vtr-verilog-to-routing icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vtr-verilog-to-routing copied to clipboard

Routing fails without explicitly inserted BUFG on clock

Open gergoerdi opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

I am trying to synthesize a very simple circuit, targeting xc7a50tcsg324-1. I can take the same input and synthesize all the way to a bitfile with Vivado.

VPR fails with the following lengthy output:

(xc7) $ (cd build/nexys_a7_50t && symbiflow_route -e Top.eblif -d xc7a50t_test  )
Using default VPR options.
VPR FPGA Placement and Routing.
Version: 8.1.0-dev+06317d042
Revision: 8.0.0-4118-g06317d042
Compiled: 2021-08-13T07:42:12
Compiler: GNU 9.3.0 on Linux-4.15.0-1113-azure x86_64
Build Info: Release IPO PGO VTR_ASSERT_LEVEL=2

University of Toronto
[email protected]
This is free open source code under MIT license.

VPR was run with the following command-line:
vpr /home/cactus/prog/fpga/symbiflow/symbiflow-examples/xc7/install/share/symbiflow/arch/xc7a50t_test/arch.timing.xml Top.eblif --device xc7a50t-test --max_router_iterations 500 --routing_failure_predictor off --router_high_fanout_threshold -1 --constant_net_method route --route_chan_width 500 --router_heap bucket --clock_modeling route --place_delta_delay_matrix_calculation_method dijkstra --place_delay_model delta --router_lookahead extended_map --check_route quick --strict_checks off --allow_dangling_combinational_nodes on --disable_errors check_unbuffered_edges:check_route --congested_routing_iteration_threshold 0.8 --incremental_reroute_delay_ripup off --base_cost_type delay_normalized_length_bounded --bb_factor 10 --acc_fac 0.7 --astar_fac 1.8 --initial_pres_fac 2.828 --pres_fac_mult 1.2 --check_rr_graph off --suppress_warnings ,sum_pin_class:check_unbuffered_edges:load_rr_indexed_data_T_values:check_rr_node:trans_per_R:check_route:set_rr_graph_tool_comment:calculate_average_switch --read_rr_graph /home/cactus/prog/fpga/symbiflow/symbiflow-examples/xc7/install/share/symbiflow/arch/xc7a50t_test/rr_graph_xc7a50t_test.rr_graph.real.bin --read_router_lookahead /home/cactus/prog/fpga/symbiflow/symbiflow-examples/xc7/install/share/symbiflow/arch/xc7a50t_test/rr_graph_xc7a50t_test.lookahead.bin --read_placement_delay_lookup /home/cactus/prog/fpga/symbiflow/symbiflow-examples/xc7/install/share/symbiflow/arch/xc7a50t_test/rr_graph_xc7a50t_test.place_delay.bin --route

Using up to 1 parallel worker(s)

Architecture file: /home/cactus/prog/fpga/symbiflow/symbiflow-examples/xc7/install/share/symbiflow/arch/xc7a50t_test/arch.timing.xml
Circuit name: Top

