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Branch: Quicklogic : Functional issue in the design with Yosys generated edf
Steps to reproduce the issue
- Run the attached design through Yosys flow - works fine
- Run PNR of the EDF file created by Yosys on SpDE - works fine
- Run Simulation - Fails
- Run the FPGA register access test on the board - fails
Expected behavior
write the register (0x40020804) = 0x87F Read the register (0x40020804) expected result = 0x87B
Actual behavior
write the register (0x40020804) = 0x87F Read the register (0x40020804) actual result = 0x873
Please describe how the behavior you see differs from the expected behavior. We see the bit[3] of the register (which is RX FIFO Full Interrupt Enable) = 0 even though it is set to 1.
one observation: In this design there is a register bit which has the asynchronous set and Async reset, if I change that register to remove the async set then the register access works fine.
"always @( posedge WBs_CLK_i or posedge WBs_RST_i or posedge DMA_done_i) begin if (WBs_RST_i) begin DMA_Done_IRQ <= 1'b0; end Test_design9.zip Test_design9.zip
else if (DMA_done_i)
DMA_Done_IRQ <= 1'b1;
if ( (VGA_DMA_CTRL_Wr_Dcd && WBs_BYTE_STB_i[0]))
DMA_Done_IRQ <= WBs_DAT_i[2];
end "
We've updated the flip flop implementations - could you please check now how if the design works for you? Please use quicklogic-rebased
branch for https://github.com/antmicro/yosys repository
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