you choose that will it show when making a report!



  • /reports Opens an Inventory GUI where you can manage all reports. If you are an admin you can also see a link to open this menu in the /myreports Book menu. When you open this menu you have 5 options. 📋Latest reports 🟡Reports in progress 🟢Resolved reports 🔴Rejected reports 🪙Report point leaderboard 👨‍🦱Most reported players and 🪓False reports

💡There is also a additional option to see the Archived reports, you will need to have a permission to see the button to get to see archived reports and from there you can filter them the same as in the "Latest reports" menu, also you can delete them permanently and bring them back to the normal report menu.

VelocityReport_7 ‎ ‎

💡Normal users can only see 📋Latest reports 🪙Report point leaderboard and 👨‍🦱Most reported players In the /reports menu above. Normal users can't see details of reports, they can only hover over a report and see all information you see below (Except the reporters name if it is disabled in the config. By default it is disabled) They can left-click to upvote, and right-click to downvote, Sift click to react "Not sure" and drop to remove vote.

VelocityReport_p1 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Latest reports:


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💻Reports GUI Menus:

📋 Latest reports will look like the picture above

🟡 Reports in progress will look the same, but you don't have the "State" filter.

🟢 Resolved reports will look the same, but you don't have the "State" filter (You can see how many days hours minutes until a report will get archived. You can also "Unresolve" a report to make it "Open" again)

🔴Rejected reports will look the same, but you don't have the "State" filter (You can Unreject a report to make it "Open" again)

🪙Report point leaderboard will simply list players with the most Report points first. You can filter by A-Z, Most/Least Report Points, Most/Least reports submitted, and Best/Worst "RSR" (Report Score Ratio, it's calculated by how many % of your reports get "resolved" and "rejected/false reported" and then the average)

👨‍🦱Most reported players will simply list the most reported players. You can filter by Most/Least reported players Best/Worst RPR (Report Punish Ratio, it's calculated by how many % of the reports this player has received he gets punished.) Most/least severe reports (Shows the player with the most "severe/least severe" reports first) You can click a player head in the "Most reported players menu" Now you will see all the reports that the player has received. here you can manage all the reports like in the "Latest reports" menu, also you can sort all the reports like in the "Latest reports" menu, because why not

🪓False reports will show all false reports that have been made. This is the same as the "Latest reports" menu but without a State or severity filter.

❓Now at the end I just clarify a few things:


"None" if the report was a False report. "Unknown" if the report reason was custom.


"Open" is a waiting report where moderators have taken no action on it (Report will still be Open even if it has votes) "Archived" if the report is Resolved or Rejected and after a configured amount of time it will automatically be archived. All reports can be manually archived whenever you want through the Moderation GUI if you have permission.

All commands /report [player] Opens book GUI where you can specify a reason (Reasons are configurable in the config files) /report [player] [reason] Reports player with custom reason, doesn't open book GUI. The severity will be UNKNOWN, unless the reason matches a configured reason in the book GUI and takes its severity. /myreports Opens book GUI where you can select "My reports" or "Reports to me" and if you are an admin you can select "Manage reports" /reports Opens reports management GUI where you can manage and see all reports.

‎ ‎ ‎ So.. Thats all, it actually took me longer than I thought to make this. It took 7 hours yesterday. And 4 hours today.. Yes, idk why I used my whole day on this, but now at least you have ideas 😂 ‎ ‎ ‎



  • [X] I am running latest version of the plugin
  • [X] I have read the wiki to make sure it's not an issue with configuration
  • [ ] I ticked all of the boxes without actually reading them

User4716 avatar Apr 22 '23 18:04 User4716