# Loading Architecture Description
Warning 1: Model 'CE_VCC' output port 'VCC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 2: Model 'SR_GND' output port 'GND' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 3: Model 'NO_FF' input port 'D' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 4: Model 'NO_DRAM' input port 'A' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 5: Model 'RAMB18E1_VPR' input port 'ADDRBTIEHIGH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 6: Model 'RAMB18E1_VPR' input port 'ADDRATIEHIGH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 7: Model 'RAMB36E1_PRIM' input port 'CASCADEINB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 8: Model 'RAMB36E1_PRIM' input port 'CASCADEINA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 9: Model 'RAMB36E1_PRIM' output port 'CASCADEOUTB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 10: Model 'RAMB36E1_PRIM' output port 'CASCADEOUTA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 11: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' input port 'LDPIPEEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 12: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' input port 'IDATAIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 13: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' input port 'DATAIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 14: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' input port 'CNTVALUEIN4' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 15: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' input port 'CNTVALUEIN3' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 16: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' input port 'CNTVALUEIN2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 17: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' input port 'CNTVALUEIN1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 18: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' input port 'CNTVALUEIN0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 19: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' input port 'CINVCTRL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 20: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' output port 'DATAOUT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 21: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' output port 'CNTVALUEOUT4' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 22: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' output port 'CNTVALUEOUT3' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 23: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' output port 'CNTVALUEOUT2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 24: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' output port 'CNTVALUEOUT1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 25: Model 'IDELAYE2_VPR' output port 'CNTVALUEOUT0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 26: Model 'ISERDESE2_NO_IDELAY_VPR' input port 'SHIFTIN2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 27: Model 'ISERDESE2_NO_IDELAY_VPR' input port 'SHIFTIN1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 28: Model 'ISERDESE2_NO_IDELAY_VPR' input port 'DYNCLKSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 29: Model 'ISERDESE2_NO_IDELAY_VPR' input port 'DYNCLKDIVSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 30: Model 'ISERDESE2_NO_IDELAY_VPR' input port 'DYNCLKDIVPSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 31: Model 'ISERDESE2_NO_IDELAY_VPR' output port 'SHIFTOUT2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 32: Model 'ISERDESE2_NO_IDELAY_VPR' output port 'SHIFTOUT1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 33: Model 'ISERDESE2_IDELAY_VPR' input port 'SHIFTIN2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 34: Model 'ISERDESE2_IDELAY_VPR' input port 'SHIFTIN1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 35: Model 'ISERDESE2_IDELAY_VPR' input port 'DYNCLKSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 36: Model 'ISERDESE2_IDELAY_VPR' input port 'DYNCLKDIVSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 37: Model 'ISERDESE2_IDELAY_VPR' input port 'DYNCLKDIVPSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 38: Model 'ISERDESE2_IDELAY_VPR' output port 'SHIFTOUT2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 39: Model 'ISERDESE2_IDELAY_VPR' output port 'SHIFTOUT1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 40: Model 'IDDR_VPR' input port 'SR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 41: Model 'OSERDESE2_VPR' input port 'SHIFTIN2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 42: Model 'OSERDESE2_VPR' input port 'SHIFTIN1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 43: Model 'OSERDESE2_VPR' input port 'TBYTEIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 44: Model 'OSERDESE2_VPR' output port 'SHIFTOUT2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 45: Model 'OSERDESE2_VPR' output port 'SHIFTOUT1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 46: Model 'ODDR_VPR' input port 'SR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 47: Model 'BUFGCTRL_VPR' input port 'S1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 48: Model 'BUFGCTRL_VPR' input port 'S0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 49: Model 'BUFGCTRL_VPR' input port 'IGNORE1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 50: Model 'BUFGCTRL_VPR' input port 'IGNORE0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 51: Model 'BUFGCTRL_VPR' input port 'CE1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 52: Model 'BUFGCTRL_VPR' input port 'CE0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 53: Model 'PLLE2_ADV_VPR' input port 'PWRDWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 54: Model 'PLLE2_ADV_VPR' input port 'CLKINSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 55: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN31' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 56: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN30' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 57: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN29' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 58: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN28' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 59: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN27' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 60: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN26' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 61: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN25' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 62: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN24' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 63: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN23' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 64: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN22' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 65: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN21' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 66: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN20' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 67: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN19' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 68: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN18' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 69: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN17' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 70: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN16' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 71: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN15' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 72: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN14' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 73: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN13' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 74: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN12' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 75: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN11' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 76: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN10' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 77: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN9' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 78: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN8' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 79: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN7' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 80: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN6' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 81: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN5' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 82: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN4' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 83: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN3' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 84: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 85: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 86: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'TESTIN0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 87: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'PWRDWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 88: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' input port 'CLKINSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 89: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TMUXOUT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 90: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT63' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 91: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT62' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 92: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT61' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 93: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT60' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 94: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT59' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 95: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT58' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 96: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT57' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 97: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT56' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 98: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT55' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 99: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT54' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 100: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT53' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 101: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT52' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 102: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT51' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 103: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT50' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 104: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT49' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 105: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT48' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 106: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT47' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 107: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT46' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 108: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT45' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 109: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT44' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 110: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT43' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 111: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT42' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 112: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT41' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 113: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT40' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 114: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT39' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 115: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT38' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 116: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT37' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 117: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT36' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 118: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT35' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 119: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT34' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 120: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT33' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 121: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT32' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 122: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT31' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 123: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT30' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 124: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT29' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 125: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT28' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 126: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT27' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 127: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT26' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 128: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT25' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 129: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT24' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 130: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT23' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 131: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT22' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 132: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT21' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 133: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT20' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 134: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT19' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 135: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT18' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 136: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT17' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 137: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT16' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 138: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT15' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 139: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT14' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 140: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT13' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 141: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT12' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 142: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT11' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 143: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT10' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 144: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT9' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 145: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT8' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 146: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT7' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 147: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT6' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 148: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT5' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 149: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT4' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 150: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT3' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 151: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 152: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 153: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'TESTOUT0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 154: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'CLKFBSTOPPED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 155: Model 'MMCME2_ADV_VPR' output port 'CLKINSTOPPED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 156: Model 'IDELAYCTRL' input port 'RST' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 157: Model 'IDELAYCTRL' output port 'RDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 158: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'PMARSVD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 159: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'DRPADDR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 160: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'BGRCALOVRD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 161: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'PLL1REFCLKSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 162: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'PLL0REFCLKSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 163: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'DRPDI' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 164: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'RCALENB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 165: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'PLL1RESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 166: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'PLL1PD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 167: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'PLL1LOCKEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 168: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'PLL0RESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 169: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'PLL0PD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 170: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'PLL0LOCKEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 171: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'DRPWE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 172: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'DRPEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 173: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'BGRCALOVRDENB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 174: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'BGPDB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 175: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'BGMONITORENB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 176: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' input port 'BGBYPASSB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 177: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'DMONITOROUT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 178: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PMARSVDOUT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 179: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'DRPDO' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 180: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'REFCLKOUTMONITOR1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 181: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'REFCLKOUTMONITOR0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 182: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PLL1REFCLKLOST' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 183: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PLL1OUTREFCLK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 184: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PLL1OUTCLK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 185: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PLL1LOCK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 186: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PLL1FBCLKLOST' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 187: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PLL0REFCLKLOST' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 188: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PLL0OUTREFCLK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 189: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PLL0OUTCLK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 190: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PLL0LOCK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 191: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'PLL0FBCLKLOST' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 192: Model 'GTPE2_COMMON_VPR' output port 'DRPRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 193: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'DRPADDR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 194: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXSEQUENCE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 195: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXMAINCURSOR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 196: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPRECURSOR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 197: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPOSTCURSOR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 198: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPIPPMSTEPSIZE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 199: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDIFFCTRL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 200: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXCHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 201: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXCHARDISPVAL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 202: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXCHARDISPMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 203: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TX8B10BBYPASS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 204: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSINTID0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 205: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSINTCFG' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 206: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCHBONDI' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 207: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 208: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXRATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 209: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPRBSSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 210: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXOUTCLKSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 211: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXMARGIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 212: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXHEADER' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 213: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXBUFDIFFCTRL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 214: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXRATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 215: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPRBSSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 216: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOUTCLKSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 217: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCHBONDLEVEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 218: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'LOOPBACK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 219: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXSYSCLKSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 220: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 221: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXSYSCLKSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 222: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 223: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXELECIDLEMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 224: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TSTIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 225: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'PCSRSVDIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 226: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'GTRSVD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 227: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'DRPDI' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 228: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXADAPTSELTEST' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 229: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXUSERRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 230: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXSYNCMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 231: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXSYNCIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 232: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXSYNCALLIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 233: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXSWING' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 234: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXSTARTSEQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 235: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXRATEMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 236: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPRECURSORINV' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 237: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPRBSFORCEERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 238: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPOSTCURSORINV' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 239: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPOLARITY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 240: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPMARESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 241: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPISOPD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 242: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPIPPMSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 243: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPIPPMPD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 244: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPIPPMOVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 245: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPIPPMEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 246: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPHOVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 247: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPHINIT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 248: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPHDLYRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 249: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPHDLYPD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 250: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPHALIGNEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 251: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPHALIGN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 252: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPDELECIDLEMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 253: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXPCSRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 254: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXINHIBIT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 255: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 256: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDLYUPDOWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 257: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDLYSRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 258: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDLYOVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 259: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDLYHOLD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 260: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDLYEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 261: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDLYBYPASS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 262: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDIFFPD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 263: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDETECTRX' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 264: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXDEEMPH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 265: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXCOMWAKE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 266: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXCOMSAS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 267: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TXCOMINIT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 268: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'TX8B10BEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 269: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'SETERRSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 270: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXUSERRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 271: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXSYNCMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 272: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXSYNCIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 273: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXSYNCALLIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 274: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXSLIDE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 275: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXRATEMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 276: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPRBSCNTRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 277: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPOLARITY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 278: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPMARESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 279: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPHOVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 280: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPHDLYRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 281: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPHDLYPD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 282: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPHALIGNEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 283: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPHALIGN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 284: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPCSRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 