Answering to myself It's a normal behavior In source code : ColumnFilter.class private boolean isBasicFilter() { return values.size() **== 1** && !addNullCase && !isBooleanComparison; }
Hi all Same need as @vpavic . It seems to be a long time there is no evolutions about this feature which seems to be a mandatory feature. Can you...
Thanks for this fork (2.5) I am stuck on compute engine when i try to use it ``` Linux compute-i2 3.10.0-1160.49.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 30 15:51:32 UTC 2021 x86_64...
@edihasaj Thanks for the fix , i will do the same.
@talbiislam96 I just met the same issue today My fix was to add the client Secret `var client = new Client(issuer, clientId, clientSecret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); ` Can you have a try...
Hi Any nes on this issue ?