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A curated list of maps of Ukraine, ukrainian mappers and tools that they use or develop for creating and publish maps
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A curated list of maps of Ukraine, ukrainian mappers and tools that they use or develop for creating and publish maps.
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Table of Contents
Maps of Ukraine
- General maps of Ukraine
- Ukrainian standardization of geographical names
- Other Maps and Data of Ukraine
- World Maps in Ukrainian
- Ukrainian mappers
- Conferences and Meetings
- Publications
- Books and Journals
- Websites and Blogs
- GIS and Mapping Software
Maps of Ukraine
General Maps of Ukraine
Map of administrative-territorial system of Ukraine - official (in English)
- Карта адміністративно-територіального устрою України - офіційна (in Ukrainian)
- Public cadastral map - Публічна кадастрова карта України. Відомості та витяги про земельні ділянки.
State Classifier of objects of administrative and territorial structure of Ukraine (KOATUU) - Державний класифікатор об'єктів адміністративно-територіального устрою України (КОАТУУ)
- - official raw data.
- koatuu - Конвертор бази класифікатора КОАТУУ в SQL.
Ukrainian standardization of geographical names
#KyivNotKiev (
campaign) - Official guidance on the correct spelling and usage of Ukrainian place names. Part of campaign.-
KyivNotKiev (кампанія
) – МЗС України звертається до світу – вживай #KyivNotKiev - #KyivNotKiev cover image (for sharing via social networks)
KyivNotKiev (кампанія
Other Maps and Data of Ukraine
- ukraine_map_data - Ukraine map data suitable for D3.js visualizations.
- Entering Foreign Countries - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine - Режим в'їзду до іноземних країн для громадян України - МЗС України.
- 4g_ua - 3G and 4G base stations in Ukraine.
- avia - Code and data for visualisation of flight treaties and given rights for Ukrainian airlines.
- Population_visual - Visualization of population in Ukraine using bokeh and plotly. (DEAD)
- births - births by month in Ukraine, 1980-2014.
- marriages - mean & median age of first marriage in Ukraine by region and sex.
- POI_Ukraine - Tagging preset for Ukrainian shops and amenities for JOSM.
- UkraineCities - List of Ukraine raions.
- novaposhtasettlements - Ukrainian settlements database.
ukrainian-addresses - Provided Ukrainian addresses
- Ukrainian Addresses - official source (from "UkrPoshta")
- Privatization-in-Ukraine.-1992-2015 - Аналіз результатів приватизаційних процесів в Україні за період 1992-2015 років.
- regions_module - Geolocation searching for Ukrainian places.
- - The schedule of passenger transport in Ukraine.
- cities-translator - translate Ukraine places DB (regions, districts, cities).
- UkraineMap - Ukraine map create with help Adobe Flash.
- Map-ULAF - Map with the Ukrainian teams in American Football for ULAF.
- findlostanimals - project for finding lost animals in Ukraine.
- reach-ukr-web-maps - Online interactive map displaying educational facilities in Donbas region of Ukraine.
- Gas-flow-standards - Data base of gas flow standards of Ukraine
Maps and Data of cities of Ukraine
Kyiv (capital of Ukraine)
Generel plan of Kyiv'2025 - official governmental project on developing general plan (map) of Kyiv city expansion.
- Dicscussion "Generel plan of Kyiv'2025" - official explanation on who and how can discuss this project
- Kyiv Coworking Map - map of coworking placed in Kyiv.
- Map-Tube-Kiev - interface to the Kyiv Metro Map.
- KyivMetroGit - Kyiv metro map as git tree.
- kremap - Kyiv Real Estate Map python script for home usage.
Generel plan of Kyiv'2025 - official governmental project on developing general plan (map) of Kyiv city expansion.
Dnipro (city)
- dnipro-map - Відкрита мапа Дніпра та області (Open map of the Dnipro city and the region).
- RenameDniproStreets - map data from website to a decent Android application.
Map-Tube-Dnipropetrovsk - interface to the Dnipro Metro Map.
- Map-Tube-Dnipropetrovsk - read-only release history for Map-Tube-Dnipropetrovsk.
Zhytomyr (city)
- ZTmapdirection - this project contain map of the city Zhytomyr, it used Google Maps API.
Ivano-Frankivsk (city)
- bus-detector - this project will show current location of buses in Ivano-Frankivsk on the map.
Kharkiv (city)
Map-Tube-Kharkiv - interface to the Kharkiv Metro Map.
- Map-Tube-Kharkiv - Read-only release history for Map-Tube-Kharkiv.
- transport-routes - transport routes of Kharkiv city, Ukraine. Build with Play!, Tomcat and Google maps API.