285: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXPCOMMAALIGNEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 286: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSOVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 287: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSINTTESTOVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 288: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSINTSTROBE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 289: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSINTPD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 290: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSINTOVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 291: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSINTNTRLEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 292: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSINTHOLD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 293: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSINTEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 294: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSHOLD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 295: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOSCALRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 296: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXOOBRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 297: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXMCOMMAALIGNEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 298: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXLPMRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 299: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXLPMOSINTNTRLEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 300: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXLPMLFOVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 301: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXLPMLFHOLD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 302: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXLPMHFOVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 303: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXLPMHFHOLD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 304: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXGEARBOXSLIP' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 305: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXDLYSRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 306: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXDLYOVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 307: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXDLYEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 308: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXDLYBYPASS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 309: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXDFEXYDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 310: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXDDIEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 311: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCOMMADETEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 312: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCHBONDSLAVE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 313: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCHBONDMASTER' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 314: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCHBONDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 315: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCDRRESETRSV' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 316: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCDRRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 317: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCDROVRDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 318: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCDRHOLD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 319: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXCDRFREQRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 320: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RXBUFRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 321: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RX8B10BEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 322: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'RESETOVRD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 323: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'PMARSVDIN4' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 324: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'PMARSVDIN3' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 325: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'PMARSVDIN2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 326: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'PMARSVDIN1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 327: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'PMARSVDIN0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 328: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'GTTXRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 329: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'GTRXRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 330: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'GTRESETSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 331: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'GTPRXP' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 332: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'GTPRXN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 333: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'EYESCANTRIGGER' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 334: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'EYESCANRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 335: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'EYESCANMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 336: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'DRPWE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 337: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'DRPEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 338: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'DMONFIFORESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 339: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' input port 'CFGRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 340: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXPHSLIPMONITOR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 341: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXPHMONITOR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 342: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXNOTINTABLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 343: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXDISPERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 344: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCHBONDO' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 345: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 346: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCHARISCOMMA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 347: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXDATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 348: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 349: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXHEADER' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 350: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXBUFSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 351: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXBUFSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 352: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXSTARTOFSEQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 353: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXDATAVALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 354: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCLKCORCNT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 355: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'PCSRSVDOUT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 356: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'DRPDO' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 357: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'DMONITOROUT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 358: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXSYNCOUT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 359: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXSYNCDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 360: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXRESETDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 361: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXRATEDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 362: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXPMARESETDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 363: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXPHINITDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 364: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXPHALIGNDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 365: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXOUTCLKPCS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 366: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXOUTCLKFABRIC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 367: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXOUTCLK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 368: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXGEARBOXREADY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 369: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXDLYSRESETDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 370: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'TXCOMFINISH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 371: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXVALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 372: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXSYNCOUT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 373: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXSYNCDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 374: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXRESETDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 375: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXRATEDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 376: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXPRBSERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 377: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXPMARESETDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 378: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXPHALIGNDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 379: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXOUTCLKPCS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 380: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXOUTCLKFABRIC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 381: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXOUTCLK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 382: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXOSINTSTROBESTARTED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 383: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXOSINTSTROBEDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 384: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXOSINTSTARTED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 385: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXOSINTDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 386: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXHEADERVALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 387: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 388: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXDLYSRESETDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 389: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCOMWAKEDET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 390: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCOMSASDET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 391: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCOMMADET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 392: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCOMINITDET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 393: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCHANREALIGN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 394: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCHANISALIGNED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 395: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCHANBONDSEQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 396: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXCDRLOCK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 397: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXBYTEREALIGN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 398: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'RXBYTEISALIGNED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 399: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'PMARSVDOUT1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 400: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'PMARSVDOUT0' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 401: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'PHYSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 402: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'GTPTXP' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 403: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'GTPTXN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 404: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'EYESCANDATAERROR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 405: Model 'GTPE2_CHANNEL_VPR' output port 'DRPRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 406: Model 'IBUFDS_GTE2_VPR' input port 'CEB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 407: Model 'IBUFDS_GTE2_VPR' output port 'ODIV2' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 408: Model 'IBUFDS_GTE2_VPR' output port 'O' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 409: Model 'IPAD_GTP_VPR' input port 'I' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 410: Model 'IPAD_GTP_VPR' output port 'O' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 411: Model 'OPAD_GTP_VPR' input port 'I' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 412: Model 'OPAD_GTP_VPR' output port 'O' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 413: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTSTR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 414: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTSRCRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 415: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTSRCDSC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 416: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTSOF' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 417: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTREM' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 418: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTERRFWD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 419: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTEOF' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 420: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTECRCGEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 421: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTDLLPSRCRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 422: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTDLLPDATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 423: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 424: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNTCFGGNT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 425: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNRNPREQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 426: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNRNPOK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 427: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNRFCPRET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 428: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNRDSTRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 429: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TRNFCSEL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 430: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TLRSTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 431: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TL2PPMSUSPENDREQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 432: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'TL2ASPMSUSPENDCREDITCHECK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 433: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'SYSRSTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 434: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLUPSTREAMPREFERDEEMPH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 435: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLTRANSMITHOTRST' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 436: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLRSTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 437: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLDOWNSTREAMDEEMPHSOURCE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 438: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLDIRECTEDLTSSMSTALL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 439: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLDIRECTEDLTSSMNEWVLD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 440: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLDIRECTEDLTSSMNEW' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 441: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLDIRECTEDLINKWIDTH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 442: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLDIRECTEDLINKSPEED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 443: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLDIRECTEDLINKCHANGE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 444: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLDIRECTEDLINKAUTON' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 445: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PLDBGMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 446: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PL2DIRECTEDLSTATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 447: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX7VALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 448: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX7STATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 449: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX7PHYSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 450: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX7ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 451: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX7DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 452: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX7CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 453: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX7CHANISALIGNED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 454: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX6VALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 455: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX6STATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 456: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX6PHYSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 457: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX6ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 458: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX6DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 459: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX6CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 460: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX6CHANISALIGNED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 461: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX5VALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 462: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX5STATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 463: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX5PHYSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 464: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX5ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 465: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX5DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 466: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX5CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 467: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX5CHANISALIGNED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 468: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX4VALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 469: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX4STATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 470: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX4PHYSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 471: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX4ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 472: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX4DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 473: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX4CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 474: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX4CHANISALIGNED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 475: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX3VALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 476: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX3STATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 477: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX3PHYSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 478: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX3ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 479: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX3DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 480: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX3CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 481: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX3CHANISALIGNED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 482: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX2VALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 483: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX2STATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 484: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX2PHYSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 485: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX2ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 486: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX2DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 487: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX2CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 488: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX2CHANISALIGNED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 489: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX1VALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 490: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX1STATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 491: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX1PHYSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 492: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX1ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 493: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX1DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 494: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX1CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 495: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX1CHANISALIGNED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 496: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX0VALID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 497: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX0STATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 498: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX0PHYSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 499: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX0ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 500: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX0DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 501: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX0CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 502: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'PIPERX0CHANISALIGNED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 503: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'MIMTXRDATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 504: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'MIMRXRDATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 505: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'LL2TLPRCV' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 506: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'LL2SUSPENDNOW' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 507: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'LL2SENDPMACK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 508: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'LL2SENDENTERL23' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 509: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'LL2SENDENTERL1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 510: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'LL2SENDASREQL1' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 511: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'FUNCLVLRSTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 512: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'DRPWE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 513: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'DRPEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 514: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'DRPDI' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 515: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'DRPADDR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 516: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'DLRSTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 517: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'DBGSUBMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 518: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'DBGMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 519: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CMSTICKYRSTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 520: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CMRSTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 521: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGVENDID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 522: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGTRNPENDINGN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 523: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGSUBSYSVENDID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 524: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGSUBSYSID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 525: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGREVID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 526: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGPORTNUMBER' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 527: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGPMWAKEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 528: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGPMTURNOFFOKN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 529: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGPMSENDPMETON' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 530: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGPMHALTASPML1N' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 531: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGPMHALTASPML0SN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 532: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGPMFORCESTATEENN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 533: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGPMFORCESTATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 534: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGPCIECAPINTERRUPTMSGNUM' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 535: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGMGMTWRRW1CASRWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 536: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGMGMTWRREADONLYN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 537: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGMGMTWRENN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 538: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGMGMTRDENN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 539: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGMGMTDWADDR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 540: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGMGMTDI' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 541: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGMGMTBYTEENN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 542: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGINTERRUPTSTATN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 543: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGINTERRUPTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 544: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGINTERRUPTDI' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 545: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGINTERRUPTASSERTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 546: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGFORCEMPS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 547: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGFORCEEXTENDEDSYNCON' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 548: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGFORCECOMMONCLOCKOFF' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 549: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRURN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 550: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRTLPCPLHEADER' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 551: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRPOSTEDN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 552: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRPOISONEDN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 553: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRNORECOVERYN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 554: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRMCBLOCKEDN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 555: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRMALFORMEDN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 556: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRLOCKEDN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 557: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRINTERNALUNCORN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 558: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRINTERNALCORN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 559: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRECRCN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 560: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRCPLUNEXPECTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 561: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRCPLTIMEOUTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 562: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRCPLABORTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 563: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRCORN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 564: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRATOMICEGRESSBLOCKEDN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 565: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRAERHEADERLOG' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 566: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGERRACSN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 567: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGDSN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 568: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGDSFUNCTIONNUMBER' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 569: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGDSDEVICENUMBER' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 570: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGDSBUSNUMBER' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 571: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGDEVID' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 572: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' input port 'CFGAERINTERRUPTMSGNUM' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential input port, not combinationally connected to any outputs, not a clock input)
