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Bad Gateway 502
Every time I click on a component from the search results it times out with 502 error.
I've restarted the server. Please try again.
I'm having the same issue, but it extends to more than just the components. I get the same error when I try to open my collections, create a new collection, and try to access other things like the iGEM Parts registry.
I've restarted the server. Please try again.
It works now. Thank you!
This issue seems to be occurring again. I cannot open my collections
I'm sorry for your trouble. I've restarted the server.
Please restart the server - I have the 502 all day yesterday & again today when trying to view my private submissions - thanks
Please try now
We've also seen the same issue recently - on both SBH and devSBH - could you restart the server please? Thank you!
They appear to be up now. Can you retry? Also, you might experiment with
It worked for me a day or two back
The sites (SBH and devSBH) loaded yesterday, but still hit the bad gateway error when we looked into collections (tried SEGA and iGEM). Today, straight to 502 bad gateway for both. Managed to have a look at dev2SBH yesterday too - it looks very close to what you previewed to us previously! - but today, it also doesn't load (just blank screen).
Sorry about that. There was a rogue process that I had to kill. I think it is working now.
Hi. Can you restart the server please? Its appears I'm getting a 502 error.
It should be back up
Hi, can you restart the server again please? 502 for the first two, timeout for dev2. Thank you!
Hi again, can you restart the server again please? Thanks again. (Do you know what's causing the 502 error, or a product of just ongoing development?)
Not sure why, looking into it
Hi, can you reboot the server again, thanks!
It does not seem down to me. I can access it.
It's still showing 502 bad gateway these days. Cannot access to do the homework. Help...
Is there alternative way to access Synhiohub to finish my homework? Tried but also encountered same error when click on a search result.
Sorry about that. I rebooted the server, and it is back up
Tried again but still not working...may it was OK right after reboot but now is not. Even cannot be opened.
Sorry. Should be back up now