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C++20 compile-time reflection library.
miroir is a C++20 compile-time reflection library. It demonstrates how one can achieve simple reflection with some template tricks.
Important Notes !!!
This library has never been tested on real-world big projects so I have absolutely no idea how it performs in those situations. If you have some metrics, feel free to open an issue to submit it.
Generating type information:
#include <miroir.hpp>
struct point2d
float x;
float y;
void add_x(float x);
void add_y(float y);
using type_info = miroir::type_info_builder<point2d>
::add_field<&point2d::x, "x">
::add_field<&point2d::y, "y">
::add_method<&point2d::add_x, "add_x">
::add_method<&point2d::add_y, "add_y">
Fetching a field/method from a type:
#include <miroir.hpp>
int main()
// Fetching field information.
using x_field_info = miroir::get_field_info<point2d, "x">;
using y_field_info = miroir::get_field_info<point2d, "y">;
// Fetching method information.
using add_x_info = miroir::get_method_info<point2d, "add_x">;
point2d p{10, 2};
// Sets `x` member of `p` to 5.
x_field_info::set(p, 5);
// Sets `y` member of `p` to `x`.
y_field_info::set(p, x_field_info::get(p));
add_x_info::invoke(p, 2.5);
Iterating over every field/method from a type:
miroir::for_each_field<T>([]<typename FieldInfo>
The examples folder is also available to show some use-cases.