Warning 573: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'USERRSTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 574: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNTERRDROP' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 575: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNTDSTRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 576: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNTDLLPDSTRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 577: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNTCFGREQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 578: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNTBUFAV' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 579: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNRSRCRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 580: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNRSRCDSC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 581: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNRSOF' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 582: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNRREM' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 583: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNRERRFWD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 584: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNREOF' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 585: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNRECRCERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 586: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNRDLLPSRCRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 587: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNRDLLPDATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 588: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNRD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 589: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNRBARHIT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 590: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNLNKUP' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 591: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNFCPH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 592: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNFCPD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 593: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNFCNPH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 594: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNFCNPD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 595: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNFCCPLH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 596: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TRNFCCPLD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 597: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TL2PPMSUSPENDOK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 598: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TL2ERRRXOVERFLOW' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 599: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TL2ERRMALFORMED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 600: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TL2ERRHDR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 601: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TL2ERRFCPE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 602: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TL2ASPMSUSPENDREQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 603: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'TL2ASPMSUSPENDCREDITCHECKOK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 604: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'RECEIVEDFUNCLVLRSTN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 605: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLTXPMSTATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 606: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLSELLNKWIDTH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 607: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLSELLNKRATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 608: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLRXPMSTATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 609: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLRECEIVEDHOTRST' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 610: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLPHYLNKUPN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 611: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLLTSSMSTATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 612: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLLINKUPCFGCAP' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 613: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLLINKPARTNERGEN2SUPPORTED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 614: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLLINKGEN2CAP' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 615: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLLANEREVERSALMODE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 616: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLINITIALLINKWIDTH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 617: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLDIRECTEDCHANGEDONE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 618: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PLDBGVEC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 619: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PL2SUSPENDOK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 620: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PL2RXPMSTATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 621: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PL2RXELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 622: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PL2RECOVERY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 623: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PL2RECEIVERERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 624: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PL2LINKUP' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 625: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PL2L0REQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 626: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETXRESET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 627: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETXRCVRDET' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 628: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETXRATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 629: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETXMARGIN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 630: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETXDEEMPH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 631: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX7POWERDOWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 632: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX7ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 633: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX7DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 634: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX7COMPLIANCE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 635: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX7CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 636: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX6POWERDOWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 637: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX6ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 638: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX6DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 639: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX6COMPLIANCE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 640: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX6CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 641: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX5POWERDOWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 642: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX5ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 643: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX5DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 644: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX5COMPLIANCE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 645: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX5CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 646: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX4POWERDOWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 647: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX4ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 648: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX4DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 649: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX4COMPLIANCE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 650: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX4CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 651: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX3POWERDOWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 652: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX3ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 653: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX3DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 654: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX3COMPLIANCE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 655: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX3CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 656: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX2POWERDOWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 657: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX2ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 658: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX2DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 659: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX2COMPLIANCE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 660: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX2CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 661: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX1POWERDOWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 662: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX1ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 663: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX1DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 664: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX1COMPLIANCE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 665: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX1CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 666: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX0POWERDOWN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 667: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX0ELECIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 668: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX0DATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 669: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX0COMPLIANCE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 670: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPETX0CHARISK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 671: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPERX7POLARITY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 672: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPERX6POLARITY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 673: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPERX5POLARITY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 674: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPERX4POLARITY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 675: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPERX3POLARITY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 676: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPERX2POLARITY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 677: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPERX1POLARITY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 678: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'PIPERX0POLARITY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 679: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'MIMTXWEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 680: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'MIMTXWDATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 681: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'MIMTXWADDR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 682: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'MIMTXREN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 683: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'MIMTXRADDR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 684: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'MIMRXWEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 685: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'MIMRXWDATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 686: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'MIMRXWADDR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 687: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'MIMRXREN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 688: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'MIMRXRADDR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 689: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LNKCLKEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 690: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2TXIDLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 691: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2TFCINIT2SEQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 692: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2TFCINIT1SEQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 693: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2SUSPENDOK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 694: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2REPLAYTOERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 695: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2REPLAYROERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 696: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2RECEIVERERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 697: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2PROTOCOLERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 698: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2LINKSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 699: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2BADTLPERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 700: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'LL2BADDLLPERR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 701: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DRPRDY' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 702: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DRPDO' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 703: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGVECC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 704: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGVECB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 705: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGVECA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 706: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 707: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRJ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 708: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRI' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 709: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 710: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRG' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 711: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRF' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 712: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 713: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 714: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 715: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 716: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'DBGSCLRA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 717: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGVCTCVCMAP' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 718: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGTRANSACTIONTYPE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 719: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGTRANSACTIONADDR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 720: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGTRANSACTION' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 721: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGSLOTCONTROLELECTROMECHILCTLPULSE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 722: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGROOTCONTROLSYSERRNONFATALERREN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 723: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGROOTCONTROLSYSERRFATALERREN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 724: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGROOTCONTROLSYSERRCORRERREN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 725: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGROOTCONTROLPMEINTEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 726: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGPMRCVREQACKN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 727: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGPMRCVENTERL23N' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 728: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGPMRCVENTERL1N' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 729: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGPMRCVASREQL1N' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 730: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGPMCSRPOWERSTATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 731: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGPMCSRPMESTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 732: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGPMCSRPMEEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 733: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGPCIELINKSTATE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 734: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDUNLOCK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 735: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDSETSLOTPOWERLIMIT' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 736: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDPMPME' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 737: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDPMETOACK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 738: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDPMETO' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 739: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDPMASNAK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 740: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDERRNONFATAL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 741: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDERRFATAL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 742: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDERRCOR' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 743: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDDEASSERTINTD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 744: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDDEASSERTINTC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 745: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDDEASSERTINTB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 746: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDDEASSERTINTA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 747: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDASSERTINTD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 748: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDASSERTINTC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 749: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDASSERTINTB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 750: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVEDASSERTINTA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 751: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGRECEIVED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 752: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMSGDATA' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 753: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMGMTRDWRDONEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 754: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGMGMTDO' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 755: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKSTATUSNEGOTIATEDWIDTH' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 756: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKSTATUSLINKTRAINING' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 757: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKSTATUSDLLACTIVE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 758: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKSTATUSCURRENTSPEED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 759: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKSTATUSBANDWIDTHSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 760: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKSTATUSAUTOBANDWIDTHSTATUS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 761: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKCONTROLRETRAINLINK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 762: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKCONTROLRCB' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 763: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKCONTROLLINKDISABLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 764: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKCONTROLHWAUTOWIDTHDIS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 765: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKCONTROLEXTENDEDSYNC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 766: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKCONTROLCOMMONCLOCK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 767: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKCONTROLCLOCKPMEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 768: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKCONTROLBANDWIDTHINTEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 769: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKCONTROLAUTOBANDWIDTHINTEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 770: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGLINKCONTROLASPMCONTROL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 771: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGINTERRUPTRDYN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 772: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGINTERRUPTMSIXFM' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 773: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGINTERRUPTMSIXENABLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 774: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGINTERRUPTMSIENABLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 775: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGINTERRUPTMMENABLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 776: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGINTERRUPTDO' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 777: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGERRCPLRDYN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 778: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGERRAERHEADERLOGSETN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 779: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVSTATUSURDETECTED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 780: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVSTATUSNONFATALERRDETECTED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 781: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVSTATUSFATALERRDETECTED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 782: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVSTATUSCORRERRDETECTED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 783: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLURERRREPORTINGEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 784: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLPHANTOMEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 785: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLNOSNOOPEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 786: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLNONFATALREPORTINGEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 787: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLMAXREADREQ' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 788: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLMAXPAYLOAD' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 789: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLFATALERRREPORTINGEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 790: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLEXTTAGEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 791: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLENABLERO' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 792: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLCORRERRREPORTINGEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 793: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROLAUXPOWEREN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 794: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROL2TLPPREFIXBLOCK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 795: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROL2LTREN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 796: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROL2IDOREQEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 797: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROL2IDOCPLEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 798: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROL2CPLTIMEOUTVAL' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 799: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROL2CPLTIMEOUTDIS' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 800: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROL2ATOMICREQUESTEREN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 801: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROL2ATOMICEGRESSBLOCK' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 802: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGDEVCONTROL2ARIFORWARDEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 803: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGCOMMANDSERREN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 804: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGCOMMANDMEMENABLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 805: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGCOMMANDIOENABLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 806: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGCOMMANDINTERRUPTDISABLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 807: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGCOMMANDBUSMASTERENABLE' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 808: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGBRIDGESERREN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 809: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGAERROOTERRNONFATALERRREPORTINGEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 810: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGAERROOTERRNONFATALERRRECEIVED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 811: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGAERROOTERRFATALERRREPORTINGEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 812: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGAERROOTERRFATALERRRECEIVED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 813: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGAERROOTERRCORRERRREPORTINGEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 814: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGAERROOTERRCORRERRRECEIVED' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 815: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGAERECRCGENEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 816: Model 'PCIE_2_1_VPR' output port 'CFGAERECRCCHECKEN' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 817: Model 'VCC' output port 'VCC' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 818: Model 'GND' output port 'GND' has no timing specification (no clock specified to create a sequential output port, not combinationally connected to any inputs, not a clock output)
Warning 819: <pb_type> 'empty' timing-annotation/<model> mismatch on port 'D' of model '.latch', port is a sequential input but has neither T_setup nor T_hold specified
Warning 820: <pb_type> 'empty' timing-annotation/<model> mismatch on port 'Q' of model '.latch', port is a sequential output but has neither min nor max T_clock_to_Q specified
# Loading Architecture Description took 1.31 seconds (max_rss 57.8 MiB, delta_rss +52.6 MiB)