Map-Tube-Kharkiv - interface to the Kharkiv Metro Map.
Kremenchuk (city)
- kremen-equipment - interactive map of the Kremenchuk's equipment.
Kropyvnyckiy (city)
- - Нові назви вулиць в м.Кропивницкий (до 2015 року - м.Кіровоград).
- - source repository.
- - Нові назви вулиць в м.Кропивницкий (до 2015 року - м.Кіровоград).
Lviv (city)
- lviv_criminal_map - visualization of criminal cases on Lviv map.
- LvivBanks - interactive map of banks and ATMs in Lviv.
- BusMapVisualization - Web client for Bus GPS data (Lviv).
- LvivBicycleMap - client/server software.
- LvivBikeMap - Android app written in Kotlin.
Poltava (city)
- poltava - map of illumination.
Rivne (city)
- rivnefish - мапа рибних місць.
Vinnytsia (city)
- school-n27-sportmap - sport (orienteering) map of Grammar School #27 in Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
Towns / Villages
Euromaidan (21 November 2013 — 22 February 2014)
Three days before spring - detailed chronology of the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine (published by TEXTY.ORG.UA and
- maidan_maps - detailed chronology of the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine.
- maidan_maps_eng
- protest-network-UA - Network analysis of protest co-participation in Ukraine, 2011-2013.
LaSNe - Visualizing social networks on Twitter of the beginning of the Ukraine crisis
- LaSNe - (visualization)
kipyatok - Жива мапа місць біля
де є кип'яток, кофе, чай, wi-fi.
ATO (2014 - ...) - intervention of Russian Federation in Ukraine
- ATO-progress - Generate gifs from images provided by National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on the situation in Eastern Ukraine (source: )
- ato-map - Gallery of ATO from Ukrainian RNBO (source: )
- Ukraine - Google Earth shows russian invasion of Ukraine.
World Maps in Ukrainian
- OpenMapTiles - World map with labels in Ukrainian.
Map with visa-free countries for ukrainians - Безвізові країни для українців
- travel-from-ukraine - source repository; base map from Google, data from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
Ukrainian mappers
Dmytro Vortman
Andrey Golovin
Orest Kotylo
Conferences and Meetings
- workshop2018 - website for the Workshop of Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network on Survey Statistics 2018.
Books and Journals
- DataAnalysisBook - Practical data analysis book. Language: Ukrainian. Raw draft.
Websites and Blogs
- Geoportal of administrative-territorial system of Ukraine - офіційний Геопортал адміністративно-територіального устрою України.
- Geoportal "Hromada" - офіційний Геопортал "Громада" присвячений тематиці ОТГ (окрема територіальна громада).
- 50° North - GIS blog from Ukraine
- GeoVector
- OSGeo Lab Ukraine - Дослідницько-освітня лабораторія OSGeo КНУ
- KartSothya - ГО "Картографічна сотня"
- - Зроблено в Україні, каталог українських виробників.
- - Каталог українських виробників споживчих товарів.
- sdelanoVukraine - news about all things made in Ukraine (ukr. Зроблено в Україні).
GIS and Mapping Software
- awesome-gis - a curated list of GIS related sources, including cartographer tools, geoanalysis tools, developing tools, data, conference & communities, news, MOOC's course, some amazing map site, etc.
OpenStreetMap - OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
- OpenStreetMap Ukraine - official website
- OpenStreetMap Ukraine @ Facebook
- OpenStreetMap Ukraine @ Twitter
- OpenOrienteering Mapper - a free software for drawing orienteering maps.
- QGIS - a free and open-source Geographic Information System.
- geographer-uk - Ukrainian translations for Geographer library.
- WeatherForecast - WeatherApi demo for Ukraine (AsyncTask + JSON).
- [x] made-in-ukraine - a list of neat projects made in Ukraine (programming)
- [x] awesome-ukraine - a curated list of things that show the awesome side of Ukraine.
- [x] awesome-ukrainian-translations - List of books, articles or other materials translated into Ukrainian language.
- Ukraine-infosec-conferences - Анонси, програми та архів матеріалів українських конференцій з кібер-безпеки.
- ukraine-identification-number - ідентифікаційний номер платника податків України. Парсер і генератор ІНПП.
- translit-ua - Transliteration for ukrainian language that uses officialy approved rules.
- PDD - Ukrainian Road Rules for Android.
- RadioInUA - Analysis of radio stations playlists in Ukraine.
- uaddresses.web - Admin portal of UAddresses.
- ua-proxy-list - List of sites that blocked in Ukraine.
- Ukraine - Virtual Model of Ukraine minus Corruption.