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Use Nintendo Switch's Joy-Con to control your Mac

Magic Joy-Con


With Magic Joy-Con you can control your mac by it's joystick,buttons,and motion.Also you can customize the control profile by editing code.

What's new

Added vibration control, you can control the vibration action by designed API.


Run Magic

And make sure your joycon are named "Joy-Con (L)" and "Joy-Con (R)", which is the default names of Joy-Cons


Customize buttons

In the file JoyConClass.swift, change the code in defaultOption function.Right Joy-Con will call the function defaultOptionRight,and left Joy-Con will call the function defaultOptionLeft.

Register button callback with function

self.registerButtonFunction(onWhat : onSituation, key : buttonNum, function : @escaping () -> ()) 

onSituation is an enum type with four values :

enum onSituation : Int {
    case Down = 0
    case Up = 1
    case Hold = 2
    case Release = 3

Hold means hold the button (LOW signal),Release means not press the button (HIGH signal),Down means the falling edge,Up means the raising edge

buttonNum is an enum type with 22 values(left & right Joy-Con have 22 keys total) :

enum buttonNum : Int {
    //Left Joy-Con
    case A = 0
    case B = 1
    case X = 2
    case Y = 3
    case R = 4
    case add = 5
    case R_SR = 6
    case R_SL = 7
    case R_Stick = 8
    case home = 9
    //Right Joy-Con
    case ZR = 10
    case up = 11
    case down = 12
    case left = 13
    case right = 14
    case L = 15
    case minus = 16
    case L_SR = 17
    case L_SL = 18
    case L_Stick = 19
    case capture = 20
    case ZL = 21

Customize joystick and motion data

Register LstickAction,RstickAction,accGyroAction to deal those data.

Some basic actions are written in MacOperator.swift. Check the code for using them.

Customize vibration

Use the class VibrationController.addVibration to add vibration message. And the function will automatically encode the message, send to Joy-Con, exec the message.

The function's defination is as below:

func addVibration(startTimeFromNow : Double,duration : Double,highFreq : Double,highAmp : Double,LowFreq : Double,lowAmp : Double,lock : Bool = false) -> Bool

lock means this vibration message will not be interrupted by other messages

The meanings of highFreq,lowFreq,highAmp,lowAmp please check this github site Nintendo_Switch_Reverse_Engineering

Default config

Hold ZR and wave Joy-Con to move mouse.

Move right joystick(fast mode) or left joystick(slow mode) can move mouse too.

Press button A for LeftMouseClick.

Press R for RightMouseClick.Hold X or B for MouseScroll.

Press button Y as press right-option(In my mac is to call mission control).

Press L_SR or L_SL as press command + ',' or '.'(In my mac is to switch desktops).

Arrow keys are mapping to the arrow key in Mac.Others are not mapped.

Can change the move speed in status bar menu.This will change the movespeed in class joyconData.Check the code for more details.