Warning 821: Non-zero switch output capacitance (4e-15) has no effect when switch 'buffer' is used for connection block inputs
Timing analysis: ON
Circuit netlist file: Top.net
Circuit placement file: Top.place
Circuit routing file: Top.route
Circuit SDC file: Top.sdc
Vpr floorplanning constraints file: not specified

Analysis: ENABLED

VPR was run with the following options:

NetlistOpts.abosrb_buffer_luts            : true
NetlistOpts.sweep_dangling_primary_ios    : true
NetlistOpts.sweep_dangling_nets           : true
NetlistOpts.sweep_dangling_blocks         : true
NetlistOpts.sweep_constant_primary_outputs: false
NetlistOpts.netlist_verbosity             : 1
NetlistOpts.const_gen_inference           : COMB_SEQ

PackerOpts.allow_unrelated_clustering: auto
PackerOpts.alpha_clustering: 0.750000
PackerOpts.beta_clustering: 0.900000
PackerOpts.cluster_seed_type: BLEND2
PackerOpts.connection_driven: true
PackerOpts.global_clocks: true
PackerOpts.hill_climbing_flag: false
PackerOpts.inter_cluster_net_delay: 1.000000
PackerOpts.timing_driven: true
PackerOpts.target_external_pin_util: auto

PlacerOpts.place_freq: PLACE_ONCE
PlacerOpts.place_algorithm: CRITICALITY_TIMING_PLACE
PlacerOpts.pad_loc_type: FREE
PlacerOpts.constraints_file: No constraints file given
PlacerOpts.place_cost_exp: 1.000000
PlacerOpts.place_chan_width: 500
PlacerOpts.inner_loop_recompute_divider: 0
PlacerOpts.recompute_crit_iter: 1
PlacerOpts.timing_tradeoff: 0.500000
PlacerOpts.td_place_exp_first: 1.000000
PlacerOpts.td_place_exp_last: 8.000000
PlacerOpts.delay_offset: 0.000000
PlacerOpts.delay_ramp_delta_threshold: -1
PlacerOpts.delay_ramp_slope: 0.000000
PlacerOpts.tsu_rel_margin: 1.000000
PlacerOpts.tsu_abs_margin: 0.000000
PlacerOpts.delay_model_reducer: MIN
PlacerOpts.delay_model_type: DELTA
PlacerOpts.rlim_escape_fraction: 0.000000
PlacerOpts.placement_saves_per_temperature: 0
PlacerOpts.effort_scaling: CIRCUIT
PlacerOpts.place_delta_delay_matrix_calculation_method: DIJKSTRA_EXPANSION
PlaceOpts.seed: 0
AnnealSched.type: AUTO_SCHED
AnnealSched.inner_num: 0.500000

RouterOpts.route_type: DETAILED
RouterOpts.router_algorithm: TIMING_DRIVEN
RouterOpts.fixed_channel_width: 500
RouterOpts.check_route: QUICK
RouterOpts.acc_fac: 0.700000
RouterOpts.bb_factor: 10
RouterOpts.bend_cost: 0.000000
RouterOpts.first_iter_pres_fac: 0.000000
RouterOpts.initial_pres_fac: 2.828000
RouterOpts.pres_fac_mult: 1.200000
RouterOpts.max_router_iterations: 500
RouterOpts.min_incremental_reroute_fanout: 16
RouterOpts.do_check_rr_graph: false
RouterOpts.verify_binary_search: false
RouterOpts.min_channel_width_hint: 0
RouterOpts.read_rr_edge_metadata: false
RouterOpts.exit_after_first_routing_iteration: false
RouterOpts.astar_fac: 1.800000
RouterOpts.router_profiler_astar_fac: 1.200000
RouterOpts.criticality_exp: 1.000000
RouterOpts.max_criticality: 0.990000
RouterOpts.init_wirelength_abort_threshold: 0.850000
RouterOpts.save_routing_per_iteration: false
RouterOpts.congested_routing_iteration_threshold_frac: 0.800000
RouterOpts.high_fanout_threshold: -1
RouterOpts.router_debug_net: -2
RouterOpts.router_debug_sink_rr: -2
RouterOpts.router_debug_iteration: -2
RouterOpts.max_convergence_count: 1
RouterOpts.reconvergence_cpd_threshold: 0.990000
RouterOpts.update_lower_bound_delays: true
RouterOpts.incr_reroute_delay_ripup: OFF
RouterOpts.route_bb_update: DYNAMIC
RouterOpts.lookahead_type: EXTENDED_MAP
RouterOpts.initial_timing: LOOKAHEAD
RouterOpts.routing_failure_predictor = OFF
RouterOpts.routing_budgets_algorithm = DISABLE

AnalysisOpts.gen_post_synthesis_netlist: false
AnalysisOpts.timing_report_npaths: 100
AnalysisOpts.timing_report_skew: false
AnalysisOpts.echo_dot_timing_graph_node: -1
AnalysisOpts.timing_report_detail: NETLIST

# Building complex block graph
# Building complex block graph took 0.05 seconds (max_rss 57.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)
# Load circuit
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7181.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7190.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7229.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7233.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7235.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7242.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7251.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7254.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7268.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7270.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7273.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7275.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7282.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7288.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7293.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7307.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7308.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7315.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7318.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7320.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7322.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7363.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7379.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7387.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7450.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7455.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7480.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7485.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7488.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7501.T0'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7514.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7528.T1'
Found constant-zero generator '$abc$7174$auto$blifparse.cc:515:parse_blif$7531.T1'
# Load circuit took 0.06 seconds (max_rss 57.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)
# Clean circuit
Absorbed 3270 LUT buffers
Inferred  130 additional primitive pins as constant generators since they have no combinationally connected inputs
Inferred  180 additional primitive pins as constant generators due to constant inputs
Inferred    0 additional primitive pins as constant generators since they have no combinationally connected inputs
Inferred    0 additional primitive pins as constant generators due to constant inputs
Inferred    0 additional primitive pins as constant generators since they have no combinationally connected inputs
Inferred    0 additional primitive pins as constant generators due to constant inputs
Swept input(s)      : 0
Swept output(s)     : 0 (0 dangling, 0 constant)
Swept net(s)        : 504
Swept block(s)      : 1
Constant Pins Marked: 310
# Clean circuit took 0.02 seconds (max_rss 61.8 MiB, delta_rss +4.0 MiB)
# Compress circuit
# Compress circuit took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 61.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)
# Verify circuit
# Verify circuit took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 61.8 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)
Circuit Statistics:
  Blocks: 1470
    .input         :       3
    .output        :      14
    5-LUT          :     813
    CARRY4_VPR     :     108
    CARRY_COUT_PLUG:      63
    CE_VCC         :     125
    FDCE_ZINI      :     136
    FDPE_ZINI      :      11
    GND            :       1
    IBUF_VPR       :       3
    MMCME2_ADV_VPR :       1
    MUXF6          :     163
    OBUFT_VPR      :      14
    T_INV          :      14
    VCC            :       1
  Nets  : 1742
    Avg Fanout:     2.8
    Max Fanout:   415.0
    Min Fanout:     1.0
  Netlist Clocks: 3
# Build Timing Graph
Warning 822: Inferred implicit clock source $iopadmap$Top.CLK100MHZ.O[0] for netlist clock u_MMCM_25.CLKIN_100MHZ (possibly data used as clock)
Warning 823: Timing edge from $iopadmap$Top.CLK100MHZ.I[0] to $iopadmap$Top.CLK100MHZ.O[0] will not be created since $iopadmap$Top.CLK100MHZ.O[0] has been identified as a clock generator
  Timing Graph Nodes: 6593
  Timing Graph Edges: 10670
  Timing Graph Levels: 72
# Build Timing Graph took 0.01 seconds (max_rss 62.4 MiB, delta_rss +0.3 MiB)
Netlist contains 3 clocks
  Netlist Clock 'u_MMCM_25.CLKIN_100MHZ' Fanout: 1 pins (0.0%), 1 blocks (0.1%)
  Netlist Clock 'u_MMCM_25.FB_O' Fanout: 1 pins (0.0%), 1 blocks (0.1%)
  Netlist Clock 'u_topEntity.CLK_25MHZ' Fanout: 147 pins (2.2%), 147 blocks (10.0%)
# Load Timing Constraints

Applied 1 SDC commands from 'Top.sdc'
Timing constraints created 1 clocks
  Constrained Clock 'u_MMCM_25.CLKIN_100MHZ' Source: '$iopadmap$Top.CLK100MHZ.O[0]'

# Load Timing Constraints took 0.00 seconds (max_rss 62.4 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)
# Load packing
Begin loading packed FPGA netlist file.
Netlist generated from file 'Top.net'.
Detected 127 constant generators (to see names run with higher pack verbosity)
Finished loading packed FPGA netlist file (took 0.213106 seconds).
# Load packing took 0.22 seconds (max_rss 107.4 MiB, delta_rss +45.0 MiB)
Warning 824: Netlist contains 0 global net to non-global architecture pin connections
Warning 825: Logic block #244 ($false) has only 1 output pin '$false.GND[0]'. It may be a constant generator.
Warning 826: Logic block #245 ($true) has only 1 output pin '$true.VCC[0]'. It may be a constant generator.

Netlist num_nets: 1162
Netlist num_blocks: 246
Netlist EMPTY blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-SLICEL blocks: 226.
Netlist BLK-TL-SLICEM blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-BRAM_L blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-IOPAD blocks: 17.
Netlist BLK-TL-IOPAD_M blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-IOPAD_S blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-BUFGCTRL blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-PLLE2_ADV blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-MMCME2_ADV blocks: 1.
Netlist BLK-TL-HCLK_IOI3 blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-GTPE2_COMMON blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-GTPE2_CHANNEL blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-IBUFDS_GTE2 blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-IPAD blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-OPAD blocks: 0.
Netlist BLK-TL-PCIE_2_1 blocks: 0.
Netlist SYN-VCC blocks: 1.
Netlist SYN-GND blocks: 1.
Netlist inputs pins: 3
Netlist output pins: 28

Pb types usage...
  BLK-TL-SLICEL              : 226
   SLICEL0                   : 226
    COMMON_LUT_AND_F78MUX    : 140
     ALUT                    : 113
      A5LUT                  : 207
       lut                   : 207
      F6MUX                  : 89
     BLUT                    : 113
      B5LUT                  : 196
       lut                   : 196
      F6MUX                  : 21
     CLUT                    : 127
      C5LUT                  : 198
       lut                   : 198
      F6MUX                  : 23
     DLUT                    : 125
      D5LUT                  : 212
       lut                   : 212
      F6MUX                  : 30
    COMMON_SLICE             : 217
     CARRY4_VPR              : 108
     CARRY_COUT_PLUG         : 63
     CEUSEDMUX               : 125
      CE_VCC                 : 125
     SLICE_FF                : 147
      FF_FDPE_or_FDCE        : 35
       FDPE                  : 5
       FDCE                  : 30
      REG_FDPE_or_FDCE       : 112
       FDPE                  : 6
       FDCE                  : 106
  BLK-TL-IOPAD               : 17
   IOB33                     : 17
    IOB33_MODES              : 17
     IBUF_VPR                : 3
     inpad                   : 3
     OBUFT_VPR               : 14
     outpad                  : 14
   OLOGICE3                  : 14
    OLOGIC_TFF               : 14
     T_INV                   : 14
  BLK-TL-MMCME2_ADV          : 1
   MMCME2_ADV                : 1
  SYN-VCC                    : 1
   VCC                       : 1
  SYN-GND                    : 1
   GND                       : 1

# Create Device
## Build Device Grid
FPGA sized to 117 x 162: 18954 grid tiles (xc7a50t-test)

Resource usage...
		226	blocks of type: BLK-TL-SLICEL
		2150	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CLBLL_L
		1200	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CLBLL_R
		1800	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CLBLM_L
		3000	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CLBLM_R
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-SLICEM
		1800	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CLBLM_L
		3000	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CLBLM_R
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-BRAM_L
		55	blocks of type: BLK-TL-BRAM_L
		17	blocks of type: BLK-TL-IOPAD
		6	blocks of type: BLK-TL-LIOPAD_SING
		4	blocks of type: BLK-TL-RIOPAD_SING
		72	blocks of type: BLK-TL-LIOPAD_M
		48	blocks of type: BLK-TL-RIOPAD_M
		72	blocks of type: BLK-TL-LIOPAD_S
		48	blocks of type: BLK-TL-RIOPAD_S
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-IOPAD_M
		72	blocks of type: BLK-TL-LIOPAD_M
		48	blocks of type: BLK-TL-RIOPAD_M
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-IOPAD_S
		72	blocks of type: BLK-TL-LIOPAD_S
		48	blocks of type: BLK-TL-RIOPAD_S
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-BUFGCTRL
		16	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CLK_BUFG_BOT_R
		16	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CLK_BUFG_TOP_R
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-PLLE2_ADV
		2	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_UPPER_T
		3	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_R_UPPER_T
		1	blocks of type: BLK-TL-MMCME2_ADV
		2	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_LOWER_B
		3	blocks of type: BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_R_LOWER_B
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-HCLK_IOI3
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-HCLK_IOI3
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTPE2_COMMON
		7	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_COMMON
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTPE2_CHANNEL
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_0
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_1
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_2
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_3
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-IBUFDS_GTE2
		7	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_COMMON
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-IPAD
		7	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_COMMON
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_0
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_1
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_2
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_3
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-OPAD
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_0
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_1
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_2
		5	blocks of type: BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_3
		0	blocks of type: BLK-TL-PCIE_2_1
		1	blocks of type: BLK-TL-PCIE_BOT
		1	blocks of type: SYN-VCC
		1	blocks of type: SYN-VCC
		1	blocks of type: SYN-GND
		1	blocks of type: SYN-GND

Device Utilization: 0.01 (target 1.00)
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-CLBLL_L:
	Block Utilization: 0.11 Logical Block: BLK-TL-SLICEL
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-CLBLL_R:
	Block Utilization: 0.19 Logical Block: BLK-TL-SLICEL
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-CLBLM_L:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-SLICEM
	Block Utilization: 0.13 Logical Block: BLK-TL-SLICEL
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-CLBLM_R:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-SLICEM
	Block Utilization: 0.08 Logical Block: BLK-TL-SLICEL
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-BRAM_L:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-BRAM_L
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-LIOPAD_M:
	Block Utilization: 0.24 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IOPAD
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IOPAD_M
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-LIOPAD_S:
	Block Utilization: 0.24 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IOPAD
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IOPAD_S
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-LIOPAD_SING:
	Block Utilization: 2.83 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IOPAD
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-RIOPAD_M:
	Block Utilization: 0.35 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IOPAD
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IOPAD_M
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-RIOPAD_S:
	Block Utilization: 0.35 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IOPAD
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IOPAD_S
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-RIOPAD_SING:
	Block Utilization: 4.25 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IOPAD
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-CLK_BUFG_BOT_R:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-BUFGCTRL
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-CLK_BUFG_TOP_R:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-BUFGCTRL
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_UPPER_T:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-PLLE2_ADV
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_R_UPPER_T:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-PLLE2_ADV
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_LOWER_B:
	Block Utilization: 0.50 Logical Block: BLK-TL-MMCME2_ADV
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_R_LOWER_B:
	Block Utilization: 0.33 Logical Block: BLK-TL-MMCME2_ADV
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-HCLK_IOI3:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-HCLK_IOI3
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-GTP_COMMON:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IPAD
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-GTPE2_COMMON
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IBUFDS_GTE2
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_0:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-OPAD
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-GTPE2_CHANNEL
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IPAD
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_1:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-OPAD
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-GTPE2_CHANNEL
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IPAD
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_2:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-OPAD
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-GTPE2_CHANNEL
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IPAD
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_3:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-OPAD
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-GTPE2_CHANNEL
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-IPAD
	Physical Tile BLK-TL-PCIE_BOT:
	Block Utilization: 0.00 Logical Block: BLK-TL-PCIE_2_1
	Physical Tile SYN-VCC:
	Block Utilization: 1.00 Logical Block: SYN-VCC
	Physical Tile SYN-GND:
	Block Utilization: 1.00 Logical Block: SYN-GND

## Build Device Grid took 0.05 seconds (max_rss 107.4 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)
## Loading routing resource graph

## Loading routing resource graph took 5.49 seconds (max_rss 3298.9 MiB, delta_rss +3191.5 MiB)
  RR Graph Nodes: 2934684
  RR Graph Edges: 22357697
# Create Device took 6.52 seconds (max_rss 3298.9 MiB, delta_rss +3191.5 MiB)

# Load Placement
Reading Top.place.

Successfully read Top.place.

# Load Placement took 0.01 seconds (max_rss 3298.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)

# Computing src/opin lookahead
Warning 827: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-BRAM_L
Warning 828: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-BRAM_L
Warning 829: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-LIOPAD_M
Warning 830: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-LIOPAD_M
Warning 831: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-LIOPAD_S
Warning 832: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-LIOPAD_S
Warning 833: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-LIOPAD_SING
Warning 834: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-LIOPAD_SING
Warning 835: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-RIOPAD_M
Warning 836: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-RIOPAD_M
Warning 837: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-RIOPAD_S
Warning 838: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-RIOPAD_S
Warning 839: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-RIOPAD_SING
Warning 840: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-RIOPAD_SING
Warning 841: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_UPPER_T
Warning 842: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_UPPER_T
Warning 843: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_R_UPPER_T
Warning 844: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_R_UPPER_T
Warning 845: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_LOWER_B
Warning 846: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_LOWER_B
Warning 847: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_R_LOWER_B
Warning 848: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_R_LOWER_B
Warning 849: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-GTP_COMMON
Warning 850: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-GTP_COMMON
Warning 851: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_0
Warning 852: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_0
Warning 853: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_1
Warning 854: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_1
Warning 855: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_2
Warning 856: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_2
Warning 857: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_3
Warning 858: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_3
Warning 859: Found no more sample locations for SOURCE in BLK-TL-PCIE_BOT
Warning 860: Found no more sample locations for OPIN in BLK-TL-PCIE_BOT
# Computing src/opin lookahead took 0.01 seconds (max_rss 3298.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)
# Computing chan/ipin lookahead
Warning 861: Found no sample locations for EMPTY
Warning 862: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-CLBLL_L
Warning 863: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-CLBLL_R
Warning 864: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-CLBLM_L
Warning 865: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-CLBLM_R
Warning 866: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-BRAM_L
Warning 867: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-LIOPAD_M
Warning 868: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-LIOPAD_S
Warning 869: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-LIOPAD_SING
Warning 870: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-RIOPAD_M
Warning 871: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-RIOPAD_S
Warning 872: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-RIOPAD_SING
Warning 873: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-CLK_BUFG_BOT_R
Warning 874: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-CLK_BUFG_TOP_R
Warning 875: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_UPPER_T
Warning 876: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_R_UPPER_T
Warning 877: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_LOWER_B
Warning 878: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_R_LOWER_B
Warning 879: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-HCLK_IOI3
Warning 880: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-GTP_COMMON
Warning 881: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_0
Warning 882: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_1
Warning 883: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_2
Warning 884: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-GTP_CHANNEL_3
Warning 885: Found no sample locations for BLK-TL-PCIE_BOT
Warning 886: Found no sample locations for SYN-VCC
Warning 887: Found no sample locations for SYN-GND
# Computing chan/ipin lookahead took 0.02 seconds (max_rss 3298.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)
# Routing
  RR Graph Nodes: 2934684
  RR Graph Edges: 22357697
Confirming router algorithm: TIMING_DRIVEN.
## Initializing router criticalities
Warning 888: 5 timing startpoints were not constrained during timing analysis
Warning 889: 482 timing endpoints were not constrained during timing analysis
Initial Net Connection Criticality Histogram:
[        0:      0.1) 3349 (100.0%) |**********************************************
[      0.1:      0.2)    0 (  0.0%) |
[      0.2:      0.3)    0 (  0.0%) |
[      0.3:      0.4)    0 (  0.0%) |
[      0.4:      0.5)    0 (  0.0%) |
[      0.5:      0.6)    0 (  0.0%) |
[      0.6:      0.7)    0 (  0.0%) |
[      0.7:      0.8)    0 (  0.0%) |
[      0.8:      0.9)    0 (  0.0%) |
[      0.9:        1)    0 (  0.0%) |
## Initializing router criticalities took 0.02 seconds (max_rss 3298.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)
---- ------ ------- ---- ------- ------- ------- ----------------- --------------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
Iter   Time    pres  BBs    Heap  Re-Rtd  Re-Rtd Overused RR Nodes      Wirelength      CPD       sTNS       sWNS       hTNS       hWNS Est Succ
      (sec)     fac Updt    push    Nets   Conns                                       (ns)       (ns)       (ns)       (ns)       (ns)     Iter
---- ------ ------- ---- ------- ------- ------- ----------------- --------------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
Warning 890: No routing path for connection to sink_rr 382786, retrying with full device bounding box
Cannot route from BLK-TL-CMT_TOP_L_LOWER_B[0].CMT_LR_LOWER_B_MMCM_CLKOUT0[0] (RR node: 1488269 type: SOURCE location: (107,97) class: 65 capacity: 1 fan-in: 0 fan-out: 1) to BLK-TL-CLBLL_R[0].CLBLL_LL_CLK[0] (RR node: 382786 type: SINK location: (47,40) class: 44 capacity: 1 fan-in: 1 fan-out: 0) -- no possible path
Failed to route connection from 'u_MMCM_25.mmcm' to '$auto$alumacc.cc:485:replace_alu$2451.genblk1.slice[0].genblk1.carry4' for net 'u_topEntity.CLK_25MHZ' (#3)
Routing failed for net 3
# Routing took 12.50 seconds (max_rss 3298.9 MiB, delta_rss +0.0 MiB)
Circuit is unroutable with a channel width factor of 500.
For a detailed report on the RR node overuse information (report_overused_nodes.rpt), specify --generate_rr_node_overuse_report on.
Incr Slack updates 1 in 0.00023297 sec
Full Max Req/Worst Slack updates 1 in 1.3359e-05 sec
Incr Max Req/Worst Slack updates 0 in 0 sec
Incr Criticality updates 0 in 0 sec
Full Criticality updates 1 in 0.000275364 sec
VPR failed to implement circuit
The entire flow of VPR took 20.92 seconds (max_rss 3298.9 MiB)

gergoerdi avatar Oct 10 '21 09:10 gergoerdi

Because I am not sure what are the relevant inputs, I have put the whole project on Github at https://github.com/gergoerdi/vtr-verilog-to-routing-issue-570. It is basically a subdir from symbiflow-examples, just with the actual HDL sources replaced with my circuit.

gergoerdi avatar Oct 10 '21 10:10 gergoerdi

The version of Symbiflow I am using is from https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples version 07a6353627e0b6083728d1022ce30f9093d4c2de

gergoerdi avatar Oct 10 '21 10:10 gergoerdi

Hi @gergoerdi, inserting a BUFG at the 25MHZ clock should solve the problem. e.g.:

   MMCM_25 u_MMCM_25

   wire CLK_25MHZ_BUFG;

   topEntity u_topEntity

acomodi avatar Oct 11 '21 07:10 acomodi

Indeed, adding a BUFG solves this!

Does this make this a PEBKAC and I should close the ticket, or is it still a valid issue that it didn't work without the BUFG (it did on Vivado...) and I should leave it open?

gergoerdi avatar Oct 11 '21 11:10 gergoerdi

I think that we may leave this open and close it until whichever one of the following is done:

  • enable automatic yosys inference of clock buffers (currently disabled here https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs/blob/c2c0f00960baf538eb31e4c42bf5d09dca87bad7/xc/xc7/yosys/synth.tcl#L43)
  • adding a section in the documentation explaining that clock buffers needs to be explicitly instantiated (unless the previous one gets done first)
FOSS architecture definitions of FPGA hardware useful for doing PnR device generation. - symbiflow-arch-defs/synth.tcl at c2c0f00960baf538eb31e4c42bf5d09dca87bad7 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs

acomodi avatar Oct 11 '21 11:10 acomodi